If You Could Do a Star Trek Series what Would it be About?


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
What kind of a series would create ? :)

Thoughts? :)
I'd like to see a series (or mini-series) that depicts a crew of a starship who must abandon their ship in (mostly) unknown space, and must struggle to get back to their own space. I'm not talking a Voyager, or even a trip through the Portal, but a ship, perhaps about to blow, and all/most hands escape in pods.

The crew must find safe haven - perhaps a planet not high on technology, but which is visited/used by those that are. There's no group like Starfleet that would be sympathetic to their plight, but perhaps little by little, they might make their way closer to home, or develop/find the means to do so.

And no, "when", in relation to other series, doesn't really matter.
A series on a traveling repair man (with his alien friend or robot) who fixes civilian grade transporters (always have a good supply of Heisenberg compensators on hand) and replicators and other ST technology.
I have several concepts in mind

The first one is set in the Kelvin timeline Constellation , Theses are the voyages of Captain Matthew Decker. In this timeline Decker defeats the planetkKiller without losing his ship or crew.
New worlds? New civilisations? Somewhere that man (or Star Trek) hasn't gone before.

Among my ideas - already in some long forgotten thread here - were to:
  1. give Captain Braxton and his timeship, the USS Relativity, their own show.
  2. have a Klingon Empire Warbird and to see everything from a Klingon perspective.
  3. have several mini-series with more exposition of different key historical events.
A series on a traveling repair man (with his alien friend or robot) who fixes civilian grade transporters (always have a good supply of Heisenberg compensators on hand) and replicators and other ST technology.
Would that be like the Babylon Five episode A View from the Gallery with the two maintenance men. Would this also be a comedy? IMHO Star Trek hasn't really done comedy very well. There was Neelix, but less said there, the better. :eek: DS9's Little Green Men was excellent and easily the best of the Ferengi comedy episodes. I liked the Ferengi though I know many people hated them.
How about The Man from Section 31, or DTI: Yesterday
Cop shows in space are few and far between, but I liked Star Cops. Space Precinct was less good. My problem with Section 31 was always that it was totally against Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek ideals. It works in secret, tells lies and makes underhand deals. CSI: Mars and CSI: Alpha Centauri sound like better ideas. CSI: Rigel or Rigel Five O might work best of all.
What kind of a series would create ? :)

Thoughts? :)

I have always been a sucker for the temporal cold war, but then maybe that's just my obsession with time travel talking. I know many star trek fans would say star trek isn't about time travel. Despite it being a main staple in multiple episode arcs and movies.
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I know this probably speaks a lot for my own tastes but I would like:

To see the federation moving up the Kardashev scale and the whole scope extending to intergalactic as opposed to interstellar. This would need to be some undisclosed time in the Federtaion future timeline - I would argue a few thousand years (a bigger timejump than any we have seen so far.)

Introduction of new species - lower level but interesting lifeforms, sort of like Horta - push the boundaries.

Introduction of a new Galactic scale species - something non humanoid and completely alien, maybe like the crystal entity.

If we see Q, it's either John De Lancey or else its a P and not quite a Q. Only John De Lancie carries the requisite wit and sarcasm.
I know this probably speaks a lot for my own tastes but I would like:

To see the federation moving up the Kardashev scale and the whole scope extending to intergalactic as opposed to interstellar. This would need to be some undisclosed time in the Federtaion future timeline - I would argue a few thousand years (a bigger timejump than any we have seen so far.)

Introduction of new species - lower level but interesting lifeforms, sort of like Horta - push the boundaries.

Introduction of a new Galactic scale species - something non humanoid and completely alien, maybe like the crystal entity.

If we see Q, it's either John De Lancey or else its a P and not quite a Q. Only John De Lancie carries the requisite wit and sarcasm.

Since the star trek rights are tied up between paramount and CBS studios, something that creatively amazing will unfortunately never see the light of day. However, I am sure some other sci-fi property could do something similar in the not too distant future. I mean they have a lot of trouble with this new reboot TV series that has nothing to do with a future timeline.

Agree with John De Lancie, no one could play Q and unfortunately he has been sort of typecast for me due to that role.
Star Trek The Borg Wars. Who wouldn't have wanted to see this this one. :cool:
Star Trek The Borg Wars. Who wouldn't have wanted to see this this one. :cool:
I still hate what they did with the Borg. They were a truly invincible enemy, who should have assimilated the Federation and Earth with ease. They were slowly watered down successively until they eventually became the equivalent of house-trained pets. Really, how could USS Voyager ever hope to sail right through Borg space? So, which kind of Borg would appear in The Borg Wars? Best of Both Worlds Borg or Endgame Borg?
I still hate what they did with the Borg. They were a truly invincible enemy, who should have assimilated the Federation and Earth with ease. They were slowly watered down successively until they eventually became the equivalent of house-trained pets. Really, how could USS Voyager ever hope to sail right through Borg space? So, which kind of Borg would appear in The Borg Wars? Best of Both Worlds Borg or Endgame Borg?

I absolutely hated what they did to the Borg, weakening them and ruining like that. They are by far the most interesting enemy that Star Trek ever came up with.

I would ramp up the Borg and make them dangerous again. Have them acquire super advanced technology that the Federation would have trouble coping with.
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We spread through the stars and now the Galactic Federation oversees the longest period of peace and prosperity the Galaxy has ever known under the tutelage of the League of Galactic Federated Nations. The Borg, considered by some to be nothing more than a footnote in history are largely defeated, pushed inwards towards the Core where an uneasy truce holds between the remnants of the once seemingly unbeatable Borg and the now ascendant Galactic Federation.

The Galaxy is in the midst of a Golden era, War has been almost eradicated in the Civilised worlds and resource scarcity is a horror from the old times.

But things are changing, from the Core the Borg begin to invade known space in all directions, but soon after a number of Borg vessels are destroyed without a fight it becomes obvious that the Borg are not invading, the Borg are fleeing. Something ancient even in Galactic terms has been stirred and now even the Borg flee in the face of this new relentless enemy.

Only two questions remain:

What sort of power invades another Galaxy and can it be stopped?
