Monty Python: Life of Brian or Holy Grail

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

'Makes Ben Hur look like an epic'

It is the year 932 A.D.

King Arthur persuades his knights; Sir Bedevere, Sir Lancelot the Brave, Sir Galahad the Pure, Sir Robin the-not-Quite-so-Brave and Sir Not Appearing In This Film to join him in the fellowship of the Round Table; their fist goal is Camelot, but God appears in the skies and directs them to seek the Holy Grail.

At the foot of a French castle they suffer the sarcastic remarks of a French knight, who also bombards them with assorted animals. Before being slain by a rider on horseback, a Famous Historian informs us of the Round Table's decision to seek the Grail individually. Each knight then undergoes various trials, make a rescue from Swamp Castle, and along the way they have to face numerous adversaries including the knights who say NI, the invincible Black Knight (It's only a flesh wound), and the three headed knight.

Eventually, all the knights team up and are led by Tim the Enchanter to the cave of Caerbanog, where they do battle with the Beast of Aaaargh; they then endeavour to cross the Bridge of Death (guarded by the Soothsayer), but only Arthur and Bedevere manage it successfully. Voices lead them to an enchanted boat, which carries them to the Castle of Aaaargh, resting place of the Holy Grail.

Basically, this is a series of linked comedy sketches, just like the TV show, but all with a medieval theme; some parts are slower than others, but most are uproariously funny, and I think this film works better than their later outings, (Life of Brian, Meaning of Life) although it was less successful.

Made entirely on location in Scotland at Dourne Castle, Castle Stalker, Killin, Glen Coe, Arnhall Castle, Bracklinn falls, Sherrifffmuir; and it has a remarkable visual sense of the middle ages. This is due, no doubt, to the fact that one Director, Terry Jones, is a history post-graduate; while the other, Terry Gilliam, has gone on to produce other genre films with equally striking visual scenery (Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Adventures of Baron Munchausen.)

There are several good songs by Neil Innes (The Rutles) that are quite memorable too.


Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)

Brian, a contemporary of Jesus is mistaken for him and crucified.

As in the TV show, the film consists of a series of linked comedy sketches. Just as in 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' was set in medieval times, here they are all linked by a biblical middle-eastern/ Roman setting, (except for the part with the aliens.)

This gives an excuse to give us the sketches: The Wise Men at the Manger, Sermon on the Mount, the Stoning and the Stone Salesman, Revolutionaries in the Amphitheatre, What have the Romans ever done for us, Brian before Pontius Pilate, Brian's Prophecy, and the Crucifixion itself.

It also brings us the Romans Biggus Dickus, Nisus Wettus and Nortius Maximus.

Extremely controversial at the time of it’s release, this film was accused of Blasphemy, Anti-Semitism, and if not those, then at the very least was thought of as in very bad taste, (but worse taste was yet to come in 1983 with 'The Meaning of Life', which included sketches on Organ Transplants and the results of overeating.) The onslaught of criticism left the Monty Python team battered but extremely wealthy. The film project was saved with the financial help of Handmade films (George Harrison and Denis O’Brien). As they went on to finance further British films, you could say that this was the start of the turnaround of the British film industry from its collapse in the seventies.

The Eric Idle song 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' even made the singles charts.
'The Life Of Brian' is the best out of ALL of them & always makes me laugh

'otter noses, wolf nipple chips - get em while they're hot - they're lovely'


'OK, but apart from the roads, education, sanitation and the aquaduct - WHAT HAVE THE ROMANS DONE FOR US ?'

'Brian, your father isn't Mr Cohen' ' I never thought he was'
'he was a centurion, in the Jerusalem garracks'
'You mean you were raped!' '.......well, at first......'

'promised me the known world, all the gold that I could eat'

I just love that scene

'I think he said, blessed the cheesemakers'

'Shut up Big nose'

'Wanna buy a beard'

'of course it brough forth juniper berries, its a juniper bush'

'c'mon - haggle'

and the one I use on a daily basis

'he's making it up as he goes along'

This is one of my fave films in the entire history of films, its one of those films where there is a quote you can stick in to any conversation during the day
Love it!

Here are my favourite Life Of Brian Quotes:

"I'm not the messiah!" "Only the messiah would deny his true existence!" "Well, what chance does that give me?! Alright, I am the messiah!" "HE IS! HE IS THE MESSIAH!" "Now, **** OFF!" "How shall we **** off, O Lord?" (sorry, I know that was rude, but it was funny!).

"Brian, leave that welsh tart alone!"

"Alms for a leper." "Alms for a leper." "Alms for an ex-leper.":D

"Half a dinarii for me bloody life story?!" "There's no pleasing some people!" "That's just what Jesus said, sir!"

I also love the stoning scene:

"All I said was "That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah!" "OOOHH!!! He said it again! He did! HE DID!" "Are there any women here today?" "No. No. No." "You're only making it worse for yourself!" "Making it worse? How could it be worse? Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah." "Who threw that? Come on, who threw that?" "She did! He did. Him. Him!" "Go to the back. There's always one!" "Oh Dear." "No-one is to throw anything until I blow this whistle, understood? Even if they do say Jehovah." "OOOHHH! Get him!":D

Then there's the excellent parody of Spartacus: "I'm Brian." I'm Brian!" "No, I'm Brian!" "I'm Brian and so's my wife!":D

Some for Holy Grail:

"One day lad, all this will be yours!" "What the curtains?" "No, not the curtains, lad!"

