Fantasy vs Science Fiction: A Poll

Which do you prefer?

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I love me my fantasy - I love the variety that's out there right now.

:D True! I'm like a kid in a sweet shop when you get me in the fantasy section in the library. Sci-fi can become a little bit generic I think, not all sci-fi, but I guess theres only so many things that can happen in space (to take this branch as a particular example).

Give someone a magic wand and the possibilites are endless :D
:D Give someone a magic wand and the possibilites are endless :D

That's what I love most about fantasy my own self. Possibilities are endless-and sometimes, very often, frightening. I've personally come up with a type of creature that I doubt has ever even been seen in anyone's nightmare.

Fantasy is my part, and I'm not ashamed to tell anyone I love it. I far prefer it over most sci fi because there really isn't much that can be done in space-unless of course, you add another fantasy spill into the mix. :D
I've read a lot of fantasy, because as a sci-fi fan I rather think I'm supposed to enjoy it. But I can't. I can't I can't I can't. Four books into any fantasy series with a handful of random magic/warrior/animal talking people still travelling on some bally quest and I'm BLEEDING FROM THE EYES.
There are some better than others. Have you tried "urban" fantasy? The Dresden books?
Urban fantasy? Gosh, can there be such a thing?

Have read Nightwatch, though, come to think of it. Is it similar?
By Sergey Lukyanenko? No...haven't found it. I've seen it mentioned, but haven't read it.
By Sergey Lukyanenko? No...haven't found it. I've seen it mentioned, but haven't read it.

It's set in modern urban Russia, with a sort of diplomatic police agency, or agencies, maintaining the balance between light and dark.

It's all very well, but I'd much rather a nice sci-fi. You can take the woman out of the future dystopia but you cannot take the future dystopia out of the woman.
It's all very well, but I'd much rather a nice sci-fi. You can take the woman out of the future dystopia but you cannot take the future dystopia out of the woman.
Hahaha, I can't quite tell if that's offensive or not. Either way, it's pretty funny.
Well...I've always found that so far as taste in literature goes words to live by are: "to each their own". :)
Tough call, so I've left it blank. I know, I'm a fence sitter:rolleyes:

I love the atmosphere and wonder of fantasy and it has rich stories and characterisation. But it also gets kind of samey with all the tolkien/d&d copyists.

SF on the other hand is full of ideas and every book is different and a lot of it really makes you think. But often the characterisation seems a bit thin.

I find it hard to pick between the two because both have such a great potential for true brilliance but both are frequently very flawed unfortunately. (though don't get me wrong - SF and fantasy are the only genres I can actually read without getting bored, so they both win against other genres hands down)
I'm first and foremost a Fantasy fan, but have recently dipped my toe in SF - mostly trying out books by authors that impressed me with their fantasy fiction (Neal Stephenson, Richard Morgan). I also enjoyed Ender's game and Robert Sawyer's Hominids.
