Where is everbody?


Mar 22, 2001
A few days ago I came on and made one reply. I come back on today and my reply was the latest on the Entire general discussions board. What? It was TWO DAYS ago! Where did everybody go? I like the fact that this board is slow moving, b/c I don't get a chance to be on that often, but I Am on and no one else is and there's no one to talk to.
Your fellow fan,
I felt the same way.... thats why I liked this board in the first place, but now it's too slow and has been that way for awhile now. Although I love this board... and always return sooner or later. The Roswell boards on forum for fans.com are more active, some are too fast, but they have some slower ones too. Plus the people there for the most part are equally as cool as the people here.... I miss the more active days of this board. : (


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