House of the Dragon: 2.06 - Smallfolk


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

With few options left, Rhaenyra embarks on a risky venture while Aemond takes steps to reshape the Green Council
IMDB score: 7.2 Runtime: 58 minutes
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Like I said in the previous episode, it's interesting to see HBO's flagship series with humble ratings at low 7's. To me personally it means that this series has reached its maturity, and it has lost the new thing shine. It is the same thing that happens to a lot of series as they move on, but the thing about the HBO is quality. They are almost like AppleTV, and their produce have been taunted as the best, while the truth is there is a lot of normality in their shows. And the thing about this show is that it's not as great as the Game of Thrones.

That shows season 2 was still at the top of its hype, while this one is already slipping. But I doubt that it's going to receive 6's on the run, unless it cocks something up really terribly. What that could even be?

Well, let's see how this one develops...


The Lannisters have always been arrogant people and in the GoT they are on top of their game, rulers of the Westeros, doing despicable things just because they can for a long time. And in this case, him arriving at one of the keeps called Golden Tooth. It is strategically situated at the western border of Riverlands, and in the GoT times it always belonged to Lannister's, even though the wiki claims it belonging to House Lefford.

A minor house, just like its lord stated having only been able to raise 500 men, while Lord Lannister brought "1000 knights and seven times that number of men-at-arms and archers." Plus some lions as war beast or throphies. But the thing about Lannisters is that they are not stupid as Jason stated that he would not be moving from the keep unless Aemond came out with his dragon.

Hearing that angered the Regent, as he raged to the Green Small Council: "Are the Lannisters so diminished that they cannot march from Tooth to Harrenhall without an escort?" Almost as if Aemond had become too proud to move his rear from the vicinity of the Iron Throne, while just two episodes ago he was willing to sit still in a mosquito filled forest to get a right moment. Maybe the real reason is that Ser Cole wasn't doing the ask, but instead it was the arrogant Lannister's doing "summonings."

So it was no wonder he denied the request and used a threat instead as he focused on getting the SeaSnake blockade gone by using The Triarchy mercenaries. Almost as if he had the coin to pay the pirates, while Tyland Lannister still sits in the chair that controls the royal purse. The Green Queen adviced against it, but the Regent went with his plan regardless.

The funny thing is that when it came to Ser Cole, Aemond gave him marching orders to create a second front from the South, without waiting HighTower army to arrive to the summoning. A good strategic move to create a pressure, and he even promised the Hand that he'd fly out there, "when the time is ripe."

As the last thing, he took Alicient seat and sent her to chase more "domestic pursuits," because her services were no longer needed in his Small Council. And so the Hightowers has lost all their power at the Red Keep. But I doubt it's the last time we'll see Alicient, and the other thing is that if Hightowers are as smart as they claim to be, they don't ever send their men to fight the wars, but instead keep their armies inside the borders.


The Black Queen and Ser Steffon Darklyn. It is interesting she really took the advice about seeking the other riders in the heart and she "looked into the history" to find that once upon time Darklyn's and Targarians had shared: "common blood," which would also explain Jace's abnormal dark hair for Targarian rider. It is a mutation, and it is the beast that accepts the rider, while making Targarians are prominent candidates because of the blood bond. Furthermore, it's just the question of the other riders, because they have 3 dragons in the dungeon: Vermithor, SilverWing and SeaSmoke.

Two which are claimed to be big enough to be able to take Vhagar headon. Ser Steffon was humbled by the offering as he said, "I am but a humble man, your Grace. Dragons are gods. Your Grace honours me beyond more than I deserve."

The Black Queen looked at the kneeling knight and asked: "You understand your peril, Ser Steffon? I do not compel you to do this. It has never been attempted before. To claim a dragon, you must also be prepared to die."

Looking eagerly in her eyes, he stated: "I understand the risk and I accept it with gladness. I swore to ward my queen with all my strength, and give my blood for hers. That is my oath, my Grace."

Man, seeing that I'd say a good choice, but it remains to be seen if the dragons take him.


The King Vicerys and Cruel Prince. I guess it was only a matter of time that the HeartWood bed would summon Daemon's brother to haunt him with the conversation that they had years ago, when the series started, and he was still in good health. Seeing that I believed that it was the one ghost that would send Daemon back to DragonStone, and the Cruel Prince tried to escape the hauntings only to be denied by his brother.

