Scrivener is now on iOS

I spoke too soon. We STILL need Dropbox to sync :€

Ulysses doesn't. Why can't Scriv use the cloud, too?

I suppose having the program over Pages and its horrid lagginess and poor feature set is massive enough but I still feel a bit grumpy about it.

I've just got the app. You can use iTunes to sync your projects which is what I've done. Haven't used it to write anything yet.
Any chance of some thoughts or a quick review when you've used it a bit? Are you using it on your phone or an ipad? I'm with you RE: Pages Phyrebrat, I have it and don't use it. I mainly just use Notes for ideas etc to stop me forgetting until I can get back to the computer. If it's user friendly enough to do some actual writing with my phone, I think I'll get on board.
Hi @Coast , my review will probably be a long wait as I'm off work now until mid Sept so will be using my Mac to write. However, from the bit I have used, it's as user-friendly as you'd expect from Scrivener and there's no lag like there is in Pages.

Here are some screen grabs that will make more sense than my wittering:

This is the default view when you open your particualr project. It shows you all the folders you have. (Mine are arranged by dates in which they occur in the story.)


The one below shows the view when you open a folder (in this case I tapped my 1761 one). As you can see the Binder tree is now reduced to categories only, so to get the text cards as shown below, you tap Manuscript on the left pane.

If you want to write or edit, just tap the card, or click the + to add a new text 'sheet of paper'. It opens out as below:


And finally, when you actually type, there is a nice feature along the top of the keyboard which has the common punctuation marks, so you don't have to keep toggling the iPad keyboard. It also slides along to reveal other things like inserting pics etc.

Here's a handy vid from them about syncing with dropbox. Now that I've done it, I'm not so grumpy about the whole dropbox thing as it is so easy, and in General Settings on the iPad, you can go to the Scrivener app and chose 'sync on exit' so that it's always up to date. The only thing is, you have to move your scriv file from your Mac onto Dropbox, which means you don't have a local copy.

Thanks pH, that's awesome.

I'm a new convert to Scrivener, I'm pretty impressed by the desktop version already, so it's good timing with the iOS version being released.

Keeping your projects cloud based, and the syncing etc was something I was wondering about, but it looks pretty seamless.
Unless I'm missing something quite crucial, you have to pay another £14.99 to use the app. Is that right? Not a chance in hell of me paying for Scrivener twice, as much as I love it.

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