Chronicles of Ghost Watcher Vivid

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Bomber D Rufi

Oct 24, 2007
Um, hello everyone...i am an aspiring fiction writer and i would really appreciate it if everyone here could have a look at what i've written because i'd really like to make this a career sometime soon. Thank you very much...and this is my first post too so....hi?

Flickering lights, a smell of debauchery, and the feeling of a weight once too heavy but now lifted. These are the things that create the Tokyo Red Light District. The sky above is a starless and empty black void where decency, respect and other virtues seem to have been sucked into and dispersed, to be found again only after regret had made his rounds early the next morning. “What happens here, stays here” was not just a rule but a law. So what better place would there be to hide from truth? Funny thing is that when truth is trying to be hidden among falsehoods, it only stands to stick out even more. This place had a secret, and it had nothing to do with how the people conducted themselves, and that is a problem with demons and the fact that some of them were trying their hardest to make Tokyo their new home.
A young man clutching his right arm makes his way home through the city of lights. He pauses to rest against a streetlamp he holds his arm tightly and looks up at the sky. Grimacing slightly, he takes his left hand and stares at the blood residue on it. The right arm of his black hoodie had a hole in it, and this hole too had traces of blood on it. After wiping the blood on his jeans, he heaves himself up and then begins to move again but slowly towards his destination. The lights advertising items from alcohol to karaoke radiated all around him, creating some kind of psychedelic dream sequence that one might see in a movie. The young man manages to ignore all of these signs, but he does for a moment stop in front of what seems to be an exotic dancing establishment. Even in his injured state the night life still beckons to him silently but still ever so forceful. After a moment the young man decides to move on, letting the call of the night life to leave a message and get back to him some other time. For now it is just important for him to head east to his home in Chiyoda where rest and a sense of safety awaits him.
It isn’t long before he gets back home. He manages to get his keys out from his jean pocket with his free left hand. The door inches open after it is unlocked. The house is dark, indicating to him that everyone had already gone to bed. Not really being in the mood to deal with prying questions, and even less so prying eyes, he carefully makes his way upstairs to his room. Once there he manages to limp over to his bed and collapses on it. Finding enough strength to roll over so that he’s on his back, the young man stares out the window at the perfectly dark sky. His dark eyes reflect the limpid pool that sits over all of Japan, and it isn’t long before his eyelids cover his eyes and he falls asleep.

