Tree cats


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2011
New tree cat story is out in eARC form at Baen books. I am going to wait a bit for the final edited copy and lower price but for those of you who simply cannot wait, dive in, I am sure the reading is fine. :D
Yes, appears to be but I did not look at it hard as I did not want to give in to temptation.
I haven't had a look at these yet. I did enjoy the short A Beautiful Friendship so I shall get around to them eventually.
Was going over my wish list at Baen and I see that this book will be out 10/15/2012. I expect I will have finished Midst Toil and Tribulation by then and perhaps already starting to jones for a new fix. Good timing :)
I am intrigued by the Stephanie Harrington YA books. It will be interesting to see if Weber will be able to pull off good stories without ruining the back story for Honor. Already I feel that Stephanie has too good a handle on what the tree cats really are to allow for centuries of development and yet have the relative ignorance shown in "On Basilisk Station."
An interesting observation Parson, and you are quite correct the knowledge of tree cats at the start of the HH books was really quite poor - he may have stuffed himself a little there!
Sort of depends on what Stephanie communicates to others and given the treecats desire to remain a bit aloof we can't be sure she gives it all away.
That's a possibility but I think it would be a bit of a cop out. Kind of elitist in a way; sort of "Stephanie knows what's going on but won't tell anyone else 'cos they don't deserve it." Hmm I don't think I'd be happy with that really.
I am not sure it is aloof to honor your friends wishes! If she recognizes the level of their sentience and intelligence and grasps their desire for caution in revealing it that seems perfectly reasonable to me.
I am not sure it is aloof to honor your friends wishes! If she recognizes the level of their sentience and intelligence and grasps their desire for caution in revealing it that seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Sort of agree with this. But human nature being what it is, what we know slowly seeps out even if we keep mum about it specifically.
And of course she doesn't even get to pass the secret on to her children or grandchildren. Pushes it a bit for me I'm afraid.
But there is so much we do not know about her. Perhaps she dies in childbirth or is overtaken by some other tragedy that makes it impossible for her to pass anything on to her children.

As a parent I can assure you there are things I know that I have not and will not pass on to my children. Fine children one and all but they really do not need to know everything about my life. :)
But there is so much we do not know about her. Perhaps she dies in childbirth or is overtaken by some other tragedy that makes it impossible for her to pass anything on to her children.

As a parent I can assure you there are things I know that I have not and will not pass on to my children. Fine children one and all but they really do not need to know everything about my life. :)

Yet... I have an 86 year old Dad and I am finding out more about him now than I really ever wanted to. He's suffering from the opening stages of dementia. I suspect something of the same will be in store for my children as well.
Sorry to hear that Parson, dementia may well be the worst thing that can happen to us when we get old and I am including death in that assessment. To be trapped in a dysfunctional brain scares the heck out of me.

My mother, who lived until she was 98 stayed pretty sharp up until the last year but that last year was really a struggle for her and me. Finally had to go the nursing home route which she had never wanted to do. Sometimes it just gets taken out of your hands.
Good news, the advertised date was mid October but Fire Season is now out at Baen for the usual $6.00. Now I really have a conundrum, do I start it immediately or do I wait because Midst Toil and Tribulation is due out tomorrow? This is the type of problem I really enjoy having. A veritable overload of reading riches.

Thinking a bit further about this it probably would not hurt to finish the book I am currently reading before I dip into either of these. A little discipline is good for you and in truth the current book is just getting good. :)
This is great timing! I was just thinking about what my next book would be, and now I know!! I just finished a pretty solid series by Ryk Brown, "The Frontiers Saga." It is military SF, maybe not at the very best, but very, very solid. (Through the first 4 episodes). The really good news? $2.99 a book!:D
This is great timing! I was just thinking about what my next book would be, and now I know!! I just finished a pretty solid series by Ryk Brown, "The Frontiers Saga." It is military SF, maybe not at the very best, but very, very solid. (Through the first 4 episodes). The really good news? $2.99 a book!:D

I am assuming this is an Amazon purchase? I am going out now to add to my wish list. With your assessment and that price how can I go wrong?
Thanks Parson!
Just finished Fire Season. Fun, fast paced story and I really enjoyed it.

I think we can safely say Weber is aware that he cannot give away too much due to the discoveries to be made centuries later by HH. I think he will be able to do this easily, particularly because he can write from the perspective of the treecats also.

I have enjoyed both his efforts at the YA market and since I am an old fart that is further testimony to good writing. On to the latest Safehold book!!
Just started Fire Season -- So far, so good. But unlike you, As I age, now early in my sixth decade, I find books with all the key participants of only 14 or so, just a little skewed.

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