Beautiful blog by Robin Hobb

It is a lovely blog post Juliana, thanks for bringing it to our attention. I do understand that moment of clarity when building fiction when you find something 'posted to you' by your muse, although I'm more of order forming out of disorder sort of person rather than chasms and bridges! To paint an analogy - my work can feel like a dark rain-drenched storm battering a shoreline when all of a sudden an idea comes and it is replaced by a tranquil aquamarine sea as flat as a pond mill lit by a glorious sunset.

(can you tell its Friday afternoon and I'm looking for ways not to do any proper work?) :)
That was nice. It's also nice to understand what she is talking's amazing how much I actually think about what I'm writing. It sure helps when you do that and know where you're going so the times you sit at the keyboard, there is very little staring at it blankly, just typing and smiling.
my work can feel like a dark rain-drenched storm battering a shoreline when all of a sudden an idea comes and it is replaced by a tranquil aquamarine sea as flat as a pond mill lit by a glorious sunset.

(can you tell its Friday afternoon and I'm looking for ways not to do any proper work?) :)

And TGIF to you too, VB. :D
I must admit that her last book was the most anticipated by me in years. I re-read all 6 Fitz books leading up to it next year, and wasn't disappointed. I only have to wait a few months for the next book now! Its nice to hear she has worked out the story line in her head
Perfectly explains how I feel a lot of the time, when I have that distracted faraway look in my eyes. I'm not really here...
Am WAY behind on my Hobb to-be-read pile, but how awesome must that first moment of clarity/revelation have felt? Thanks for posting this, Juliana.

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