Where do you find the time to read?

I read during the following times:
  • An hour before bed
  • Lunchtime
  • When I take public transport (train, taxi)
Researching various tablets and e-readers now so I can invest in one to take with me wherever I go without feeling like I'm carrying a ton of bricks (especially with the epics that are heavy tomes).
When I worked out of the home I read every lunch hour, if I was not playing chess, and usually a couple of hours every night. Now that I am semi-retired and what work I do is done from the home I read morning, noon and night when in the mood (which is almost always). I watch too much TV but even then I tend to read during the commercials and this frequently causes me to miss some of the show I am watching which I consider a benefit not a problem as I have a bad habit of watching bad TV.
As I am now retired, whenever I'm not asleep, with friends, writing or posting. Especially in trains, planes, coaches, railway stations, airports, hospital waiting rooms, bus stations or traffic lights. Since LonCon I've read three full length novels and one short, written several thousand words, and reread a novel to give me back story on one of the big ones.

Oh, and I read in bed more now, too; as my eyes are becoming less myopic with age I no longer have the problem of having to stay awake to take my glasses off.
This is actually a problem. Like now, sitting at a java hut - there's too much online wordage. I have this great book here, 'Something about Words' 1936, am trying to absorb a whole lot of interesting info, but no, beeping flashing distractions. Then there's the issue of reading glasses - very annoying. I've made it to page 5 in two days.
Every time I go to read a voice says 'you should write instead.' Then a whole raft of different excuses kick in.
I have a confession - since my ME bit I can't read very often. When I do it is usually in the bathroom because it has a lock.

I read fast so when I do read I only need a couple of free hours to finish it.
Since the newborn I barely can, but the best times are:

1) Before the family wake up, sometimes I can sneak in an hours reading.

2) Before bed, if I'm not falling asleep already of course!

3) In the bathroom. (Alone time, no disturbances)
Child-free by choice, so no problem there.

I am also one of those who read when I walk.

I do most of my reading at work, when it is quiet. (That is also when I am here. Also when I do my minimal writing for this place. My job forces me to stare at this computer all night, waiting for orders to pop up, so I might as well get some use out of it.)

Any time I have to wait, at appointments and such.

Any time I am eating alone.

Quiet evenings at home, my better half and I sit and read with cats on our laps.
I have come up with a way to cheat.

I do text to speech on my desktop and produce MP3 files. I can then listen with my tablet or mp3 player.

So I can walk down the street, wash the dishes, drive the car and "read" a book.

The computer voice was somewhat annoying when I started but it is really no more annoying than reading. I don't really hear it as a computer voice anymore, I am just in the story. I don't really like the act of reading. The story has to be good enough though.

An hour for lunch.
Pull up a stool in the kitchen and polish off a chapter whilst the rice is cooking.
Twenty minutes on the exercise bike at the gym.
Up to an hour in bed whilst the wife faffs around making sure the kids are ok and assorted pets are locked down.
Mostly during lunch and after work are when I most often find time to read.
Sadly my reading time has become greatly diminished. I went from averaging at least a book a week for a couple years, to now averaging one every two or three weeks. I get about an hour a day in now. Sometimes more sometimes less. Even my bedtime reading has been cut to nearly nothing because I'm so tired when I finally get in bed.
I read anytime I'm eating now. I also read if I'm in the car and don't have to engage in conversation with the driver. Sometimes I'll read before I go to bed, but I usually go to bed watching a movie.

The best time for me to read lately has been first thing in the morning after I get a shower.
During my commute. It's a time reserved where I can't really do anything else. Besides, it's best not to look anyone in the eye whilst riding public transportation.
1. Get rid of television.
2. Get rid of internet.
3. www.librivox.org (this works esp. well in tandem with a player that can speed up playback).
4. downloadable books from the library.

I realize others in your household may well protest the elimination of TV or internet (and in this day and age, it's almost inconceivable to not have internet!), but that really is where vast amounts of spare time disappear for a lot of us. :)
If I get rid of the internet, how do I download from librivox.org?

:whistle: :)
I was hoping no one would notice that.;) (Public libraries have been pretty good with me about it in the past tho.)
I get about an hour each way to read on my daily commute. I get to work about 45 mins before I'm due to start (avoiding the rush hour!) so I read whilst I'm having breakfast and a cuppa, plus another half an hour or so at lunch time, and a bit last thing at night. So I guess I read for getting on for four hours per day.
