Which books define you

I wouldn't know what books define me. Of course, I could list a few books that impressed me, begged for a reread or kept my eyes watery. But define? Much of it was defined by the mood of the moment. Once time favorites doesn't necessarily turn into all-time favorites. I am not sure my favorite books really define me.
If I take a look at my bookshelves I see mostly SF, complemented by books about history, popular science and a few biographies. SF, in general, has taught me a lot, defined my worldview up to a point. So, I'll present SF as a genre that defines me.
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.
Define me? Hmm, for a relatively short time, I considered myself to be akin to Sydney Carton. 'A man who could have been but wasn't.'
Not any more. These days I consider myself to be an ongoing work in progress.
After reading this novel, I closed the book and, out loud said, 'Damn the man can string a few lines together.'
Now that folks is true genius at work. Ah, him, not me.

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