Pillars of Creation: No More?

j d worthington

Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
That's what the latest evidence would indicate:

Pillars of Creation Toppled By Stellar Blast - Yahoo! News

SEATTLE - They helped open the public's eyes to the wonders of space when they were first photographed in 1995, but a new study suggests the famous Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula might have already been toppled long ago, and that what the Hubble Space Telescope actually captured was their ghost image.

A new picture of the Eagle Nebula shot by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, presented here at the 209th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, show the intact pillars next to a giant cloud of glowing dust scorched by the heat of a massive stellar explosion known as a supernova.

"The pillars have already been destroyed by the shockwave," said study leader Nicolas Flagey of The Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale in France.

Astronomers think the supernova's shock wave knocked the pillars down about 6,000 years ago. But because the Eagle Nebula is located some 7,000 light years away, the majestic pillars will appear intact to observers on Earth for another 1,000 years or so.

The supernova blast is thought to have occurred between 6,000 and 9,000 years ago, so what astronomers see now is evidence of the blast just before its destructive shock wave reached the pillars.

Astronomers have long predicted that a supernova blast wave would destroy the famous pillars. One earlier study concluded that the pillars would be destroyed sometime within the next million years. About 20 stars in the region are ripe for exploding and it was only a matter of time before one exploded.

The Eagle Nebula has been studied in infrared wavelengths before, but the new study is the most detailed yet. "What is brand new with Spitzer is that we have access to longer wavelengths," particularly the 70 micron wavelength, Flagey said. "We didn't have access to these wavelengths before."

The new Spitzer image suggests one of the stellar time bombs in the Eagle Nebula has already detonated. Humans living 1,000 to 2,000 years ago might have noticed the supernova event that destroyed the pillars as an unusually bright star in the sky.

The story is from SPACE.com, by Ker Than, titled "Pillars of Creation Toppled By Stellar Blast", and is datelined Tues., Jan. 9, 2006, with an update at 2:50 pm EST.
There are also several views of them in the article I posted a link to. Just click on the spot where "Pillars of Creation" is highlighted, and it'll take you to an article about them, with several different views you can click to enlarge.
ah, those pillars of creation

well, dude, that's obvious, the distortion of space-time perceivation is something easily understood... in an abstract sense

I mean photonic wave-functions and gravatic distortion and extension disipation is not easily understood, especially in their mathematical fourmulae, of course if one understood the maths, it would be much more clear than understanding just the basic ideas, but then again, the basic idea of space-time is hard enough to grasp as a whole, for the human mind to understand the total interconnection of all principles in the cosmic equation.

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