Lembas stall! Fresh lembas!


aka Padfoot
May 9, 2001
i am the official lembas sales person. we have lotsa different flavours, n e one want n e? :D
Ya I do I do! you got any Lemon flavour Lembas? Can I have some o' that please?
one lemon flavoured lembas coming up leggy! *passes lembas to leggy.* and what flavour do u want strider?
sure! *hands strider some lemon lembas* i think i'll have some cinnamon lembas myself! :D
Im up for some Lime!!! Got any available? :D
Loooove that lembas!
sure! i have alllllllllllllllll flavours, i think i'm going to get some lemon, cinnamon, choccie, strawberry and coconut lembas for my clones:D
mmmmmmmmmm choccie indeed! made from real choccie is my lembas!:D
Yum! Lemon lemon lemoooooooooon! *gets hyper* aside from the fact Lembas on its own makes me hyper, theres LEMON in it!
Woohoo! Ya gotta love sherbert, and when its LEMON and lembas, you know its GOTTA BE GOOD! :D
I love lemons! They is so funky! ppl say i am wierd but i already knew that!
yup! we alllllllllllllllll know YOUR wierd leggy :D but so is everyone on this site.

and i like lemons too!:rolly2:
hooray! Another Lemon lover! Gimme lembas please! yum!

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