Fallout TV series (2024)

...and made a TV show to make fun of the game.

That's why the show's incredibly surreal, with characters looking like those from Toy Story, Sims, and Saturday Night Live, and that includes Lucy's brother and cousin, the council members, the cowboys who resurrect the ghoul, and more.

Even the way it's made looks trite, with the slow-mo gore combined with 1950s music, and weird conversations about sex amidst elevator music.
Well if you play the game with the radio on you get the 50s music and when you use the V.A.T.S. System in combat it slows down to slow-mo gore and all, so it wasn't really unexpected.
I played the game years ago even tho I gave up on it (the idea of crafting and laying foundations inherent in the game are unpleasing to me) Watching this may make me play it again.

FYI. you can go an entire play through without crafting or building at any settlement. The main advantage of settlements is as a place to store your stuff. But if you are not playing on Survival then simply pick any settlement and have that be home base for your followers and your unique weapons and armor so you know where to find them.
Also, you can overload your followers. Once they are full of stuff you can ask them to pick things up and they will regardless of carrying capacity.
Also, also, if you are aligned with BoS you can overload yourself, use a smoke grenade to call for a Vertibird and get a ride anywhere (like fast travel) even though you are overloaded. Actually this is great fun and worth doing even if you are not overloaded.
Well if you play the game with the radio on you get the 50s music and when you use the V.A.T.S. System in combat it slows down to slow-mo gore and all, so it wasn't really unexpected.

There's an interesting video partly about that, and it explains how the music was done organically for earlier games:

As for slow-mo gore, I always thought that one made movies and TV shows based on games rather than make them look like the latter. Otherwise, one ends up with movies like Doom.
I think they were also unintentionally trying to make a comedy, e.g., Maximus and the chicken farmer.
As someone who has never played Fallout, I found overall this was a reasonably enjoyable series. The main problems I had with it involved some of the graphic gore in episode 2 and the finger cutting in episode 3, which I felt were pushing boundaries without enough justification, especially as the latter saw the female lead as very passive for quite some time. And I really didn't like the Ghoul character at all until the last few minutes of the last episode when his motivation was finally revealed. The show has gritty and tense moments, and a lot of dark humour that makes it almost Pythonesque. Certainly the rest of my family, who have played Fallout a lot, really really enjoyed it a lot more and loved the references. :)
Warning: NSFW, like the TV show. Reviews each episode.

I watched the first episode of this and it didn't quite work for me. The lead two actors are very good, but the story didn't seem to blend the bleakness and comedy of the game very well. It might just work better as a game.
I watched the first episode of this and it didn't quite work for me. The lead two actors are very good, but the story didn't seem to blend the bleakness and comedy of the game very well. It might just work better as a game.
Are you going to persevere? I just loved it and felt that sense of loss when I had finished it.
My wife and I just started the series. We finished Episode 4 last night. Unlike me, my wife is not a gamer and knew nothing of Fallout before we started, but she's enjoying it. I'm a casual fan of the games, and I feel like they captured the world and the feel pretty well. The story is a little predictable and middling, but the humor helps carry it for me.

I do think you get more out of it if you're familiar with the games, as there have been some little moments or things in the background I've spotted and gotten a chuckle out of that my wife didn't, but I feel like that's true of any adaptation.

Overall I give it a solid 7/10 so far. The production values are great, the leads are good in their roles, and I have fun being in the Wasteland. I'm looking forward to finishing the series and (at least for now) I hope there's more to come.
I saw three episodes last night and found it quite enjoyable. I only ever played 12 hours of Fallout 3, so i never really got into the game and i'm sure there are many nods to the game that i'm missing. I enjoy the post apocalyptic world, which seems very detailed and true to the game.

I must confess that i'm not overly enjoying the comic relief in the Maximus storyline. It's funny, but its too much

I'll watch a couple more episodes tonight.
I finished Fallout. It was okay, but i feel somewhat underwhelmed. I will watch a second series, though.

Walton Goggins was his usual excellent self.

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