(Found) Japanese Killer Zombies


Sep 4, 2018
Hi Everyone,

This was (yet another) book I started many years ago but did not finish. It was a sci-fi/horror and it involved the concept of Japanese zombie killer ninja soldiers. They were men who volunteered for the task as I think it was a great honour to be chosen. I'm sure it was some kind of magical process that involved them being tortured with extreme physical pain (a bit too graphic to go into detail here) until they became unstoppable killers, like a Terminator, with no mind of their own, only the desire to complete their assassination mission. They are known about in legend, but then one is created and released in modern day America and the hunt is on for the creature and it's creator.

I always thought the zombie creature, and the book, were both called "Tenchu", but online searches only ever bring up hits on the, albeit quite superb, ninja-based stealth video game.

Any help would be greatly appreciated !

Concept wise it almost sounds like the 1977 film Shockwaves . But the case this film the bad guys are zombie Nazis :)
This is not the book you're looking for but one that I would suggest to you is The Cybernetic Samurai by Victor Milan It has an interesting story concept. :)
The movie "The Beast Master" had a group of super soldiers. They weren't zombies, but were tortured to become "berzerkers--" almost unstoppable warriors.

This is Graham Masterton’s Tengu (1983).

From Goodreads: “Our main protagonist, Jerry, is a retired Navy intelligence officer living in LA, but it takes awhile before he enters the scene. First, we are introduced to a host of characters, from a TV starlet, a shady import/export guy, some LAPD detectives among others. This starts off with a grizzly bang when the starlet is literally torn into shreds by some strange guy, who we quickly find out is a Tengu-- a Japanese evil demon. Something like Japanese zombies, the Tengu are pretty hard to bring down.”

This is Graham Masterton’s Tengu (1983).

From Goodreads: “Our main protagonist, Jerry, is a retired Navy intelligence officer living in LA, but it takes awhile before he enters the scene. First, we are introduced to a host of characters, from a TV starlet, a shady import/export guy, some LAPD detectives among others. This starts off with a grizzly bang when the starlet is literally torn into shreds by some strange guy, who we quickly find out is a Tengu-- a Japanese evil demon. Something like Japanese zombies, the Tengu are pretty hard to bring down.”

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ive not read this one ut ive several of his books . He quite good

The Manitou by him is excellent , he a lso did serval sequels to this one.
The Wells of Hell.
This is Graham Masterton’s Tengu (1983).

From Goodreads: “Our main protagonist, Jerry, is a retired Navy intelligence officer living in LA, but it takes awhile before he enters the scene. First, we are introduced to a host of characters, from a TV starlet, a shady import/export guy, some LAPD detectives among others. This starts off with a grizzly bang when the starlet is literally torn into shreds by some strange guy, who we quickly find out is a Tengu-- a Japanese evil demon. Something like Japanese zombies, the Tengu are pretty hard to bring down.”

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That's it !!!! You absolute star !!! Tengu !!!!! For years I thought the title was "Tenchu". Thanks so much for finding this !!! I shall look it up and maybe finally finish it all these years later.
ive not read this one ut ive several of his books . He quite good

The Manitou by him is excellent , he a lso did serval sequels to this one.
The Wells of Hell.
The Manitou ! I remember that book, another one that I started many years ago but did not finish. I am sorely tempted to give it another go, but it would explain how I came across Tengu, if it was by the same author.
The Manitou ! I remember that book, another one that I started many years ago but did not finish. I am sorely tempted to give it another go, but it would explain how I came across Tengu, if it was by the same author.

The Nanitou was made into a not very good film staring Tony Curtis and Michael Ansara in 1978 They dumbed it down and changed alot things and it looked cheap .
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