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Re: Trivia

Um he gave them full power over The Shire by saying something along the lines of "No man shall enter without your permission" Dont quote me on that bit.
Re: Trivia

What I was right??? Wow. I wasnt expecting that, now I have to have a question. Ummmmmm.....

Name all the Istaria by their origanal/elven names. (Am I evil or am I evil)
Re: Trivia

If memory serves me correctly only 3 are named - Gandalf (Olorin), Saruman (Curunir) and Radagast the Brown.
Re: Trivia

Curunir (Saruman), Olorin (Mithrandir/Gandalf), Aiwendil (Radagast), Alatar and Pallando (the Blue Wizards).
Re: Trivia

Most of it's in the Silmarillion, and the Letters. I can't remember where I got the Blue Wizard's names though: it might be from Unfinished Tales.
Re: Trivia

Just a reminder, folks, about the sources allowed: I note that we've had a couple of questions based on material from the Unfinished Tales, which was not allowed as a source, for reasons given below. However, after the storms this thread has gone through, I let it slide. But I think things are getting muddy again and, before it gets out of hand, a recap seems in order. From the first post, setting up the game:

The rules are pretty simple:
- the questions must be related to the following writings: Hobbit, Lord of the Rings Silmarillion, and the Letters (if necessary, please provide the correct source for the answer, to avoid ambiguity)
- further clues are given if no correct answer is given;
- the person who asks confirms the correct answer (if there is one), and then, whoever first posted that correct answer gets to ask the next question;
- if the confirmation of the correct answer takes more than two days to occur, Kelpie, our game moderator, will confirm instead;
- if the one who is supposed to ask the next question doesn't do so in the next two days, Kelpie, as game moderator, may ask a new question.

To which, when I took over as game moderator, I added the following:

To which I will add: The sources may also include The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, as that was published with Tolkien's consent and cooperation during his lifetime. I'm very tempted to allow the History of Middle Earth series, but there are questions from some about which sections are by Christopher and which by his father, so this could cause snarls -- therefore, I will not allow these, the Unfinished Tales, or the forthcoming Children of Hurin.

Now, as I said, I'd like to allow them all, but that would make it prohibitive to everyone except the die-hard Tolkien fans (and maybe not even all of them, having to get another 12-volume series), so I still won't allow the History of Middle Earth as sources. However, as the Unfinished Tales is easily available (last time I checked), and as we've already had some questions and answers taken from this recently, I'll add that to the list. But please, folks, let's not keep doing this. Otherwise the game is likely to end up with only one or two people playing, and that very rapidly becomes a way for it to cease to exist at all.
Re: Trivia

Sorry, jd - I thought that UT was one of the allowed texts, but, on checking, I see that it's not (or wasn't). I agree that the History should not be included, as it is so full of backtracks and over-writes, and (especially) re-names, that finding answers would be a nightmare.

*holds up hand in "solemn oath" style* I promise to stick to allowed sources from now on.:eek:
Re: Trivia

*Shakes head sadly* Dear me, Pyan...what are you like, eh? :p

Ahem...sorry, I'll leave you to carry on your game. I like Lord of the Rings, but I haven't a clue what the answers are to any of these questions! Madness!
Re: Trivia

Sorry, jd - I thought that UT was one of the allowed texts, but, on checking, I see that it's not (or wasn't). I agree that the History should not be included, as it is so full of backtracks and over-writes, and (especially) re-names, that finding answers would be a nightmare.

*holds up hand in "solemn oath" style* I promise to stick to allowed sources from now on.:eek:

*Whew!* I thought I really was going to have to pull out that cat-o'-nine-tails..... (And oh, am I gonna hear it from Nesa about that one!:rolleyes: :D )
Re: Trivia

Curunir (Saruman), Olorin (Mithrandir/Gandalf), Aiwendil (Radagast), Alatar and Pallando (the Blue Wizards).
All but Saruman, its slightly different so I'll give it to you anyway.

And I cant remember where I got all the names from so it might be UT but it might not be (if from UT most likely from the Istrari section). I havent read any the History Of Middle-earth books so its all good.

BTW Saruman's is Curumo.
Re: Trivia

All but Saruman, its slightly different so I'll give it to you anyway.

BTW Saruman's is Curumo.
Curumo is Quenya. Curunir is Sindarin. You asked for Elvish. Did you have any particular Elvish tongue in mind?
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