3.15: Pretense


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2000

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Forgot to mention - loved Zipacna. It was a brilliant idea to finally show one of the "lesser Goa'ulds". It was obvious he was subservient to another Goa'uld, but he held his own with 'lower species'. Kind of like a cross between a diplomat, a con-artist and a lawyer for the Goa'uld.
Cool nickname too 'Zippy'

Hammer - DANIELite, JACKette, TEAL'Conian, KAWler, FERling and GM of the Stargate Command RPG
"Colonel O'Neill, what the HELL are you doing?!" "IN THE MIDDLE OF MY BACKSWING??!" -- Hammond and O'Neill, Window Of Opportunity ¦ "I'm telling ya Teal'c, if we don't get out of this soon I'm going to lose it...lose it, it means crazy, nuts, bonzo, to lose control of one's faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal...WACKO!" -- O'Neill, Window Of Opportunity ¦ "What are you smiling at?" "Nothin'" -- Carter and O'Neill, Window Of Opportunity

Um, there is just those numbers for that post. I have tried to change something on the board and may have mucked up this thread? did i?
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

You posted while i was in the middle of making changes. i am sorry.
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

Hehe, and it must be a time travelling gate as well if you look when Hammer made the post!
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

I TOLD you all the ninth chev. was for time travel.... :)

Maybe there's a 10th chevron somewhere to go forward .haha that was funny, he posted in 1969. How did you do that Padders?
Come visit http://www.sg2070.com
Is this the same planet that SG-1 visited in the Nox in series 1 or did the Tollans move on or something?
I wanted to see Omoc again!!
New Tollan Homeworld. It's probably the one they all moved to before their planet took a header - the one Narim and the rest couldn't get to except by ship.

So how do you think they go to their new homeworld? Nox help them or do ya think they built a ship?
My theory would be that they managed to contact their people and they sent a ship for them since they had time after gating to the Nox world. Or possibly they waited until the new Gate was built on the new Tollen homeworld and they just Gated there.

They answered it in the episode... It is the new homeworld and they did build the new Stargate.
Good point, it kinda gets hard to hear it on an .asf file
That was cool how they built there own stargate hey?
yeah was a very great episode ...

what fascinating ion guns the tollans have :)

it is a pity that we lost klor'el to the tau'ri ...

but this ep was very good !!
klorel could definitely show back up. if i remember correctly he was chucked through the gate to a world of his choice so he could get another host and reemerge
excuse me for my non-precise expression ..

of course i meant klor'el's host ..

but i am sure we'll find another, better one ..
hehe you are a 'lariken' Geronimo :)

i suppose that Skaara returned to Abydos? I reckon thay shoudl of showed him at the SGC (so he can get a GDO)
perhaps he'll join the SG-1 team to fight against the goa'uld with o'neill ..

what means 'lariken' ?

babylon can't translate it :)

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