What will you not read?

I'll read just about anything if the premise sounds interesting. Usually that rules out romance, westerns, and anything written by Patterson. Exceptions have been made, but not for Patterson. :D
I will not read novels by certain people who are considered to be "important" writers - John Updike comes to mind immediately. I've never noticed, when I've tried to read authors in that sort of contemporary literary fiction genre, that they have had anything relevant to say to me.

Love this one. I read TONS of this as part of my lit major and my brother still swears by them. But that whole field of Updike, Percy, Roth, Irving... they bore me to tears. I can see why they seemed revolutionary when published, but to me they just read like middle-aged wish fulfillment wrapped in guilt. Not everybody has to be a stoic Hemingway tough guy, but the perpetually whining and introspective man that rambles endlessly about his insecurity about his place in the modern world for 400 pages is even more annoying. So your wife doesn't put out as much as you want and won't stay in the kitchen like you were raised to expect... cry me a river.

I often feel the same about post-modern authors, if that's the correct term. The whole Delillo, Pynchon, Wallace et al... never have so many people spent so many words saying so little of substance outside of a political campaign.
Interesting to see everyone's opinions of DeLillo, McCarthy, etc. Surprised to say the least. I seem to be in the minority -- I enjoy their writing, though perhaps I'm just easily amused.

I tend to avoid the campy, hard science fiction. All the militaristic stuff. Just seems so adolescent to me, like some military brat's wet dream.
Romance. Will never touch it, especially when one book used jahoobies rather than bosoms.

I said i wouldn't read stephanie meyer but The Host sounded to interesting to pass up. I'm indifferent on it.

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