Board games


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
Is this the right forum to post this in?

Anyway, I'm after some board games for my class (specifically: Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Blokus and Ticket to Ride).

If I buy them in Australia it's going to cost me about three times as much than if I bought them from an American store (not taking P&H into account).

I'm really after a good US site that sells these games and that will also post internationally.

Any ideas?


Yeah, tried that.

Unfortunately Amazon won't ship board games to Australia (not sure why).
When you find a good site, let me know! HJ and I play Settlers and Carcassonne with our friends on occasion. Dominion's another goodie if you've nawt tried it already.
I could give you a Canadian website that does sell all of these games, but you would have to ask them if they would ship it to Australia using a carrier such as DHL.

I've ordered a few games from them before.
Do you have a particular board game in mind? Are you going to resell it just for personal use? I was about to post a link here but it doesn't allow me. Just search on google 'board games US' you might find what I want to tell you. :mad:

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