Your Worst Film

Vampire's Kiss - Nick Cage (earlier film) as a guy who thinks he's become a vampire, goes to buy fake fangs, winds up with el cheapo Halloweenie specials. The only scene worth watching is when he attacks the pigeon in the park. What the @#$@ was he thinking doing this waste of film? Physically painful to watch.

Oh and Kevin Smith is excellent. Love all of his films except Jersey Girl, and it is still not really a bad film, just a little too cute for my taste.
In no particular order:

The Blair Witch Project.......bottom squirmingly bad!
Battlefield comment.
Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick.
Pulp Fiction.

I feel that special mention should go to Buckaroo Banzai Across the Fourth Dimension........a film that is so bad, so badly acted by so many good actors, that it is absolutely brilliant.
littlemissattitude said:
Actually, I found Timeline to be quite entertaining. However, that might have to do with the fact that the DVD of it that I saw was an Iraqi bootleg brought back by someone I know who was stationed over there. The thing is, it was subtitled in English (and not dubbed, so the dialogue was in English as well). The subtitles sometimes were rough paraphrases of what was being said onscreen, sometimes had nothing to do with what was being said onscreen and, amazingly, sometimes said exactly the opposite of what was being said onscreen. A quite surreal experience, let me tell you.

LMAO i have a similar DVD of Dodgeball, not sure what country it's from, but it's a Spanish one. same deal, the dialogue is in English and the "english" subtitles are unbelievable! bloody hilarious! i've tried to track down similar pirated DVDs because this one made me pee myself laughing!!
jenna said:
the dialogue is in English and the "english" subtitles are unbelievable! bloody hilarious!

now wonder I get no respect abroad! ;)

eccles_1960 said:
I feel that special mention should go to Buckaroo Banzai Across the Fourth Dimension........a film that is so bad, so badly acted by so many good actors, that it is absolutely brilliant.

It's true! You all have to see this movie - it's brilliant!
Remember....wherever you go...there you are! :)

oh and Darken - consider you permission-ised. I'm sure I probably ripped it offa someone else to begin with anyway :D
a|one said:
Explain!? :eek:

OK, I have to hold my hands up and say "I just didn't get it".:eek:
Totally personal choice, I didn't enjoy the film.
Again, maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong slant. I think Mr Tarantino tried to make a great gangster movie and failed.
Some of my friends agree, some don't and say the movie was great.
Some horrendous movies up there but I promise you all the worst movie EVER made was The Amati Sisters. I don't even want anyone to test my accusation, it's that bad. Howard the Duck was the Godfather II in comparrison.
i didn't love Pulp Fiction, to be honest, but it definitely doesn't come close to my worst film list. if that's as bad a film as you've seen, you're doing pretty well!
eccles_1960 said:
OK, I have to hold my hands up and say "I just didn't get it".:eek:
Totally personal choice, I didn't enjoy the film.
Again, maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong slant. I think Mr Tarantino tried to make a great gangster movie and failed.
Some of my friends agree, some don't and say the movie was great.

Well... what didnt you get about it? I dont know that it had a particular moral or deeper meaning, I think it was just a "What if?" movie about gangsters, drugs, and people. If you want to see a QT gangster movie rent Reservoir Dogs.
Old Nick said:
Hmm... you people can't have watched to many movies...
If you'd follow me into my local video rental, I'd easily point out some 20 or 30 movies that would make you worship most of the movies mentioned above. Seems to be a case of high expectations most of the times rather than the movie(s) actually beeing bad.

Anyway, go rent "Expect No Mercy".
Watch it.
After that, you'll never have to use the phrase "worst movie ever" unless you're talking about "Expect No Mercy"

Though I have heard there's a prequel that's even worse...

Come on now I am sure it can't be much worse than

1. Hell Train - Starring Hugh Grant (I think thats what its called)

But if it is then I might have to watch it, just for the sheer fact that it is..well..worse than Hell Train - Starring Hugh Grant. And please, if you read this, humor me and tell me about this "Expect No Mercy" and why it is so bad. Watching a bad film isn't particularly funny but talking about how bad it is afterwards just cracks me up :D

2. Matrix Sequels. That action is good. The Rest is WORSE than bad!

3. D&D. there is so much about this film that is bad! What is with having mordern day american "in the hood" type character in a medievil world full of wizards and dragons? And the main character who starts off as a small time thief just happens to be perhaps the greatest swordsman I have ever seen in a film, and he doesnt even train!

4. Schindler's List. Just found it boring, just the type of person I am!

5. Scar Face. I guess the reason I don't like this is because of all the hype I heard about it from my friends. It really dissapointed me, yet another film I switched off before the end.

I am thinking of writing a film script about a dog (Yes a dog) that has learned to walk and talk and he wishes to become a lawyer. However being a dog not many people take him seriously so he has a hard time fulfilling his dream. I want to make the entire mood of the film very serious with no or little humour.
Anyone think this would work as a film?
a|one said:
Well... what didnt you get about it? I dont know that it had a particular moral or deeper meaning, I think it was just a "What if?" movie about gangsters, drugs, and people. If you want to see a QT gangster movie rent Reservoir Dogs.

OK, I'll take you up on that one.
That's one I haven't seen, so I will take your advice and give it a look.
To be hard on myself, I probably don't give some films a fair chance. A lot of movies I dismiss I just don;t fancy seeing.
Heyho, one of my failings I guess.
Andyhug said:
Come on now I am sure it can't be much worse than

1. Hell Train
2. Matrix Sequels.
3. D&D.
4. Schindler's List.
5. Scar Face.

You obviously haven't seen Expect no Mercy.
EnM, eventhough it actually has some good martial artists in it, manages to not have a singel good action scene.
Still, the "action" scenes are by far the best parts of this movie...
Satyricon, directed by Fellini. UGH! Pedophiles in ancient Rome.

Akira. Japanese animé.

Howard the Duck.

Lost Highway, directed by David Lynch. I had a migraine after I saw that.

Red Heat. I fell asleep in that snoozer.
Isolde said:
Satyricon, directed by Fellini. UGH! Pedophiles in ancient Rome.

Akira. Japanese animé.

Howard the Duck.

Lost Highway, directed by David Lynch. I had a migraine after I saw that.

Red Heat. I fell asleep in that snoozer.

You seriously think Akira is bad? Oh well no accounting for taste I suppose!
I personally loved Akira (haven't read the comics). Involving narrative and awesome spectacle.
Akira is truly odd and a real mind-bender if you don't know what you're getting into, mind.

I think Ghost in the Shell is a more accessible film for those starting out on Manga movies - Akira is so 'out there' it could easily put you off (even though I love them crazy japanese! :D )
Vampire Hunter D or Ninja Scroll are probably the best films to watch for somebody new to the genre.
Any of you ever watch DevilMan? I tried so hard to get the follow ons but I just could not find them. I'm older now though and I have fund's at my disposal ^^ Anyone know a good place to look into getting the follow ons of DevilMan? I've searched the net and I couldnt find squit diddely

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