

Silly Author Person
Aug 12, 2006
East Tennessee
Well, life is *sort* of getting back to normal. Mom came home back on the 17th of November, and so far, so good. We have a bed in the livingroom and a very noisy oxygen maker, and an adult toilet (yes, Mom is NOT happy with that, but there was nothing we could do since the regular lavatory is upstairs).

She improves daily. Her physical therapist is coming in only twice a week now. Nurses visit once a week (but tell her to call if she needs *anything*).

I have been taking her out a lot more. She goes upstairs with the aid of the oxygen machine (really long hose), and is getting her stuff back in order up in her rooms (yes, she has more than one, a craft room, a bed room and a storage room).

It is good to have her home, and she is more cheerful--at least until her doctor called the other day and told her she might have pneumonia again, all because of something on her last x-ray. So what do they want? Her to take more antibiotics and get another x-ray in a couple of weeks, which has her annoyed. It took them two weeks to tell her she had pneumonia, and she was really feeling stronger and better, and now that they have told her this, she back to borderline panic attacks.

I am trying to get caught up on so many things. Slowly, I see the light.

I am writing again. Little bits for now. Since I have no current deadlines, I feel strange. I have been told by one of my publishers that *anything* I want to send them, they will publish, and I did get a story up on the web titled Bear Hunt.

You can read it here:


Other than that, just trying to get ready for Christmas.

Happy holidays, all...

Laura J. Underwood

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