What did you read in 2007?


Super Moderator
Jun 30, 2003
Central California
For all of the fact that there are still 2 hours and 17 minutes left in 2007 here in my time zone...yeah, I know, we're slow around here ;)...I'm not going to finish any more books between now and midnight, so I've finalized my list of books read for the year.

I had hoped to read one a week, but work and life conspired to leave me 12 books short of that goal. Still, I read 40 books in the year, which list is posted on my blog. Go take a look if you'd like, and then if you kept a list let us know what you read in 2007. Don't worry if they aren't all sf/fantasy; I think only a couple of books my list are. I've been on a mystery-reading tangent for the past few months.
I had a very demanding new job this year, and unfortunately my reading suffered because of that. My total is so shocking I'm not even going to post it! But, I could say I went for quality over quantity this year, having read the following, amongst others:

Tess of the [SIZE=-1]d’Urbervilles
Complicity by Iain Banks
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Perfume by Patrick Suskind
and the Slash biograpy.... lmao!

I did get a fair amount of writing done too, so all wasn't lost this year..
I didn't read much this year but I bought a hell of a lot. Probably 300 plus books for the year.
These are the ones that comes to mind after a casual glance through the shelf, haven't read any non fiction apart from a few Time magazines.

Olympos, Dan Simmons
House of Chains, Steven Erikson
Midnight Tides, Steven Erikson
The Blade Itself, Joe Abbercrombie
Use of Weapons, Iain M Banks
Consider Phlebas, Iain M Banks
The State of Art, Iain M Banks
The Golem's Eye, Jonathan Stroud
Ptolemy's Gate, Jonathan Stroud
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling
The Tales of Mystery and Imagination, Edgar Allan Poe
Wizard First Rule, Terry Goodkind
The Color of Magic, Terry Pratchett
Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
One More for the Road, Ray Bradbury
The Wizard Knight (The Knight) Gene Wolfe
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, Stephen King
Dagon and other Macabre Tales, HP Lovecraft
Knife of Dreams, Robert Jordan
Nightwatch, Sergei Lukyanenko
The Conan Chronicles: Volume 2 - The Hour of the Dragon (Fantasy Masterworks), Robert E. Howard
The Sandman graphic novels (Vols,123456), Neil Gaiman
Between 60 and 100 books, but that includes re-reads, like Cul.
Oops! sorry, I managed to left some stuff out, albeit a few though, but how could I live with my self if did not boast about the two Phillip K Dick novels I read :D.

The Cosmic Puppets, Phillip K Dick
Flow My Tear's, The Policeman Said, Phillip K Dick
Watchmen, Allan Moore
American Gods, Neil Gaiman
Anansi Boy's, Neil Gaiman
King Rat, China Mieville

Cheer's, DeepThought
Not intending to be at all sarcastic, DT, but why do you use the word "boast" about the PKDs?:confused:
I read a lot this past year. The ones that stand out are:
G.R.R. Martin's ASoIaF
Kate Elliot's Crown of Stars
Stephen King's Dark Tower
Michelle West's The Sundered
Carol Berg's Books of Rai-kirah
Pulman's His Dark Materials (reread)
GGK Fionavar Tapestry (reread)

I really must start writing down which books I read. Perhaps that is a good New Year's resolution :).
Not intending to be at all sarcastic, DT, but why do you use the word "boast" about the PKDs?:confused:

Not quite sure what you mean by that pyan :) but I was just worried that I let slip the two PKD's I've read this year (read a lot of them throughout the years) when I prematurely posted 2007 list. He's one of my favourite SF authors and I guess I was trying to say, (in a fancy sort of way :eek:) that I like PKD novels a lot. Anyway my bad, for being so obscure and hope this clears things up :).

Cheer's, DeepThought
Of course re-reads count, although I think there were only two re-reads on my 2007 list (and one of them, The Ritual Bath, by Faye Kellerman, was actually a re-re-re-read, I think :p).
Well I re-read a lot of books but also a few new ones. Finished some of Brook's novels, which is a surprise as I never really liked them before
Read around 60-70 books last year.

Iain M Banks - Excession
Walter M Miller - A Canticle for Leibowitz
Thomas Hardy - Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Yann Martel - Life of Pi
Phillip K Dick - Confessions of a Crap Artist
M. John Harrison - Viriconium
Emmanuel Carrere - I am Alive and You are Dead
George Orwell - Burmese Days
Harper Lee - To Kill a Mocking Bird
L P Hartley - The Go-Between
Mary Doria Russel - Children Of God
Kurt Vonnegut - Galapagos

China Mieville - Un Lun Dun
George Orwell - The Road to Wigan Pier
Kilgore Trout(Farmer) - Venus on the Half Shell
Kurt Vonnegut - The Sirens of Titan
Larry Niven - Ringworld
Paul Coelho _ The Alchemist
Phillip K Dick - The Cosmic Puppets

Quite a good year really, I could probably add lots more to the highs list but only a few more to the lows.
So much of what I read in 2007 was for editorial purposes, that I read depressingly few actual books -- by far the least I've read in the past twenty years: less than thirty books in total. :(

Those I particularly remember include:

THE GOOD PEOPLE - Steve Cockayne 2006
IMPERIAL ASSASSIN - Mark Robson 2006
THE GRAND WHEEL - Barrington J. Bayley 1977
DARKLAND - Liz Williams 2006
THE BLADE ITSELF - Joe Abercrombie 2006
BRIDGE OF DREAMS - Chaz Brenchley 2006
THE EPHEMERA - Neil Williamson 2006
HERETIC - Sarah Singleton 2006
BLACK BRILLION - Matthew Hughes 2004
BONE SONG - John Meaney 2007
D.A. - Connie Willis 2007
AS THE CROW FLIES - Dave Hutchinson 2004
STARSHIP SUMMER - Eric Brown 2007
I don't think I could even begin to list what I read in 2007, it was a busy reading year for me. However there were a couple of standouts...........

The Shadow of the Wind -Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Silk - Allesandro Barrico.

I think 2007 was also the year I waited the longest for a book to arrive.

Vampyrrhic ; Simon Clark which I ordered from UK and it took about four months to get to me.
2007 introduced me to George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. Miles ahead of anything else I read this year; save, perhaps, Tim Winton's The Turning and Cloudstreet; and Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner.

Cecelia Dart-Thornton should also get an honourable mention for Fallow Blade.
I dont read as much as I would like so my list isnt very long, but it IS filled with very good works.

Martin's ASoIaF
Lord of the Rings trilogy - tolkien duh
The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett
Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett (at least I think I read it this year.)
First World War John Keegan
They Fought for the Skies by Quenton Reynolds
Storm in Flanders by Winston Groom
the Price of Glory by Alistair Horne
Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman
Martian Time Slip Philip K. Dick
Now Wait for Last Year Philip k. Dick
Flow my tears the policeman said Philip K. Dick
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Philip K. Dick
Holy Quarrel by Philip K. Dick
Man in the High Castle Philip K. Dick
Tik-Tok by John Sladek
the Thirty Years war (re-read) by C.V. Wedgewood
the Demolished Man by Alfred Bester
the Last Mission by Jim Smith
the Octopus by Frank Norris (I need to re-read it though...I blazed through it without enjoying it)
FINALLY I finished The War Hound and the World's Pain by Michael Moorcock 2 days before new years, so the last book of '07 and I have to say a great finale to a great year of reading!

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