The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter 2 - The Tribes of Tatooine


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

Boba Fett faces new challengers on Tatooine.

The running time is around 53 minutes.
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That's an incredible artwork. Evil Chewie?? Loading the episode now.

I like to think in an alternate universe he's known as Robert Fettuccine and is the head chef of the Cantina living a more peaceful life.
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So we have a first new reference that doesn't an entry in the Wookiepedia in form of Order of the Night Wing, a clan of assassins. Seeing how well trained and somewhat equipped the assassin were I agree that they must be expensive as 8D8 stated. Although his database might need some adjustments for trying to claim that the guy wouldn't talk, when he did in Huttese.

The thing that the guy failed was doing his homework as he should have known that Master Skywalker slaughtered Jabba's Rancor. Everyone speaks if they have tongue, but he just blurted out the Mayor as if he was ****ting his pants for fear of getting eaten alive.


It's good to see that Mos Espa is getting larger than what it ever were even though in time wise it has not had much of it for getting a metropolis that we'll see in the series. It's more incredible that almost everyone walks and the vehicles are only reserves for a long range transportation.

If you look closely that same thing applies to many planets, all over the galaxy. Only few places have actual vehicles for doing every day commutes. But the Mayor not being Hutt I felt dubious. It just looked that Mok Shaiz was an actor in the place of the real one, a Hutt, even if he looks ancient.

It just he played the role supremely well for not taking Mr Fett as a bossman. He most certainly isn't a Hutt, but he is starting to play the game as if he is one. In other words he has a long way to go before he's a Capo di Tuti or the Daimyo of Tatooine.

Mayor's tribute was words that Mr Fett should take to his heart, "Running a family is harder than bounty hunting."


The challenge, The Twins. The rumours about Hutt's getting wiped out is ridiculous. They are the real bosses and have been so for a long time. But as I said, Mr Fett is learning the game very fast and it is bold to say on street, with everyone hearing that the Twins can go back as Boba sticks to his claim.

Is it possible that we'll see a war between Fett and the Hutt's? They most certainly weren't giving up on cousin's planet so easily. The problem for us viewers is that we only know Tatooine from the Hutt space and the rest is in the dark, so it's hard for us to determine if Tatooine is a backwaters or a real gem in the Hutt space.

But in regards of the Twins, Fennec said, "We would have to get a permission to get them killed," which in turn suggests that what Mr Fett has now is really not much at all and the real treasures are elsewhere in the Hutt space.


Bikers, wearing colours, incredible. It makes sense that they'd be there, even if the planet isn't made for the roads. It's just where they go, they only need hover-bikes. I think this is a first reference on them being real, but not being a major player in the Criminal Underworld, unlike in our world.

I wonder if we'll also get to see the extreme version of the gangs in the form of the cartels and pistoleros. I love the way Boba entered the bar in nowhere. It reminded me about the Terminator, while the training in the camp brought up the Dune. And just like the Terminator he weren't giving any sh*t about being one man against many.

What he didn't do was to ask them to strip. I most certainly would have loved seeing him sporting with the colours, towing the fleet of bikes behind his chosen one. In a way it would have looked more proper than him wearing the torn overall.

Tusken's however didn't take his gift kindly as they started banging the infernal machines as if they if the Bantha are the only way and becoming a biker clan isn't in the plan, even though they are called Tusken Raiders. They most certainly aren't easy raiders. :giggle: Not talking about the Hell Angels or the Banditos, even if they have the potential.


The Raid of the Train. It was incredible, full of tension for knowing how bad fighters Tusken's have been in the previous encounters, but this one showed that Boba had a plan and an incredible head for making it.

It turned me to a believer that maybe he'll might make it in Jabba's palace and be the boss for the clans. He most certainly ain't Tony Soprano or Mr Corleone as he likes to be at the front line, doing the action and not sitting at the back, enjoying the rewards. The one thing is certain it is rare to see a strategist, tactician and an action man all in same packet, but that's what we get in Boba Fett.

I loved the engineer. Its actions were real and calculated. And it survived the whole ordeal!


Tatooine once had oceans and Tusken Raiders are truly its natives. What an incredible detail! The tribes did hide when the oceans dried, and then the offworlders came with their machines!

It is no longer a wonder for why Tuskens are bad with everything and it's even more incredible to know that Anakin went to slaughter natives when he turned bad. He did not understood anything about his home planet or then he did and he was okay with all genocide that the came with the Emperor's deal.

