I designed circuit boards in the 1980s, unfortunately that technology is likely obsolete. To focus the query a little, what is the projected timeframe for these electronics, past, present, or projected future?
The trend in electronics is to integrate as much as possible onto a custom or semi-custom IC as opposed to linking standard ICs via a circuit board. ICs require a mechanical connection to a circuit board and these junctions are sensitive to flexing, vibration, and thermal expansion.
Sensors are typically mechanical in nature and require a wired connection to the remainder of the electronics. Mechanical devices and physical connections have a higher likelihood of failure than IC substrates. I think it would be feasible to project migration of some mechanical sensors into IC substrate alternatives.
Pressure sensors could be integrated into circuits by having substrates compressed, resulting in changes in resistance and capacitance. Thermal expansion could also be be measured in this way. In space, however, bleeding heat may be a problem and it may require separating the sensor from the remainder of the circuitry via wiring so that the ambient temperature changes are not masked. I do not know, but I would presume local gas analysis would need to rely on a chemical reaction and a different one for each gas of interest. Electrical changes due to reactions in different parts of the sensor. The sensor would decay over time and become less and less sensitive. For remote gas detection, I believe spectral analysis would be used and I really cannot speak to that.
I'm sort of throwing ideas at the wall. Am I getting near the areas of interest?