6.16: Metamorphosis


Space Monkey!
Feb 22, 2001
6.13: Metamorphosis

New thread started!

Episode chat only please :rolly2:
Metamorphosis: An off-world laboratory, the return of an established
villain, and the death of a series semi-regular.

d'oh, someone dies!!!

who shall it be? jacob, bratac...any speculation?
Originally posted by skydiver

who shall it be? jacob, bratac...any speculation?

Neither I hope they are both my faves of the semi regular people...but its bound to be someone like that..I can't think of any others at the moment! :rolleyes:
There was a rumor that Jacob was going to bite it.

Of course I think that sucks, but that's me. :)
I would hate to see Jacob killed off, but that would make Earth's split with the Tok'ra more probable. It looks like the series is going that way.
I founbd a site with info on this ep so be warned for spoilers.....

Fans will have a question answered: whatever became of the Russian
team? They show up (albeit briefly), once again aggravating O'Neill,
this time by bringing an alien back through the gate - without
permission. However, this alien (Alebran) has vital information
concerning one of SG1's more fiendish foes.... Nirrti.

Apparently the Gou'ald is busy continuing her previous work of
experimenting on people. Alebran says she is changing his people
into 'monsters'. His village is dead, results of experiments that
involves a machine that eventually results in an incredibly
horrifying, sickening death for its victims, but not before exacting
a psychological toll.

SG1 and Evanov (the Russian SG leader) go back to Nirrti's fortress.
Something goes wrong, and the team is captured. The team may soon
fall victim to the insidious machine. Carter is chosen.

We'll also find out why Jack hates Russians so much.

Fraiser in the episode

more info at www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sg1_spoilme/
oh oh oh...

of course when they mention

Carter, they could mean Jacob not Sam....
I like Jacob, I kinda hope he doesn't die.
It sounds like a good eppie though!
It only mentions SG-1 and the russians so I think its Sam who gets chosen (I could be wrong)
...and I think its Nirrti who kicks the bucket
but I like Nirti! Stop killing all the Goolds then you wont have to keep introducing new ones! Gees Apophis lives forever but all other G drop like flies on a windshield.
I dont think they will kill jacob, well i dont want them to anyway hes kewl, they say semi reg, that could count doc fraisure couldnt it? Or some extra. It would most likely be a baddy though.
They already pretended to kill bratak, i was outraged theyd even think of it! What would be the point of killing Jacob?
Killing characters off gets old after a while anyway, if they do then i hope its quick and they dont make a big deal out if it as that just sucks.
Nirrti is back and up to her old tricks. Evanov and the Russian SG team return from the planet they were sent to survey, with a human-appearing alien named Alebran in tow. Alebran begs for the SGC's help to save what's left of his people. Nurrti has enslaved them and is carrying out experiments to alter their DNA.

Alebran says she has killed nearly all of his people and turned many more into monsters. Before he can tell them the whole story, Alebran dies horribly and in terrible agony. Feeling responsible for unleashing Nurrti on these poor people ["Rite of Passage"], SG-1 and the Russian team head back to the planet to see what they can do.

But in the process, SG-1 and Evanov are captured and Nurrti starts using Evanov and Carter as guinea pigs in her DNA experiments.

Additional guest characters include Alebran (an alien), Evanov (leader of the Russian SG team mentioned early in the season), and a Jaffa Commander (in Nurrti's service).

For more info see:
I think the Russian will kick the bucket, maybe while saving Sam?
That was a cool ep! Loved it when Sam rested her head on Jack's shoulder and the looks they gave each other, awww! Hehe, my shippy hearts all aflutter hehe *giggle*

Yeah so anyway Stargate can do no wrong lately! Can i just clear something up? Right at the beginning, did Sam call Jonas chickensh*t or did i hear wrong? Cos i was like, woah! Jonas flirting was kinda hilarious hehe, and Nurti's dead for now, yay!

I take it spoiler spaces went the way of the dinosaur...:mad:
I loved the shippy moment between Sam and Jack, I was all like, arrrrrr :D
It was cool how the people went all red then exploded into water just like on X-Men the movie :D
I think she said he was a chicken or chickenish, I don't think she swore.
Was it just me or did Nurti look more like a body builder now?

I thought this ep was fab :D
Originally posted by Arc_Angel

I loved the shippy moment between Sam and Jack, I was all like, arrrrrr :D
It was cool how the people went all red then exploded into water just like on X-Men the movie :D
I think she said he was a chicken or chickenish, I don't think she swore.
Was it just me or did Nurti look more like a body builder now?

I thought this ep was fab :D

Yeah I thought that Nurti look a little like a body builder...she has been working out LOL ;)

Quite a good episode if not a little predictable, I knida guessed that the Russian would die.
Eveytime SG1 take out another team of any kind it usually means that one of them will die!

As for the spoiler tags..I don't really think they have to be used when chatting about the episode in the right thread but if you guys do feel really strongly about them then I can put them in! :D
Originally posted by skoon
I take it spoiler spaces went the way of the dinosaur...:mad:
Sorry to point out the obvious but if you dont want to be spoilered should you have not come in the episode thread?!


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