Luckily he was saved by Strong the castle keeper, but since the prince has not been getting enough of sleep, Daemon processed the hauntings as Strong's doing and accused him of being a HighTower agent, or even a man summoned by the Black Queen, since he still cannot process the failure and move on. Which to my amazement he did as he took swords and things, packed them together and then stomp out of the castle to be stopped by the witch, which properly guessed the hauntings.

I don't believe they are of her doings, as it is the place and the items, like their wierdwood bed that the gods are using to torment the prince. "It is your way, isn't it?" Alys mocked him at the courtyard, "You always run. Dragonstone, the StepStones, Pentos, Harrenhall."

It made him to speak as Daemon stepped closer to her face, "I awake and I do not know where I've been."

Looking him in the eyes Alys stated, "There are older things in this world than you or I, or living memory. You are not a player but a piece on the board. As am I, for that matter."

Daemon smiled. "I am not like you," and just like she'd stated, he turned around and tried to run away.

"In some ways, no," she stated. "You struggle to see that there's an anger blinds you."

Daemon sighed and sat down. "She never even wanted it. The crown. She spared it no thought."

"Well," she smiled, "That's perhaps why your brother gave the crown to her. Those who strife for it, are the least suited to wear it."

It only angered him, as Daemon snapped, "Don't lecture me!" :ROFLMAO:

Maybe it is the blond gene in him that prevent Daemon from getting wisdom. Vicerys was his brother and yet, he was the one that was blessed with all the smarts, while the cruel prince is one of the most tormented men in GRRM's books. He just doesn't get it. He doesn't understand that the world doesn't revolve around him. That's gods business. Not his.

And yet, as a result he asked Alys advice on how to deal with the Rivermen. Her answer was Tully's because "the RiverMen are made from mud. They rather stay stuck in it then move an inch." And Tully's are their patronage, which shows that Jace was right when he went to see them and not dad. As he last advice she told Daemon to "do nothing," because " three days time winds will swift," almost as if she'd been told so by the gods.


Ser Steffan and SeaSmoke. This angle makes the dragon look small and a bit skinny, while he's not a small beast. To my eyes he's about 30 meters long. Small and young compared to Vhagar, but still big enough to be a serious threat. The dragonkeepers told him to show no fear, but you could see it in his eyes. He was as afraid of the beast as he was scared of the gods. Thus SeaSmoke would never accept him, because he didn't accept that beast as his companion, even though the dragon bent his neck and showed him the seat.

I believe that beast gave him a chance, a real chance, and you could see Rhae recognizing the sing, when Ser Steffan approached the dragon, but she also saw the signs that SeaSmoke was getting frustrated. For being a proud beast, Ser Steffan didn't move quick enough with a joy in his heart, so he got scortched in the return. But as an experiment the Black Queen saw the result, the move is possible. Just not with Ser Steffan.

So, a proven theory. A small folk can conquer a dragon, if the things aling correctly, but the Black Queen doesn't have any other candidates. Not at the moment, making her to do the other thing and taking the charge of her armies as a leading dragonrider.

WhiteWorm commended on the effort and told her that the small folk are listening to propaganda at King's Landing. Taking it all in as their stomachs are crumpling while the Regent feasts in the Red Keep.

All the same time as Aegon regained consciousness. And as it is, he remembered nothing about the drama, or how he ended in the bed. All he could do was to moan in pain, making Aemond a Regent semi-permanently. The king is still a king, but only by title. He has no power, especially if he becomes a junkie to Milk of Poppey.

But the thing is Aemond understands that he needs the small folk to be on his side, and he removed the Hand title from Ser Cole and made Larys to go beg Otto Hightower to come back.

Another thing is that they still don't have a dragonrider program. All while the episode identified Adam Hull as Lord Corlys b*stard son. He is the small folk brother to one that saved the Lord and got named as Corlys first mate. So in theory Addam should be a proper candidate for the Black Queen's dragonrider program.


"My Grace, the gift has been sent," WhiteWorm stated to the BlackQueen outside the Dragonstone, just after Jace commended her on the effort. And yet, he'd not been told all the schemes, which makes the food shipments for the small folk a devious play, because it directly tell the small people that the Blacks have not forgotten them.

The man in the shot was stunned on seeing the boats littering the horizon. A well deserved gift for the hungry people.

