Next Season

Welcome to the forums SPendleton. Season 4 has been confirmed but I'm not aware of an air date as yet; I'd guess at Autumn as filming is set to begin in March.
Considering its popularity and the fact that its about the only fantasy show on BBC or ITV (or much else for that matter) it getting a christmas special is not out of the question - which would mean at least the content of 2 full episodes (since they tend to like to split them over two days - least they did with Who).

Be interesting to see if this new series is more story building - series 3 felt a little weak between start and finish so I hope that series 4 will have a bit more meat to its bones ;)
the end was interesting. Uther is broken, Morgana is gone, Lancelot is finally a knight. Arthur is ready to take the charge as king and Merlin got much more experience. We even saw Gaius doing magic !

The kiss between Arthur and Gwen in the last episode in front of the others says a lot.

Season IV should be great !:)
Seems to be - but I've seen other reports that it's going to be October 2011, or even early 2012.
That annonce is from February. Did you see any pub on BBC recently ?

It's quite difficult to follow the news from Canada. The only good news is that we can watch S3 right now. I watched the episode with the goblin last night, one of the funnest episodes so far. :D
Alexa, I've seen snippets from the new season being advertised on the BBC along with a few other of their programs, so I hope that means it's coming soon!
I think this comes back on in Autumn because I noticed a piece in my local TV mag that mentioned it returning soon :D
I do like Merlin, got Season 1 & 2 DVD sets
Finally ! This is good news, especiallly with a S5 already commisioned. :)

They are shy this year with the pubs. I wonder why.
Many thanks ! I asked Mouse before to post in here any news about S4.

I hope we can watch it next year in Canada, too. :)

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