A Game of Thrones: Genesis (PC Game)


Winter Is Coming
Feb 10, 2010
The Wall is cold
I just found out that there is a RTS (real time strategy) game "A Game of Thrones: Genesis" that is coming out soon, in which GRRM was a minor consultent. This is becoming a big year for GRRM. First the TV series, ADWD, and now the PC game. i know i have spoke with Boaz on a different thread in regards to the modded version of Total War, but this will be a dedicated game that will allow you many types of victories other than brute force. If anyone is familiar with "Civilization Revolution", i think Genesis will have that same feel.

Here is the link to the games website: http://www.agot-genesis.com/

I can't wait. What are your thoughts....

Apologies if this topic has already been discussed.
It waas announced maybe a year and a half ago, but the thread is buried somewhere and many probably haven't seen it, so thanks for the update on it.
Hmm. I could've sworn the strategy and rpg games would both be multi-platform. Oh well.
I have a few thoughts on the upcoming PC game.

First, even Starcraft 2 did not seem to offer much as a RTS other than improved graphics. RTS's have evolved into economic clickfests. If you know the right build order on the right map, then you win. Mayhaps AGOT Genesis will offer something new. Mayhaps AGOT Genesis will have some good AI games. But I'm pessimistic towards multiplayer these days.

For RTS multiplayer, the gold standard is still Kohan: Ahriman's Gift (with the Ahriman's Betrayal mod) from 2001. Thinking, planning, communication, cooperation, and morale will determine the winners... not knowledge of premade maps, build orders, and intricate tech trees.

On the plus side, it does appear that Cyanide has incoporated many units not usually associated with RTS's. There are some sort of espionage aspects, including assassination and intelligence gathering. It also seems that time might pass more quickly that in other RTS's. Most RTS's seem to take place in days or months (even the Empire series by Microsoft felt fast, though the timeline said ages were passing), but AGOT Genesis will feel like it's taking years due to the births of heirs and deaths of leaders.

Second, I started playing Blood Bowl on XBox three weeks ago. Blood Bowl is made by Cyanide Studios, the developer of AGOT Genesis. It is a faithful port of the board game, but it is severely lacking two key aspects of the game. First, there is no ability for multiplayer leagues. Online multiplayer leagues should have been the main component and selling point for the game. This makes the second point seem insignificant... which is the fact that the game only holds two colors for teams. The home team is always blue and the visitors are always red. Always. This poor excuse of a game left me in serious doubts of Cyanide's abilities.

Last week I started playing Cyanide's PC only version of Blood Bowl Legendary Edition. They fixed all the issues with the first XBox version. It's a very solid game. Fun and frustrating! It features online multiplayer and an entire palette of colors. Compared to the XBox version, it's like night and day. But... you knew it was coming... the AI scripting leaves something to be desired.
[Wait! Boaz, I thought your beef was the lack of multiplayer? Now you're complaining about the AI in PvE? You're an idiot!]
Yes, I know. First, the AI runs only one playstyle. It runs it for the dwarves (slow and tough), the elves (passing), the orcs (tough running), the rats (agile running game), Chaos, etc. Second, the odds on the dice seem to begin 80-20 in favor of the AI... but by the end of the game, they're 60-40 in my favor. Third, the game will cheat if you get ahead by too much, i.e. it will just kill your best player.

I'm not a sofware engineer. But I know the difference in a fluid and logical game and an awkward and stilted AI. Even after all that, Blood Bowl Legendary Edition is fun and somewhat addictive... except when the AI auto kills my best players.

Now don't get me wrong, some of the AI scripting in Kohan drives me crazy, but the pluses are so much greater than the minuses that I quickly forgive the game.

The third comment is more of a taste preference... or mayhaps an aftertaste... a bad aftertaste... that concerns European video games. After The Settlers, Knights and Merchants, Europa Universalis, and Stronghold, I've learned that any PC strategy game labeled "Game of the Year" in Europe will be a huge disappointment... except for the ultra-mega-huge exception of the Total War series by The Creative Assembly. Now, I've proved through many posts that I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I've also proved (I hope) that I'm not easily swayed by explosions, blood, and violence... I prefer logical character development and intricate plots (okay, so I also like illogical conspiracy theories).

In my brief look at AGOT Genesis' website, it looks like the game will be big in scope, epic even. But will that be too much to click through in a RTS? That's why Civ and Total War are turn based... turns allow for an overall strategy to be formulated, implemented and executed... while I must say that real time can easily become more of a frantic clickfest to put out the fires.

I'd like to be thrilled with AGOT Genesis, but I'm not holding my breath.
Damn i dont know who can be not-keen for this!

As Boaz highlighted, the game may not be the greatest in terms actual gameplay, but really, i couldnt give 2 hoots for that... a game set in the pre-game-of-thrones-era, (yes playing as the legendary targaryens that the book timeline (maybe) just caught the end of) where u can go from landmark-location to location across westeros .. that sounds epic

and from what i've read it seems as the war commander you can make choices to do underhanded à la tyrion tactics.. u can make secret alliances, sneak spies into enemy camps and as for the idea of

If you know the right build order on the right map, then you win.

I know what you are saying but we might be in luck .. in the words of the game designer : “There’s no basebuilding, no development of technologies, no mass-production of fighting units. The key is alliance building.”

But even if the gameplay is a flop, you get to play as Aegon the Conquerer.. now thats what Im talking about !

such bs that i cant post links until i have 15 posts =/
Damn i dont know who can be not-keen for this!

I couldn't care less!
Dare, i said and said it proudly!

Don't get me wrong i like games, but what matters to me is the gameplay not that i can play with some characters, with maps from a book i like. it can add to it, but as longs as the game is worthless, the added bonus doesn't matter at all.

Give me Zelda, Mario, Bomberman, Diablo 2, GTA, Pokémon, PES, WoW but you can keep your FIFA, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Shreks, ..... . No amount of marketable characters can save those games.
The characters seem to be in two distinct categories. There's the old characters of Aegon the Conqueror next to Queen Nymeria and Mors Martell, but then you look at the others and then you have near-contemporary characters with Ned, Cat and Robert. It doesn't seem to make much sense. That said it does look interesting. :)
Without a sandbox mode where you can be Lord of your own house and make your way through the Westerosi ranks, this game will suffer.

Should the single player be campaign only, there is no point in playing. Should it be AoE/SC/WC style maps with victory conditions, it will be short and boring.

Sandbox is a must. And having a map editor would definately be amazing too.
Cyanide Studio's are not what I would call world class game developers. Blood Bowl, while not such a bad game, is not very polished either. As for Cyanide's other great achievement... Cycling Manager! I'm sorry, but the thought of managing a bunch of road hogging, road rule breaking, spandex wearing cyclists, is about as appealing a game as watching grass grow, with paint drying on it.

As you can tell, I don't really hold much hope for this game :(
Optimistic, pessimistic, realistic, sarcastic... I don't believe in istics, I just believe in isms.

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