Chronicle of Ghost Watchers Vivid
Espers and Demons

The sun rises and its lights penetrate the nearby Tokyo tower in such a way that it looks like the huge structure has a halo. This image brings a fitting end to the night life filled with things that are anything but holy and ushers in the pristine image of children on their way to school and people going to earn honest livings. The young man still lays motionless on his bed, although at some point he managed to at least cover himself with a comforter. His room too is bathed in a brilliant yellow glow from of the golden ball of light that comes with the morning air. The room is sparse save for two posters of bikini-clad models and a bookshelf in the far corner. The door to his closet is open, and a stack of Japanese Manga or comic books sit on the floor. Oddly these are all of the same series rather than several different works. Even more curious is that this closet has no clothes in it, and instead has what seems to be a sleeping bag which is beside the stack of comics. Instead the young man’s clothes are laid out in what seems to be a hamper which sits off to the side of his bed.
The Sun’s rays were now at full effect which in turn makes them impossible to ignore. The young man opens his eyes which are still a dark black, rubs his face and then his eyes. Blinking he stares forward without moving his body and then rubs his eyes again. Right in front of him was the sleeping form of what seems to be a girl who is slightly younger than he is. One strand of her oddly colored sky blue hair has managed to free itself from the rest of the crop on her head and now every time she inhales it follows to her mouth and when she exhales, it frees itself in mid-air. The young man blinks for a minute and without missing a beat gets up from bed and yanks the sheets off of the girl.
“Hey” The young man says in a menacing voice. “Don’t go giving those kinds of suggestive scenes to the readers when the story has just started.” He tosses the sheet on the floor and grimaces in pain. His injury from last night still had him in its grip apparently. The girl opens her eyes and sits up on her knees.
“But master,” she says sympathetically. “You looked so tired and lonely when you came in last night, so I only thought I’d keep you company.”
“Don’t call me master either dammit. Wait…you were awake?”
“Well it’s not like I have school or anything….”
The young man turns away from her and points at the closet. “That is where you sleep. Understand?” He says to her. She crosses her arms and begins to pout.
“I don’t know why you hafta be so mean.” She mumbles.
“What’s that?”
The girl was an anomaly to say the least. Her hair is sky blue and her eyes are as yellow as the sun that just came up. Now that her face is that of a pouting one, two small fangs protrude from her mouth. Of course one could probably ignore these little oddities, but what couldn’t be ignored is the fact that coming from the back end of her nightgown is a tail much akin to a dragon. Even those in the deepest canals of denial would have to cast aside their oars and realize that she isn’t human but a demon, but her demeanor wouldn’t have given this away by itself.
She then perks up suddenly and looks over at the young man. “Hey master! How did demon hunting go last night?” Her tail wagging in anticipation she waits for the young man to answer her question.
As a demon…should you even ask that?” He replies. “Isn’t that sort of the same as cannibalism?”
“I guess so, but it’s always so exciting! I wish I could go out and stuff, but if I did that a Esper might get the wrong idea and send me back..”
“The only way to avoid that is to be sent back by someone you know.” The young man then raises a hand and then lunges at the girl, but she had already anticipated this from times past and leaps off the bed. The young man falls in a heap on his mattress and the girl sticks out her tongue behind him.
“I’ve been training too!” She taunts. “You’ll have to do better than that! Besides I know you wouldn’t send little ol’ me back because you like me!”
“I’d like you to go away.” He snaps back at her. His face still in the mattress he groans. Three months ago, I find that little urchin passed out in an alleyway, so I take her home to get her cleaned up and how does she thank me?! By staying!
“Betcha don’t know what time it is master.” The girl says.
The young man then pulls down the sleeve of his hoodie and glancing at the watch hidden there he sees that it is eight forty five. He then glares at the girl who takes this chance to exit. The time to go to school was rapidly approaching, and he hadn’t even taken a shower yet. With another groan he heaves himself up and then walks over to the bathroom.

Dressed in a black button down shirt and black pants the young man heads down to the kitchen. Underneath his shirt was a band-aid for his injury, and while the shower had allowed him to alleviate some of the pain it still was rather awkward for him to move the arm around. Though if he stays home from school, the alternative would be to stay home with his folks, and that was unacceptable. With that, he saunters into the kitchen hoping to grab a quick bite and be out the door. Unfortunately that avenue of hope had been condemned as his parents and annoying “sister” were already there.
“Oh! Little Toshi!” his mother says upon his appearance. “G-O-O-D morning!” She said the last part in English probably as a lame attempt to seem cultured.
His father who is reading a newspaper at the kitchen table puts it aside when he hears his wife’s greeting to his son. “Ah Toshio, Good Morning.”
His father is a man now forty, who very much is worried about looking his age. So much so that he often antagonizes over the parts of his hair that have started to become silver. On contrast his mother looks like she could pass for someone in her late twenties and acts very much like a teen. Toshio notes however, that she’s wearing a business suit which is very much unlike her. His mom catches on and then strikes a few model poses for him.
“You like? I was planning on doing a cosplay with some friends later on.” She says grinning. “I worked really hard on this! Don’t be shy..tell me what you think!”
“I think it’s creepy that I have a 40 year old mother who ogles fictional anime characters like a 15 year old teenager.”
“I’m thirty-eight! Three-eight! And I think it’s nice to have a pass time!”
“Sure. Whatever.”
“He’s just mean mama.” The girl from earlier perks up.
“Didn’t I already tell you not to let it call you guys that?” Toshio remarks. “If it calls you that, it’ll start to believe it.”
“I’m not an *it*!”
Toshio’s father sighs. “Toshio, please don’t antagonize your mother and Mirirei.”
Toshio doesn’t respond to this, and instead walks over to the cupboard and takes out a package of coffee milk along with a straw. His father notices that his son is moving his arm a bit stiffly and beckons him over to his side.
“Listen Toshio,” he says sympathetically. “I know the demon hunting job is a lot of work. I wish I could he----
“Then take your job back baldy.”
“You know what they say…hair today, gone tomorrow.”
“Don’t say that! Having hair is all about your mental conditioning! If I Think I have hair I will!”
“If that were true, I wonder if the guys up at Rogaine would really be rolling in cash like they are.”
Toshio’s dad glares at him and clears his throat. “Listen up. Whether you like it or not, you are the heir to the Shinya legacy of demon hunting. My old man, or your grandfather started it when he was younger and now we have appearances to keep up. You’re seventeen now so that’s why your mom and I pulled out and left things to you.” He pauses for a moment and then continues. “However, that doesn’t mean you should be reckless. You’re our son first and an Esper second. So let us know if you need any help.”
Toshio takes a sip from his coffee milk and turns for the door. “I don’t see what’s so glorious about this, I mean if gramps was so awesome, why did he die before getting to retirement? I for one sure as hell don’t want to die doing this lame-ass job, for ungrateful idiots.”
Toshio’s mom is about to speak up but his dad stops her. “Shizuka, don’t worry about it.”
“But…Rikiya…he shouldn’t say such things about your father…”
“Heh, I have a bone to pick with him myself really, so I don’t mind.” He then turns to Toshio. “Have a good day at school.”
Toshio stares at his father, grabs his shoes putting them on quickly, then strides to the front door closing it after him.
Hello Bomber,

