Small Favor - discussion (SPOILERS!)

I just finished the first two books on a reread. I am always somewhat appalled at the damage that Harry takes in these books. It is a very good thing that he heals up pretty well. His healing from the hellfire burns on his hand is taking a long time, but considering the damage, it is still pretty miraculous.

I think you meant - flamethrower damage ;) - after that book I started to wonder how many books can there be before there is nothing left of Dresden. But newer books have been more merciful on him (except getting shot with assault rifle, almost blowing up, having his brain wiped, drowning, broken nose ... ok, nevermind) It's been mentinoed in the books that such tissue regeneration isn't usual - even for wizards - maybe Butcher will reveal why it's happening to Harry, maybe not.

He may not have a lot of finesse, but he has guts galore and he will blow you away with his raw power. I just wish he would work out a little more and get some beef on that overly lanky frame of his. :)

Well, he is running and it helps in certain situations :D It's been mentioned several times in books that he lacks the raw power and finess of his enemies - but what mostly seems to separate and save him is thinking unconventionally for a wizard

Oh yes, does anyone think that there is still a piece of Lasciel in Harry's spirit? That last scene when he played the guitar so well made me wonder. ;)
Lasciel shadow seems to be gone - but that doesn't mean she didn't leave a present - then again you can never ne certain how this will be played out.
You are correct about the flamethrower. I was at one time thinking that it was the hellfire from his staff that caused it. That was a mistake.

Harry does seem to be improving on his magical skills. In SF, he indicates that training Molly has made him better at the small magics.

Yes, Harry is really good at thinking ahead. I remember the hanky with the sunlight in it when he went to visit Bianca in her little whorehouse estate.

I was not aware that Harry's healing abilities were that unusual for a wizard. That is another thing to wonder about him.

We also have only a few hints as to how Mab became his godmother. That is pretty scary, as well. :eek:
I don't recall the healing being mentioned as 'unusual' for wizards, just unusual in general. Butters said that Harry's bones healed more thoroughly than typical humans, which was news to Harry, but not that it was something special about Harry specifically. Butters hasn't exactly examined that many wizards. *g*

Mab isn't Harry's godmother, Lea is. And it's related to his mother somehow. I'm sure that info will come up later. I figure, eventually, we'll get more details on Harry's parents from somewhere.
I think that pairing off Harry and Murphy would be a mistake - something always seems to go out of the story when the main protagonists hook up.

I'm thinking of Lois and Superman, Fox and Mulder, David and Maddie (in Moonlighting, for those that are too young to remember :p). Never the same frisson when they actually got together, compared with the possibility of them doing so.

As for Harry/Molly - no. As The44 says, the teacher shouldn't hook up with the taught. Besides which, I don't think Harry's sense of what's right would let him risk anything that might alienate Michael and Charity.

Swords - I think that Murphy refuses Fidelacchius, because she's going to wield Amoracchius, albeit on a temporary basis...
Speaking of Moonlighting what about Remington Steele? :)

I think that currently the Harry/Molly idea is a complete no go. But would you think the same 100 years down the road?

I originally liked the idea of Harry and Murphy together, and I kind of still do. But I am having some second thoughts. However, I am not happy with the Susan/Luccio thing, so if it was down to a choice I would still root for Murphy.

Maybe Jim can pull off two protagonists as one :D. I have faith in him!!!

I think Murpy will probably get a sword, but it may not be the one we expect.
Murphy may get a sword, but why the broadsword? I still think that the Katana is the better weapon for based upon her size, her background in Japanese martial arts, etc. The broadsword is too big a weapon for a person of her size. She is not strong enough to wield such a large weapon. The original owner of the Katana was a smallish Japanese man.

Karrin is just a little of 5 feet tall. A broadsword is a very bad weapon for her. That is just my firm belief about women and swords. Do not ask a small woman to do a big man's job. She loses every time. We are talking fencing here. We are talking about an arena where strength matters.

This is why one of the earliest femal fantasy protagonists, Jirel, was a user of a bow. It is only in modern fantasy, that you see women swordmasters, which I find to be mildly hilarious. Women in melee fighting do not last that long in real life. I am very convinced that JB is very aware of this due to his own background. BTW, JB picked very carefully what martial art in which she is trained. It is absolutely one of the ones best suited to a woman, Aikido.

