
let me go look it up, i've forgotten the name...he played a Mortal.

are we going to have to start a Highlander "Repeat Offenders" list?? those actors who have played more than one role on the show??? hehehe

and YES i do know a lot about Highlander --- that's why you can't get me out of this forum!!!

it's one of the other things i'm passionate about -- Hockey's the 1st ---

Connor MacLeod is SO the man!! Methos is too - but w/o Connor - we wouldn't even have Methos -------

i'm also really good at retaining information i find intriguing or important ----
*falls off her seat* Oh I just rembered Cory Rains * hits her self on the head* stupid me :blush:
Originally posted by Diamond9697
it's okay Dru...we can't be expected to remember all the immortals on the series;)

good thing too --

do you have ANY idea how many there are??????
yeah plus I haven't seen Highlander since Scifi stoped playing it:(
Originally posted by Dru
yeah plus I haven't seen Highlander since Scifi stoped playing it:(

well - -then it's time you purchased the videos -- or found someone who has them ----

you are SO in need of a Highlander fix!!
*wimper,sniff,sob* but I have no money and I don't know anyone in RL who likes Highlander:( :crying:
Originally posted by Dru
*wimper,sniff,sob* but I have no money and I don't know anyone in RL who likes Highlander:( :crying:

whoa - that's gotta suck ---

you SO need to find a friend w/ HL stuff -----
don't I know it *sigh* that or I need to get money
sounds like some ppl need to go out and rent the original badboy -- Highlander!!

just rent the 1st movie -- it makes you feel better ---

i love that movie!!

better yet -- BUY it!! i think you can get it for like $10 now - or, find a set of the 1st 3 together --- should be like $30 or so ---

just find some Highlander!!!!!
I have the original and Endgame...so I can watch the original one...and I do..all the time :rolly2:
good for you, Dia!

okay - now, Dru --- go get some Highlander --

or -- offer video trades to ppl on the MAP list -- i will tell you, if you want all 6 seasons of HL - it will take about 7 - 8 tapes (9hr length --you can get 11 eps on a 9hr tape - sometimes 12) - anyway -- and that gets expensive -- so tape trades are good - b/c you might have something that someone else wants and you can swap -- or you can pay for the tape and shipping and have someone make copies --- just gotta be careful there -

or --- even better!! start a letter writing campaign to SciFi and get them to air it again!! that way many many more ppl can see Highlander ----

too bad we can't get scifi to air the 'unedited' versions --
*looks deep in thought as she makes plans war to get Highlander in some way some how *
:D *grins and bounces* this is from a online tv guide

Sunday Sep 16
Highlander- FX, 5:30PM
(AS, L, BN, GV) A New Yorker (Christopher Lambert) beheads a swordsman in a parking lot, continuing a battle of immortals.

I'm finely gona see Highlander!!!!!:D :D :D

GO DRU!!!!

watch Highlander!!

(just be prepared for the US edited version - it's gonna leave out the good stuff - like how Connor met Rachel -- but it's still Highlander!!!!!!)

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