What happened?

Is there anything to stop us trying a book club again anyway, I mean we could just try it. People that thought it wasn't going to work (and I am not saying you're wrong) could just not join in. People who who want to have a go could indicate on this thread and we could see how it goes. After all, the worst that can happen I suppose is it doesn't work again. Just a thought.

I'd be up for it.
I wanna do it!
I'm in another book club and there's only like 4 of us who ever get round to reading the books but it's still really fun. Who said you need loads of ppl to enjoy it?
and my local library has a great collection of fantasy so I dont have a problem really :D
come on, let's do it!
I did what I could when this was still running, but I (like the sentient tree) lack a book shop with a supply of recent, interesting books, and really, only recent books are a reasonable choice. By the time a book was chosen, I'd gone down and ordered it from the bookshop, they'd ordered it fron their international stockists, and it had finally arrived for me to start reading, everyone else had finished it, voted, and forgotten about it (exception for the downloaded one, but that proved tome I'm not cut out to read E-books)
Concentrating on older books, or the ones that get put in aeroport waiting rooms, is a bit of a perversion of the base idea of discovering something new, that you wouldn't otherwise have read.
If we kept a running sign-up for the BC going, we could eliminate the whole vote for which book we read by assigning numbers(perhaps order of sign-up) to folks, who then choose the selection that month. For instance..

1. Memnoch - December
2. jackokent - January
3. ladyflorange - February
4. BookStop - March

and so on, just copy and paste, then add yourself next in line you're interested - if you want to drop out, just let the next person in line know, and books need to be chosen one month in advance so folks have time to get them.

Just an idea, what do you think?
If we kept a running sign-up for the BC going, we could eliminate the whole vote for which book we read by assigning numbers(perhaps order of sign-up) to folks, who then choose the selection that month. For instance..

1. Memnoch - December
2. jackokent - January
3. ladyflorange - February
4. BookStop - March

and so on, just copy and paste, then add yourself next in line you're interested - if you want to drop out, just let the next person in line know, and books need to be chosen one month in advance so folks have time to get them.

Just an idea, what do you think?

Sounds like a great idea to me. That's what we do in my other reading group and it works fine. I think we should definatley do it!
Well, as a newbie, I must say I find this thread depressing. Surely this failure of the book club notion is not indicative of anything else about the site? After all, a cursory investigation seems to support an active and commited group of posters. But I may be wrong.
Hello and welcome to the Chronicles, Stellarexplorer. No... and the people on here read a tremendous amount... it's just that most of us have a huge "to be read" list already, and finding the time for a book for the book club tends to get put on the back burner because of other commitments and discussions we're involved in. Often there are several people throughout reading the same book to post notes and reviews on it, but it's not formalized like a book club. It's a very active site; but it also tends to be rather eclectic (not to mention eccentric) in many ways.
If we kept a running sign-up for the BC going, we could eliminate the whole vote for which book we read by assigning numbers(perhaps order of sign-up) to folks, who then choose the selection that month. For instance..

1. Memnoch - December
2. jackokent - January
3. ladyflorange - February
4. BookStop - March

and so on, just copy and paste, then add yourself next in line you're interested - if you want to drop out, just let the next person in line know, and books need to be chosen one month in advance so folks have time to get them.

Just an idea, what do you think?

I think that this is a pretty good idea but maybe who ever month it is could list a poll with a few different books that you would want to read/discuss and let people pick... this way whoever's month it is still gets a say in what everyone will read but everyone also has a choice

Are we going to have a book for November? If so we kinda need to decide soon...
