philip k dick

  1. D_Davis

    The Exegesis - November 2011 Awesome.
  2. Luc Valentine

    Radio Free Albemuth the Movie

    PKD's Radio Free Albemuth has garnered film festival awards and favourable reviews. So why no distributor? Here's a six post spread on RFA on a blog I literally undeleted and retooled in the nick of time. early television themed PKD fan site I call PKDTV. Read...
  3. Radix

    A few surprises showing up in the 'HMH' release schedule-

    A few surprises showing up in the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt PKD release schedule- Besides the two vol. "The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick" I see the ultra rare "Gather Yourselves Together" -Phil's first mainstream novel, (never thought I'd get to read this one) & "Ubik: The Screenplay"- Along...
  4. Radix

    Cool Little Addition...

    to my PKD collection- These are (digest sized) 'Pulps' that contain short stories that were later expanded into novels & not found in any (short story) collections- Time Pawn (expanded into Dr Futurity) - Thrilling Wonder Stories - Nov./Dec. 1954 A Glass of Darkness (expanded into Cosmic...
  5. T

    Best COMPLETE collection of Dick's short stories?

    Hello all. I'm a budding PKD fan, thus far having read Ubik, The Three Stigmata..., and, most recently, Flow My Tears. I'm on to The Man in the High Castle next. However, I'd like to be able to read some of his short stories between or during novels, and it would be nice to have all of them, so...
  6. quigs

    Was it a Phillip K Dick Book?

    Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone can help me identify if a book I read many many years ago was a Phillip K Dick book. The story was about a person (male) who was in suspended animation, (I cannot remember if it was by choice) He was an inventor (loads of cool stuff) and had a small...
  7. Extollager

    PKD's "The Pre-Persons" (in The Golden Man)

    I'd like to start a thread on this story, but the thread is intended only for people who can discuss any aspect of it with respect for others as human beings. Evidently Joanna Russ didn't when she told PKD what she thought of his pro-life story. I think at least three topics could be...
  8. S

    My Adaptation

    A long time ago I asked people what they felt was important in the novel Do Androids Dream Of Electric sheep. I dont want to infringe the rules but I want to show the people that helped me out the final result. I made the soundtrack and edited it. Filming was done by other people. Hope...
  9. A

    Time is an illusion, we all live in 50 A.D.

    Hi, I'm new at the forum and I'll probably post just in this thread. Sorry for my not precise english, I'm italian. And I also have never read some of Dick's books. I'm here because I watched a movie, Waking Life, and there is a curious situation (I'm going to paste it from a site): I...
  10. Extollager

    C. S. Lewis's PKD novel

    C. S. Lewis has been a favorite author of mine since I was a kid in the Sixties, while I only started reading PKD extensively in the past few years. But it seems to me one could make an argument, not entirely a whimsical one, that Lewis's That Hideous Strength is his proto-PKD novel. (It was...
  11. Extollager

    Galactic Pot-Healer

    So far, I'm not intending necessarily to read everything PKD wrote. I'm about halfway through this one. Does it get better? It seems like it could have been an uninspired parody of PKD. It's not absolutely awful, but it seems like he wanted to be funny but wasn't really in the zone for...
  12. S

    Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep Discussion for an adaptation.

    Hello, I am a college student currently in the pre production stages of creating a film trailer for the above named book. I need to conduct some target market research, so I thought I would start here :). So, What features should be retained in the trailer? E.g Should I show the...
  13. Radix

    Finally! Trailer for "Radio Free Albemuth"

    getting closer! Trailer debut: Philip K. Dick's RADIO FREE ALBEMUTH
  14. Radix

    "UBIK" the movie

    Gondry To Direct Ubik Adaptation Total Dick-Head: Gondry To Direct Ubik Adaptation I'll hope for the best... "UBIK" wasn't my first PKD novel, but it was the one that turned me into a OCD Philip K. Dick reader & collector (way back in the '70s & still chuggin' on) ;)
  15. Extollager

    Not Saying It's Good PKD Died Just In Time

    Having just finished my seventh (I think) PKD novel, I'm struck by a fact about them obvious enough to be overlooked: all seven are relatively short novels by comparison with what seems to be normal in science fiction these days. From about 45 years of experience as a reader of sf, I have come...
  16. Extollager

    Novel with grey parrot

    Sorry to bother folks with a question like this. What's the PKD novel, feels like it was pre-1970, with a character who runs a record shop and keeps a grey parrot? That's my memory... can someone help? Thank you.
  17. AE35Unit

    Coming soon to TV-The Man in the High Castle!

    I just saw this on a PKD blog,Ridley Scott to produce and possibly direct the work for the BBC! Total Dick-Head: Ridley Scott Set To Produce Man in the High Castle for the BBC
  18. Pyan

    Philip K. Dick's journals to be published...

    Philip K. Dick's journals are to be published in 2011, giving fans a chance to see the inside workings of how the great man thought... BBC News - Philip K Dick journals to be published next year
  19. AE35Unit

    Best or preferred story collection?

    I quite fancy getting a collection of his shorts, but which to get? I used to have Beyond Lies the Wub in Gollancz but never got chance to read it, and someone has mentioned Minority Report and Other Stories-was that published during Dick's time or posthumously?
  20. Diggler

    Our Friends From Frolix 8

    People's opinions seem to vary on this novel. I personally liked it as it was a decent change of style. Dick dropped most of the philosophical banter to create a fast paced action/adventure novel. The characters were far from fully developed, and it definitely wasn't his greatest novel. Though...