What Are Your Favorite Guilty Pleasure films?

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow It's so wonderfully retro and entertaining. (y)
But why do you feel guilty about it? There's nothing guilty about watching Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. A list actors in a technically interesting, historically pivotal movie. That's just watching a movie. Until the other day I had two copies I gave one to an artist friend because I thought she might find the design elements interesting. I'd never give her a copy of Emmanuelle and the Last Cannibals which I would be ashamed to admit owning to her.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow It's so wonderfully retro and entertaining. (y)

I loved the robots with the ropey arms: Reminded me of many 1950s pulp SF covers. And the giant flying 'bots at the beginning of the film were straight out of an old Superman cartoon. A stolen idea that turned out as more of an homage.
Prince Of Darkness. This John Carpenter movie is deeply flawed and eventually descends into a simple slash-fest but it could have so much more. I never tire of watching it despite the plot holes and mumbo jumbo :)
I loved the robots with the ropey arms: Reminded me of many 1950s pulp SF covers. And the giant flying 'bots at the beginning of the film were straight out of an old Superman cartoon. A stolen idea that turned out as more of an homage.

It looked really great on the big screen, I wish it had been a hit. I would have loved to seen the further adventures of Sky Captain. :)

I own it on dvd.:)
After posting in a thread on The Omega Man, I'd have to say that Will Smith's I Am Legend is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. I think it was the loneliness of the first half that was really well done.

Also, the Resident Evil movies are a bit of a guilty pleasure too. The
The prequel trilogy. It appears to be widely and unfairly loathed, but it's entertaining.
I do like watching the films of our very own Jason Statham. Most of which are fairly second rate actionfests. (Although he's not too shabby in the cool dude stakes!)

Loved him in Lock Stock.... , and Snatch.
"One Million Years BC" (1966)

I was watching "The Shawshank Redemption" last night, and of course one particular scene concerned a wall poster of Ms Raquel Welch headlining this wonderfully goofy film from my youth.

Whether it could be classified as a "guilty pleasure" pic, I don't know. But during my callow teen years I used to adore this film..... yes okay, I'll own up and admit it was more for the bikini Raquel was almost wearing, lol

I had that poster on my wall when I was in college...there was just something about Raquel...sigh...
I had that poster on my wall when I was in college...there was just something about Raquel...sigh...

Caveman , stop motion dinos, lizards with horns glued to them. That film was beyond preposterous. But Raquel Welch made you forget all about plausibility. I love that film. :D
Caveman , stop motion dinos, lizards with horns glued to them. That film was beyond preposterous. But Raquel Welch made you forget all about plausibility. I love that film. :D

I greatly admired Ray Harryhausen's sfx for this film, especially as a child I almost thought those dinosaurs were "real"!

And what is even more surprising is that according to the "trivia" section on IMDb for this film, Ms Welsh "grunting" was actually overdubbed by another actresso_O

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