All while the Green Queen in the Red Keep heard from the Grand Maester that Aegon II "sleeps 9 hours of 10," and that Otto is nowhere to be found, because the Hightower armies are clashing with House Beesbury at the Reach. Just like other noble houses clashes with others are the War of the Roses. None of them really understands but they are really in a civil war. All after 70 years of peace, and the Hightowers are at the centre of it. So it's no wonder why they are also in the clash.

Her brother, getting ready to follow Ser Cole, didn't knew anything about old man either. And he stated that the Green Queen had always been his favourite. It's just he was in his business, doing his things and he would send messages when he was ready. So no daddy-o to rescue.

Maybe to take her mind of things she asked Queen Heleana to join her to light a candle for the lost souls at the temple. And because of it, they got caught in the middle of the food riots as the 'gift' hit the city. The people booed at her and threw fish cuts on her face, calling her as the Queen of Fishes, while the swore loyalty to the Blacks.

I absolutely loved seeing the chaos and the fear in the queens eyes as the whole shebang went off. Man, it made me giggle. And for that I'm going to give an 8 for this episode.

What a brilliant move! Well done WhiteWorm!

Now only if Daemon would listen the witch then all would be good in the Black's camp.


Allan Hull and SeaSmoke. Man, first of all, I thought about this when I was writing but I didn't expect that the SeaSmoke would choose a rider. A noble one that Corlys "always ignored." It just the man didn't understand that he was a Chosen, so he ran, thinking he was going to be a snack. A bold effort, but really can you escape from a big dragon that has locked eyes on you? I'd say very unlikely.

He couldn't do that either. The big boy found him just as soon as he thought he'd lost him. So the dragon landed right at front of him and looked him eye. There was no escape.

At the DragonStone WhiteWorm informed the Black Queen that the plan has succeeded and people were rioting. The queen didn't take it well, because she was in the belief that she was on the losing side, despite the wins. So WhiteWorm told her how she got the scars, after her dad had "pleasured" himself and got her pregnant. The neck scar was from his attempt to get away. And yet WhiteWorm swore to not trust anyone, except until she met the Queen and swore absolute loyalty to her for seeing her as equal. Rhae was so chuffed that she went to give her hug, only to realise that she longed for more, and they were kissing when a guard barged in to give the news.

Man, what an episode, 8+
Too much talking around two council tables again, but the long episode allows time for it. The black Queen’s scenes , and now even Daemon’s, are quite dull.
As CTG mentions Allicent’s brush with the angry smallfolk was really well done. Hopefully the new dragonrider will lead to something exciting. There is definitely still brilliance in the show, it is just a bit too spread through each episode.
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I liked it. I seem to always be at odds though; every episode I like is "too much talking" and "slow". The thing is that I remember GoT to be the similar - long story meanders and going off on tangents about characters who ultimately die and are of no consequence. At least this is reined in a bit.
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going off on tangents about characters who ultimately die and are of no consequence
This is exactly why I gave up on my Song of Ice and Fire reread a few years ago (when I still had hope there would be another one)
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IMDB review score down to 6 as apparently people from some countries “review bombing” due to the two ladies kiss.
IMDB review score down to 6 as apparently people from some countries “review bombing” due to the two ladies kiss.

I just didn't see any point at all in the kissing. I always assumed Rheanarys was either gay or bisexual as she seemed to have a lot of chemistry with Allicent in Season 1 - which is something that would make sense to me.

The queen trusting the spy mistress and then kissing her just seems a bit off in terms of the timeline as well.

No problem with the girls getting some action though and apparently the scene just evolved and they kissed naturally, the kiss looked natural and authentic enough, but it doesn't fit in with what we know of Rhaenarys in my view.
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Likely one of the two are trying to gain a stronger influence over the other.
IMDB review score down to 6 as apparently people from some countries “review bombing” due to the two ladies kiss.
I did the same thing on Reddit with Aloy's kiss at the end of the Horizon Forbidden West, Burning Shores DLC. At first people hated it because of the kiss, and I got downvoted, but then people kept posting the same thing and being fine with it. So I'd just ignore that score and blame it on stupid people. This series isn't that bad.
Likely one of the two are trying to gain a stronger influence over the other.
Yeah agree - it just didn't feel to me like a good fit with their relationship. Likely the spy is trying to get more leverage - Rhaenarys doesn't seem much a Player.
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