NaNoWriMo 2020


Getting away with it
Sep 23, 2006
The edge of the world. Yes, really.
Who's doing it this year?

It looks like the website is down, but that doesn't stop anyone trying to write.

I'm going a bit mad, and if I don't write down the madness I'll spend all of November just doodling a monster.

For new folks, here are some previous NaNoWriMo discussions
I'm definitely going to try it this year; not because I expect to produce anything amazing but because to me it feels like the point of NaNoWriMo is to get yourself in the mindset of "just sit down and write something, it's not going to be perfect the first time 'round," and making a habit of writing something every day. There are a lot of days where I sit down to write and I bury myself under expectations until I only get a few words out, so I definitely feel I need to train myself to write without expectations.
I've done more years than I haven't since 2009 - this year I have to finish my story by the end of the month. I'm rebelling in that I have already started it.
I've decided to experiment with random placing of words on pages. So far I have only written eighteen words, on eighteen different pages, and they all start with Z. This is my ridiculous plan.

Today's words will all start with Z, then tomorrow's will all start with Y, and so on backwards through the alphabet one letter per day until on the final day most of the book will have been filled and I can easily plug spaces with an inane series of And, Also, Anyway, Actually, As, Are, & of course Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh.

If any of it ends up making any sense, then woo and indeed hoo.
Is the website working? It won't let me log in. Here's a screenshot. You can see a box for typing but I can't type in it.

I am doing NaNoWriMo this year! I've been writing novels for about 15 years, all the way back to 2005, but I haven't had the time or energy to actually do NaNoWriMo before. Life, jobs, and everything always got in the way. This year, that won't be a problem, and I am very excited to participate.

Partway through October, I finished a 173k word novel. I don't think my NaNoWriMo novel will be that long, but I haven't really planned that far ahead! Good luck to us all :)
Tried in the past but day job workload prevents any meaningful attempts a maintaining a consistent night job workload.
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