I think I can see what you are trying to do here - the first paragraph sounds like the omniscient narrator growling out the text over an aerial shot of the city at night.

However, you are struggling with tense. You jump from the present to the past tense, sometimes in the same sentence. It makes the text unnecessarily cumbersome to read. By way of an example:-
This place had a secret, and it had nothing to do with how the people conducted themselves, and that is a problem with demons and the fact that some of them were trying their hardest to make Tokyo their new home.

Consistent present tense usage - "this place has a secret and it has nothing to do with how the people conduct themselves. That is a problem with demons, some of whom are trying their hardest to make Tokyo their new home."

Consistent past tense usage - "this place had a secret and it had nothing to do with how people conducted themselves. That was a problem with demons, some of whom were trying their hardest to make Tokyo their new home."

You also need to look at voice - you flit from active to passive.

Some of your sentence construction is a bit leaden too:-

The sky above is a starless and empty black void where decency, respect and other virtues seem to have been sucked into and dispersed, to be found again only after regret had made his rounds early the next morning.

This is a nice little image, but the word usage and order lets it down. You also jump between tenses again. Regret (when used as a personification) should be capitalised.

"the sky above is a starless black void which draws up virtues such as decency and respect, only to release them again after Regret finishes his morning rounds."

Funny thing is that when truth is trying to be hidden among falsehoods, it only stands to stick out even more.

You're doing the active/passive thing here. "The funny thing is that when Truth (capitalise if you are personifying again) tries to hide amongst falsehood, she only manages to show herself more clearly."

Keep at it!


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Hello Bomber,

I think I can see what you are trying to do here - the first paragraph sounds like the omniscient narrator growling out the text over an aerial shot of the city at night.

However, you are struggling with tense. You jump from the present to the past tense, sometimes in the same sentence. It makes the text unnecessarily cumbersome to read. By way of an example:-

Consistent present tense usage - "this place has a secret and it has nothing to do with how the people conduct themselves. That is a problem with demons, some of whom are trying their hardest to make Tokyo their new home."

Consistent past tense usage - "this place had a secret and it had nothing to do with how people conducted themselves. That was a problem with demons, some of whom were trying their hardest to make Tokyo their new home."

You also need to look at voice - you flit from active to passive.

Some of your sentence construction is a bit leaden too:-

This is a nice little image, but the word usage and order lets it down. You also jump between tenses again. Regret (when used as a personification) should be capitalised.

"the sky above is a starless black void which draws up virtues such as decency and respect, only to release them again after Regret finishes his morning rounds."

You're doing the active/passive thing here. "The funny thing is that when Truth (capitalise if you are personifying again) tries to hide amongst falsehood, she only manages to show herself more clearly."

Keep at it!



Thanks a lot! I really appreciate the time you took out to make comments about this. I'll put them into the story right away. Its also nice that you seem to enjoy the pacing so far. Thanks again!
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