Need Help With Military Ranking System

It's all good. I was just trying to point out that there is nothing natural about the common military rank structure - it is actually pretty weird - especially in egalitarian societies.

I'm sure that the OP has some much larger fish to fry before this stuff matters. It's just interesting to talk about. :)
You are absolutely right that it is weird; military tradition is a strong force in nearly every military, so weirdness is often preserved. USMC dress uniforms still include sabers, for example. But this is what gives them inspiration and a connection to their past, a "brotherhood through the ages", as they often say.

And, I am sure you are right that the OP has bigger worries than this. I am a bit obsessive in my world building; I spent 8 years developing my universe before I made a single character, so I tend to overengineer things. But, if the military aspect is going to be a significant focus, it may be worth expanding the backstory (assuming he/she hasn't already). But, if they aren't a major part, then I wouldn't worry about it, and I would just throw in some ranks and move on with life.

Really, it all depends on what the OP wants to do with the story.
OK, so for a bit of context, I haven't fully decided on ancient humanity's culture or other things other than that they are a warrior race who are advanced, say Type 2.5 civilisation on the technology scale (For reference and understanding), see:

Kardashev scale - Wikipedia

There is another alien race which is a Type 3 civilization, called the Arkitects (this is a human equivalent in English to their actual name which is not specified), the are like a parent species who live by a code that considering that they are the most advanced, they have a duty to protect the rest of the galaxy.
The main villain of my saga/franchise is a being called Xanos (or if translated into English, it translates as Khaos), it is the entity of the void. It came before the big bang in the vast void that was not "empty" as a void might be thought of as, but rather a space of matter which constantly changes is structure, like waves. Its a space where this don't exist as a solid, definite structure for more than a nano second. Xanos plans to return or revert the entirety of creation back to the void from whence it came. Does that help with understanding why I want a total event collapse device or means to do so? I like the idea of machines but I was going along the lines of more mythos/universal creation myths for inspiration for my "big bad" so to speak. What do you think?

P.S. The reason why I have not specified Xanos' sex is because the being is a personification of an abstraction. Simply put it is neither male or female (however, its physical manifestation takes on a more male physique).
Ok, warrior race... that implies that there is little, if any, distinction between military and civilian personnel, and whatever distinctions exist relate to civilians not fighting, though they support the military from the back lines. Also, it implies that martial prowess is valued as a character quality by society as a whole, possibly above all others.

How do they fight against Xanos? Ships? Weaponized planets? Astral projection? Is combat primarily an individual effort (say, they pilot a stellar powered mech), or team effort (crew of a spaceship)? If combat is the former, you will want rank names which reflect direct action and, presumably, skill (think Hunter Superior, letter ranking, etc.). If it is more of the latter, the ranks will need to reflect more of a command hierarchy rather than necessarily skill (so, Captain, Commander, etc.). And, how they fight may have an influence on the ranking structure (ships likely have someone who is in charge of the entire ship and someone over a formation of ships, so captains and admirals are likely to appear, while a weaponized planet may have a governor in charge, and Astral projection may focus on their empath abilities).

Of course, you are under no obligation to disclose this information; I am happy to help you put things together, but I am also happy just giving you some food for thought on the matter so you can develop it yourself. Again this is your work, so do with it as you please.
OK, so in order of your last reply, it is as follows:
1.There is some distinction, the military and civilian societies are separate but the warrior idea is runs deep within both social structures. Martial prowess is valued by society but their government is a military democracy, as in its ruling faction is the military but its democratic.

2. They have spaceships and its a team effort so it would be a command hierarchy.
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I have a suggestion for a science fiction unit and rank structure.
Science-fiction battle units
These battle units are loosely based on an ancient Roman ideal:
Unit size and strength
The smallest group is called a ‘Unit’. It comprises 6 troopers who have undergone basic battle training and are trained battlefield medics. There is also a unit ‘Second’ and a unit ‘First’ who are the unit’s second and first in command respectively. The ‘First’ and ‘Second’ are seasoned professional soldiers with leadership experience. Each ‘unit’ is designated a number from 1 to 6 with the troops in the Unit 1 being the most experienced. In addition to the 6 units of infantry there is a specialised ‘Mech’ unit comprising two heavily armoured shock troops in Battle Suits. 6 units of infantry and 1 unit of mechanised infantry comprise a larger unit called a ‘Cadre’. Each Cadre has a ‘Troop Master’ and his second-in-command the ‘Optio’ or ‘Chosen Man’.
In a Cadre there are: 36 troopers, 6 Firsts, 6 Seconds, 2 Mechs, 1 Troop Master and 1 Optio – a total of 52 fighting men.
‘Cadre’ unit
A Cadre comprises 6 infantry units and a Mech unit. Each Cadre is designated a letter (perhaps NATO phonetic or Greek alphabet). It comprises a total of 520 fighting men (10 x units of 52)
There are 10 Cadres (designated Alpha to Juliet) to a ‘Battle Group’. Each Battle Group is designated a star name as seen from Sol 3 (Earth). An individual can be identified by first his ‘Unit’, his ‘Cadre’ and by his ‘Battle Group’ For example: Trooper Smith, Unit 4 Bravo Vega, or Trooper Jones, Mech Delta Deneb.
Overall Command
A Battle Group Commander is called the Prime and his Second-in-Command perhaps known as ‘Prefect’ or ‘Sub-Prime????’
Call Signs
Within a closed Battle Group comms loop, call signs would be quite specific even with a fighting group of 5200 men. For example: Call sign 1 Alpha Deneb refers to the 1st unit of Cadre Alpha of the Deneb Battle Group and can be effectively narrowed down to 8 men within that specific Battle Group.

Total numbers

There are 10 Cadres in a Battle Group (10 x Cadres of 520). In a Battle Group there are 3,600 troopers, 600 Firsts, 600 Seconds, 100 Troop Masters, 100 Optios, 200 Mechs. This is a fighting force of 5200 men plus a Prime and a Prefect.
Reinforcements and other troops
The Romans had detached bodies of men who were moved to regions or legions where they were needed. They were known as ‘Vexillations’. Perhaps detachments could be used to make up shortfalls due to casualties etc. They could be designated by the unit they are attached to or have replaced. For example, ‘Trooper Smith, Vexillation Unit 4 Echo Arcturus’
Auxilliaries in the Roman army were not citizens of Rome. Perhaps non-earth races could be represented by designations such as Trooper Dax, Auxilliary Unit 2 Beta Deneb.

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