JB, may have a very different role for Murphy than that of a Knight. We will see. However, he has written her very well, IMO.
It's a fairly well-established fact (okay, often-seen observation, really *g*) in the realm of TV that as soon as the writers decide to resolve the UST, they have a really really hard time keeping the 'spirit' of the show alive.

Additional examples: Remington Steele (as mentioned), Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Silk Stalkings

There's a reason Stabler and Benson have never hooked up on Law & Order: SVU - (forget the part about Stabler being married) - it's a *bad* idea and takes away from the thing that makes the show what it is.

I cannot think of a single program where the protagonists resolved the UST and the writing continued in the same manner in which it began.

However, on a positive note, I think JB is quite aware of this and would make every attempt to *not* fall into the same trap. But, I also don't think he's got plans for Harry and Murphy to hook up.

And I'm still thinking Murphy may not get one of the swords - just b/c she's far too obvious a choice.
I agree that Karrin and Harry are not a good match.

I am ambivalent about Karrin getting one of the swords. I have stated that Amoracchius is the wrong one for her size. There was a clear offer, buy JB chose to make her turn it down, at least for now. I do believe that we need another sword knight to keep the balance right between good and evil.

I can really see a need for that being fulfilled in the next book.

Harry does not have to marry Luccio to have a good relationship with her. She is a very busy woman with her present duties in training and preparing wardens to fill the gaps produced by the war with the Red Court vamps.

Maybe in 50 or so years they can think about what to do next. hehe
I have to agree exactly with Pyan that the story would loose something if Murphy and Dresden got together like all the tv shows mentioned. Unfulfilled tension always adds something to the story. Whenever the characters hook up in these types of situations it becomes instant gratification that wears off on the readers/viewers. Which is why it usually is done at the end of a series. The only way around it would be if the relationship were short and wouldn't work out for some reason. An example would be from Battlestar Galactica the Starbuck & Apollo relationship.

I was surprised that they gave up on Michael so quickly. They didn't even give him time to wake up or see how badly damaged he was before pawning the sword Amoracchius off on Dresden. And it wasn't explained to well does he have Fidelacchius or is Murphy hanging on to it until she decides that she wants to turn it down for sure? He didn't throw it in the back of his car with everything else.

Also I have to say that Jim should seriously consider adding a glossary to the books. It's getting pretty hard to remember all of the characters and their histories from one year to another. Through the whole story I couldn't remember the battle at Arctis Tor or the reasons behind it. By the time he is around book twenty there will be no way I can remember all the characters he's introduced.

I'm ready for Turn Coat now! :D
Hi, haven’t said much here before, but I love Dresden and wait impatiently for Turncoat also...plan to get it as soon to the release date as humanly possible! That day if I can get to the book store.

I to believe that Lasciel is gone. When the shadow was called on to immobilize Harry I think it would have had to answer (of course Jim makes the rules so I could be wrong).

Also I’m hoping Karen accepts Fidelacchius, it makes more sense than Amoracchis for the reasons already mentioned. Even the reason she turned it down (her given oath as a police officer) is something that speaks for her qualifications to wield one.

Something I "fear" (don’t know if that’s the right word) as I personally don’t like the "man", is that a "repentant" Johnnie Marcone may end up with one of them. Think it’s too far out? He seems to be having the crime boss look at the evils he’s perpetrated in his past in the books where he shows up.

Oh well, can’t wait till Turncoat hits the stands!
Probably could as we've seen her fight withhammers etc. and she sword spars with Michael, but I doubt she would. Michael will need care and she would put her kids first to.

Of course there's that whole "supppessed" wizard side to her that she denied all her life to. Still, Ithink her dedication to her family would take presidence.
There is a Dresden page or two on wikipedia. I can't remember how much information is listed there, but they keep working on it. You can take a peek there if you want to 'refresh' your memory a bit.
I do not see Charity getting or even being offered one of the swords that Harry is protecting. The rather long short story about Harry protecting Amoracchius also depicts Michael's state of health after his injuries. He is able to work, but he is not capable of being a knight. The sword has passed from him to whomever JB decides should wield it. I still wonder about Morgan. He is somewhat rigid, but he is honest and honorable, to a fault.

I just wonder if any wizard could be a candidate, however.

BTW, there is an excellent article at about women and fighting skills by Vox Day. It is quite good and a fun read. He states categorically that women cannot compete with men in hand to hand combat. I quite agree.

Egad, it is not yet April. I want my Harry Dresden! :eek:
