Chief Engineer Charlie 'Trip' Tucker, III


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
Chief Engineer. Early 30's. A Southerner who enjoys using his 'country' persona to disarm people. He has an offbeat, often sarcastic sense of humour. Although Charlie is a brilliant engineer and an outstanding officer, he has very little first-hand experience with alien cultures, and he's often a 'fish out of water' when dealing with new civilizations.
As a young man, he spent time deep sea diving in the Florida Keys, working on an ocean reclamation project. Bold and fearless, this thrill-seeker didn't stop there. His skills at working in a hostile environment, with no gravity, dependent on artificial life support, would eventually lead to a career in Orbital Engineering, building starships at Utopia Planetia, where he earned a reputation as a trouble-shooter who takes on challenges that most engineers think impossible.

Charlie's closest friend is Mayweather, the Helmsman. They will spend their off-duty hours finding new ways to enjoy life in space. Whether they're test-flying a new shuttlecraft, or exploring the possibilities of interspecies 'dating', they're always looking for the next adventure.

Charlie is a part of our 'troika' - Archer, T'Pol, and Charlie will often be the center of decision-making on the ship, and they'll form a familiar, sparring dynamic ala Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.
The ship's edgy Chief Engineer, who Rick Berman described as "a bit of a cowboy and the second ranking human on the vessel. He has a certain wit and charm that is disarming, even to our Vulcan first officer!"
I do like this one.... he is such a good actor
Trip is a "trip"!

I agree. I have a lot of fun watching Trip. I especially enjoyed watching him run around in his underwear. He keeps me laughing throughout tevery show!
Connor Trinneer:

"I think the character's probably pretty easy to write for. He's sort of the sarcastic, foot-in-the-mouth guy. And I think that, out of the gate there were a couple of episodes that were written directly with my character having the main story around him. And they've gone over pretty well. Hopefully that will happen more often."

He also said that he hoped the character wouldn't be "dumbed down" and would get the chance to save the day at some point.
yes please - let's not make any more 'dumb' characters -

the audience can handle it - Trip can talk tech and be smart AND sound like a hick - really - it does work - and it could help break some bad stereotypes -- (or - it can try - maybe) ---

i like Trip - he does take a little getting used to in some respects, but he's a fun character --
Ever wonder about the nickname....

(from 'Star Trek Monthly' #92)
Originally, Trinneer's character was going to be named Spike Tucker. Realising that it already had a Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, UPN wanted a name change.

Spike Tucker became Charles Tucker III, and his nickname 'Trip'. According to Trinneer, Rick Berman, "knows somebody, a friend of his named 'Trip', short for 'the third'. If you're Junior [you're the second], and if you're the third, you're 'Trip'.
Trineer on the accent and the humour...

"During this first season we're all still sort of fussing out who Trip is and I was surprised that Trip's as funny as he is," Trineer told fans during an online chat on "I didn't knowthat was going to be part of the character when I got the job."

"Trip's accent is like Northen Arkansas, that sort of northern part of the South [of the USA]," he revealed. "The accent i picked up from my family; my grandparents on my mother's side are all from Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas. We messed around with how deep we wanted the accent and decided we wanted it to be fairly light in terms of its drawl. So that's where I sort of picked the region that I could get an accent from, what I thought would be workable for everybody... but it's not mine!"
Think I'm beginning to dislike 'Trip' as a character.

I know I've only seen the first six episodes. But I am getting the distinct impression of braggard. He talks the Talk, looks the Look, but can't walk the Walk.

So far he has bottled in as many episodes as the resident screamer Hoshi.

Still at least he has a character! For that I am grateful
Give him more time, wait until you've seen 'Shuttlepod One' and a few other episodes around the mid-season point. I think he will grow on you a little.
I think I will be disapointed if he loses his trait to become an homogeonised Star Fleet android. So far it has been what has made this series different to TNG
No, he's still the same, but you find out more about him, and what makes him tick. The episode I mentioned is just him and Reed, and although they are very different, they come to a sort of understanding with each other.

On the other hand, you might just not like him much, that's cool!
I liked the episode, Desert Crossing. Trip and Archer have some great interaction.
ok first sorry if uve already sad this but i need to know his name..real
hes by far the best charcater...i think hes a but like tom from voyager.....u know the funny side mixed in?
His name??

Charles Tucker.

The 'Trip' thing is an american thing.

His grand-father is Charles Tucker Senior, his father is Charles Tucker Junior, and he is Charles Tucker III or 'Trip' Tucker.

Originally posted by Dave
His name??

Charles Tucker.

The 'Trip' thing is an american thing.

His grand-father is Charles Tucker Senior, his father is Charles Tucker Junior, and he is Charles Tucker III or 'Trip' Tucker.
weird...the trip thing
Been a while since I've visited this thread - but his name was going to be 'Spike'? Smart move on UPN to change it, and I don't think Spike would have worked as well on the show. And, even if BTVS wasn't on UPN, if I'd been one of the 'higher-ups' I'd have suggested a change anyway - just on general principle.

Not only that, but Spike wouldn't have been from Northern Arkansas, he would have had to have been from somewhere in New York or something (ie: stereotypical names and such - Spike doesn't sound like someone from Dixie) --

Anyway - I kind of like Trip - and Shuttlepod One helps. It's a character development episode and very well done.
I've only seen a couple of the eps so far (the series is growing on me, as much as i hate to admit that) and he seems like he will be one of the more interesting characters to watch out for, if they develop him right and give him some good eps.


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