What history would you most love to visit?

Bring a portable photo copier and copy as many manuscripts as possible from the Library of Alexandria. :)
Bring a portable photo copier and copy as many manuscripts as possible from the Library of Alexandria. :)

I doubt they had electrical outlets. And from what the stories say about the library, batteries would not last long enough...
Bring a LOAD of batteries for the digital camera and solar panel chargers. I have a big fold out one used to charge my two way radio.

I don't know of any way to accurately estimate the size of that library, but my hunch is that it contained enough material that it would probably take one person days to scan (or otherwise copy) -- lots of batteries, yes.
But there's also the factor of whether the library authorities would allow an obvious outlander to set up that equipment inside the library and rummage through the library, without some form of interference; at least a (smaller) camera might be a little easier to hide...
It would still take days, though (and I doubt I'd have the stamina to do that days on end without taking breaks -- as shown by some of my past experiences in research libraries).

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