Fantasy Recommendations for the Unenlightened 2

I quite liked the Spirit Gates trilogy and think that it did get better after the first book.

For recommendations, have you read Sharon Shinn's Mystic and Rider? It's the beginning of the 12 Houses series, but each book in the series is complete in itself. The series does build on what went on before, so it's best to read it the books in order of publication.

Many thanks Murphy, and all the other for the Aussie suggestions. I shall look this up! :cool:
I love Kate Jacoby's Books of Elita. I little difficult to find but such a fantastic series. I don't think she wrote anything after that. At least not under that name.
Has anyone mentioned Peter v Brett and his Painted Man series? He has shot up to be one of my favourite authors.
i would recommend karen miller and trudi canavan (just finished the ambassadors mission, bk 1 the traitor spy tonight though you need to have read the black magician trilogy to understand it properly). michell sagara' chronicles of elantra and gail z martins chronicles of the necromancer were amazon recommendations but are both excellent reads if like me you like a good long series!

Does anyone know if i can link to goodreads my book libary there? would make it alot easier for people to recommend new books for me

My favorite Fantasy book was "Mists of Avalon" by Marion Zimmer Bradley, but then I'm normally a Science Fiction dude.
fab lists!! i want to add mythago woods although i cant rem the author, sorry i'll get google happy :)
I loved the Brent Weeks Trilogy The Way Of The Shadows, i think everyone should read them! and if any of my more learned friends on here knows if he has anything else out i'd appreciate the heads up!
I've seen her work mentioned already, but J.V. Jones' "Sword of Shadows" series can't be recommended highly enough. Dark, alluring, involving, a very original world and exceptionally well-developed characters mark this entire series as an instant classic.
Brent Weeks new book The black Prism is out and its worth the read a great book that I couldn't put down. Unfortunately I now have to wait a while for the next one in the series ;)
I have to agree I loved the Brent Weeks Night Angel trilogy and J.V. Jones Sword of Shadows books. My favorite completed series is Jennifer Fallon's Second Sons trilogy that begins with The Lion of Senet. I love how the hero uses his brains to solve his problems. I am reading The Chronicles of King Rolen's Kin series by Rowena Daniells now and so far I am really enjoying the series. I have read the first two books of David Durham's Acacia series and I also would recommend them.
I would recommend Orphan: The Key to Magic book one. It is a good read and is an epic fatasy. It is a little slow at the begining but it picks up.:)
I loved the Brent Weeks Trilogy The Way Of The Shadows, i think everyone should read them! and if any of my more learned friends on here knows if he has anything else out i'd appreciate the heads up!

Just got all 3 of these delivered today and really enjoying them so far
I've been through the thread, but haven't found what I was looking for. Can anyone recommend me anything VERY original? With unusual magic, different creatures or just innovative ideas and ways of writing fantasy. My friend recommended me Mieville and I will definitely check him out.

I'm not sure if it has been recommended here or not but Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series has a pretty unusual magic system.
Fiona McIntosh's Quickening series had an original plot and pretty fast paced action.
I also would suggest The Name of the Wind by Rothfuss. The way he tells his story reminds me of the television show "Lost". He uses a lot of flashbacks.
Thank you very much!
And as some before me, I would also recommend Robin Hobb. She is an excellent storyteller and her characters are, well, real. I have read her The Farseer trilogy, The Liveship Traders and The Tawny Man and I must say that Hobb is definitely, so far, my favourite fantasy author.

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