Your Favorite Comic Book Story

Yeah, yeah.... but I've gorn off superheroes and back to Jonah Hex, thet's raht. And The Spectre. Those characters knew how to terminate badguys so they never came back.
My favorite has to be Batman: The Long Halloween. It's essentially the story of how Gotham's organized crime families fell framed by a murder mystery. What makes it interesting is that, though it's not exactly action-packed, the drama, characters, and suspense keeps you engaged. I also thoroughly enjoyed Grant Morrison's Batman run throughout the late 2000s and early 2010s (beginning with Batman and Son) and the Gail Simone Wonder Woman run where she fights Nazis by leading an army of super-intelligent gorillas. Don't need to explain why that's awesome.
I grew up with 2000AD and never really had much exposure to to much DC and Marvel. My favourites...

Judge Dredd: there are many great stories with Dredd, but Apocalypse War just Blew my mind when i read it for the first time.

The early Rogue Trooper and Strontium Dog stories were consistently brilliant, IMO.

Bad Company was also quite compelling as was Charley's War.

DR and Quinch were very humerous and i enjoyed their short lived run.

I also remember reading Alan Moore Shocking Furtures and Thargs Twisted times. A collection of short comics which each had a neat little twist at the end.
I loved V for Vendetta - was also really impressed by Persepolis (film version was good too).
I was a big fan of Thor and the Submariner when I was a kid. I also read a standalone strip when I was young (the 70s), about massive shadow people who resided on earth, unseen, as they were in another dimension. Stayed with me for 40 years, that, but I can not find out what it was.
Planet hulk is one of the great marvel stories for me, it's got a hell of a story and great action.
2000AD for me, Judge Dredd's Necropolis springs to mind. strontium dogs, bad company, Nemesis the warlord, rogue trooper.

Anyone remember Starlord? I enjoyed Wolfie Smith and robo-hunters.

If I remember correctly it was only Johnny Alpha (strontium dogs )and Robo-hunters that really transferred over to 2000AD.
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