As a reward for Boba's action, he got the robes, the stick and the little lizard as a Force reference to live inside his head, and a sprinkle of Dust. But having that parasitic lizard doesn't make him a Force user. The lizard might be one, but he most certainly ain't even if he saw a Force vision and couldn't really understand what it meant.


I really liked this episode, it's up there with the Mandalorian best ones.

The Book of Boba Fett Episode 2 saw the tension on Tattooine grow thicker, as various factions of Star Wars Underworld react to Boba Fett and Fennec Shand's new claim on Jabba The Hutt's Empire. Boba was greeted by some new foes (The Hutt Twins) who came to lay their own claim to Jabba's thorne. The Hutt Twins came with some serious muscle in tow – their own black-furred Wookiee "gladiator" (as Boba Fett refers to him), and it is indeed a milestone moment in Star Wars.

Who is that black Wookiee in The Book of Boba Fett Episode 2? He has a name, and it is Black Krrsantan!
Krrsantan is a disgraced Wookiee who fled his home planet of Kashyyyk; his violent ways led him to volunteer for cybernetic enhancement and brutal training as a "gladiator" fighter by the infamous Xonti Brothers. After surviving his training, Krrsantan became one of the galaxy's most feared and infamous bounty hunters, often working alongside (or against) Jabba the Hutt, Han Solo, and Boba Fett.
Ah, this is the sorta story I hoped for that was missing from the first episode: the dive into cultures, the exploration deeper into the disputes and clans on Tatooine. Even the dance at the end brought more life into the show than the first episode achieved, so it was very well written and executed; I've no doubt TM came up with the idea for the tribal dance.

Great review above also!
I didn't think much of last week's opening episode, but this...
I really liked this episode, it's up there with the Mandalorian best ones.
Agreed, I'd say it was even better.

I realise that Tatooine has leant heavily on Dune, but now with all the detail, it is so much more than a rip-off.
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This does sound interesting. I take it these and the Mandalorian are exclusively on the Disney Channel?
This does sound interesting. I take it these and the Mandalorian are exclusively on the Disney Channel?
Yeah, they are and I doubt they will ever appear in any other TV serving platform. You can get them on hard medium in form of DVDs and BRs. I rather pay for it than pay for AMZ for their Prime TV which I never watch.
I'm waiting for the BR's to be released.

I've seen series one of The Mandalorian and enjoyed it very much. Very much a return to the Star Wars of my youth. I'm dying to see series two and TBOBF.

I wonder whether Disney has any plans for stories set within the Prequel era or whether they'll retcon them altogether.
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I wonder whether Disney has any plans for stories set within the Prequel era or whether they'll retcon them altogether.
The only thing that reaches the original trilogy is Obi-wan's limited series. It goes all the way back to the old Republic days as far as I understand ... probably in his flash-backs. This era that they're currently exploring is more understood than what happened before. The upcoming Ashoka live action series with Grand Admiral Thrawn might also talk about things, but we'll have to see and be happy with what we got now.
The second episode is definitely better (although the fact that desert people turned into teddy bears disappointed me).
The acting is still on the Agents of Shield level - but the makeup and the world created are great. Each episode of Bob and Mando is better than the last 3 cinema films put together
Disney is not being stingy with the CGI budget here.
The train and the droid engineer were amazing. The whole idea that Tatooine bars would be beset by biker gangs was hilarious.
I'm enjoying the exploration of Tusken Raider society. Until this series, I thought that the Sand People were just primitive and seriously angry natives.
Let's have a moment of silence in memory of the fallen Banthas.
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Indeed, so many of them have fallen, but we also saw a heard of them.
As slow-moving as they are and with so many ravenous monsters lurking beneath the Tatooine sands, I would expect Banthas to at least be on the planetary endangered species list. They do, however, seem to provide excellent cover at the earliest moment of a firefight. ;)
I've not seen it, but could this so called "Book of Boba Fett" turn inti some kind of religious tome for the Sand People?
No, I don't it's going to be nothing more than Disney's clever wording as they are going by chapters, as if they've meaning.
As slow-moving as they are and with so many ravenous monsters lurking beneath the Tatooine sands, I would expect Banthas to at least be on the planetary endangered species list. They do, however, seem to provide excellent cover at the earliest moment of a firefight.
It reminded me so much about the westerns, people shooting buffalos from a train, indians on the plains and how the new comers were mistreating them. It's all in this episode.