"But I don't like 'er!" "Don't like 'er! What's wrong with 'er?! She's rich, she's got HUGE...tracks of land!"

"Listen, Alice!" "Herbert!" "Herbert, sorry."

"Old woman!" "Man!" "Man, sorry! Who lives in that castle?" "I'm 37!" "What?" "I'm 37, I'm not old!" "Well, I couldn't just call you man!" "You could've called me Dennis!" "I didn't know you were called Dennis!"
'Why do you want to be called Loretta Stan??'

'I wanna have babies'

'You wanna have babies, how you gonna have babies, you haven't got a womb, where's the foetus going to gestate, are you going to keep it in a box'

:rolly2: tee hee
ha ha ha, i love that scene! :rolly2:

"I want to have babies"
"You can't have babies!"
"Don't you oppress me!"
"I'm not oppressing you Stan, you haven't got a womb!"

Holy Grail is just as great, but i can't think of a quote right now.
Ive seen this film numerous time and it never loses it silly charm.

Favorite scenes. The Black Knight " Its only A Flesh wound " :lol:

And lets not forget The Killer Bunny Rabbit.:D
“But I’m NOT the messiah!”

“Yes you are, and I should know I’ve followed a few!”

“Thwow him to the gwound Centuwian!”

“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. I fart in your general direction you English bed wetting types. Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!”

“Bravely bold Sir Robin
Rode forth from Camelot.
He was not afraid to die,
Oh brave Sir Robin.
He was not at all afraid
To be killed in nasty ways.
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin.
He was not in the least bit scared
To be mashed into a pulp.
Or to have his eyes gouged out,
And his elbows broken.
To have his kneecaps split
And his body burned away,
And his limbs all hacked and mangled
Brave Sir Robin.
His head smashed in
And his heart cut out
And his liver removed
And his bowls unplugged
And his nostrils raped
And his bottom burnt off
And his pe....

Brave Sir Robin ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
When danger reared it's ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled. Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Swiftly taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!”
Oh! Nearly forgot Dennis the Socialist Peasant:

“Watery tarts chucking swords at innocent passers by is no basis for a stable form of government!”
“But I’m NOT the messiah!”

“Yes you are, and I should know I’ve followed a few!”

“Thwow him to the gwound Centuwian!”

“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. I fart in your general direction you English bed wetting types. Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!”

“Bravely bold Sir Robin
Rode forth from Camelot.
He was not afraid to die,
Oh brave Sir Robin.
He was not at all afraid
To be killed in nasty ways.
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin.
He was not in the least bit scared
To be mashed into a pulp.
Or to have his eyes gouged out,
And his elbows broken.
To have his kneecaps split
And his body burned away,
And his limbs all hacked and mangled
Brave Sir Robin.
His head smashed in
And his heart cut out
And his liver removed
And his bowls unplugged
And his nostrils raped
And his bottom burnt off
And his pe....

Brave Sir Robin ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
When danger reared it's ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled. Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Swiftly taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!”

In the frozen Land of Nador, They were forced to eat Robin's minstrels and there was much rejoicing. :whistle:
I think the Holy Grail, will always remain my favourite Python film. I think given it was made on a very tight budget and it was improvised in part, it feels far more honest and raw. My only criticism is that it ran out of inventive steam near the end.

Life of Brian, is a polished gem of a film, helped somewhat by a bigger budget, special effects and a larger more confident production. Fortunately, the comedy sketches were immensely funny and remain in the memory for years.(My favourite scene involves those two Roman guards trying hard not to laugh at the name "Biggus Dickus"). However, I didn't like the ending, and it was also a tad overlong.

But they make for a great double-bill to pass away a humdrum Sunday afternoon's entertainment
The ending of Life of Brian was altered to make it more politically correct. I think I'm right in saying that the Jewish suicide squad originally was going to be (perhaps in addition, rather than as an alternative, to the chosen end) Nazi Jews. If you look carefully the leader of them has a swastika badge on his forehead.

I think I prefer the Holy Grail. But maybe that's just because I'm beginning to suspect having aquatic women distributing swords might be a good form of government :p
The Monty Python Troop in their own unique comic way, changed how we look at life and the world around us .(y) When the last member of Monty Python finally departs this earth , we will never see their like again.
The Monty Python Troop in their own unique comic way, changed how we look at life and the world around us .(y) When the last member of Monty Python finally departs this earth , we will never see their like again.
True, although the Same was previously said about The Goons, and perhaps The Crazy Gang before them, and will some day be said of the Comic Strip & others.
John Cleese was on the Letterman show, back when we still remembered the Falklands isle war.

Said his proudest moment in life was news footage of British sailors, lined up along the rails of their sinking warship, singing, "Always look on the bright side of life."

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