More News on the the Stem Cell Front

When science moves forward and is obviously using non-controversial ways of doing so, we can applaud - it's when there is a procedure that appears to be doing things that are not ethical then there is a huge problem. This certainly does look encouraging.
does anyone else abhore abortions (which I consider murder of life, if highly dependent, it's still alive) and feotal stem cell research?

really, the cells are possibly cancerous (and with cancer popping up more frequently, there's more chance of it happening) and you must kill a completely helpless organism (where's PETA? humans are animals, too) to 'harvest' the cells

conversely, adult stem cells are proven to be cancerous or not by the progress of their owner through life. They are, I think, of slightly less availability the Feotal cells, but if a mother puts her baby's umbilica and placenta in cold storage, those cells could be used on the baby if it develops anything harmful later in life or if the child grows into adulthood, they can donate their stem cells to science for the progression of mankind.

yeah, it sounds righteous, and there is the 'choice' 'debate' but I biliev that the choice is whether or not the mother of the child has sex (protected or not), if they take the risk, and they knowingly take it, if pregnancy should be the outcome, you must suffer throught it, no matter how bad you don't want a child or are too young, the only time an abortion should be performed is if the baby will most likely endanger the life of a young mother or if both person's lives are forfeit if the birth happens.

One's potential should never be sacrificed for another's comfort.
does anyone else abhore abortions (which I consider murder of life, if highly dependent, it's still alive) and feotal stem cell research?

really, the cells are possibly cancerous (and with cancer popping up more frequently, there's more chance of it happening) and you must kill a completely helpless organism (where's PETA? humans are animals, too) to 'harvest' the cells

conversely, adult stem cells are proven to be cancerous or not by the progress of their owner through life. They are, I think, of slightly less availability the Feotal cells, but if a mother puts her baby's umbilica and placenta in cold storage, those cells could be used on the baby if it develops anything harmful later in life or if the child grows into adulthood, they can donate their stem cells to science for the progression of mankind.

yeah, it sounds righteous, and there is the 'choice' 'debate' but I biliev that the choice is whether or not the mother of the child has sex (protected or not), if they take the risk, and they knowingly take it, if pregnancy should be the outcome, you must suffer throught it, no matter how bad you don't want a child or are too young, the only time an abortion should be performed is if the baby will most likely endanger the life of a young mother or if both person's lives are forfeit if the birth happens.

One's potential should never be sacrificed for another's comfort.

Admiral...I would like to agree with you, but you are combining many different issues into one. How does abortion equate to stem cell research? The two can be mutually exclusive. You do know that?
yes, but feotal stem cell reserch has much connection with abortion, that's the SCR I don't like

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