a little advice


Jun 22, 2005
washington dc, (my home is tulsa, ok)
Hey everyone, I am currently reading (and almost finished with) a clash of kings (the second book in GRRM's ASoIaF.) I am enjoying the books, but I realize since it is not taking a long time to read them, that I am going to need something else to read before he finishes the series. This is where I need some help. Instead of posting another infinately long reccomendation thread, I will tell you what I am interested in and see if you might can give me some advice on what you would read next. Although I enjoy GRRM, I wouldn't mind reading something a little lighter. I enjoy "complicated," but a different style would be nice for a short while. Also, I wouldn't mind a little more "believable" magic. Here are the list of series that I am interested in:

Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials
Robin Hobb, Farseer Trilogy
L.E. Modestitt, Saga of Recluse
Raymond Feist, the Riftwar Saga
Steven Erickson, the Malazan Empire
Terry Goodkind, the series including Wizards First Rule
Tad Williams, Memory,Sorrow, Thorn
Stephen Donaldson, Thomas Covenant Chronicles

Thank you for any advice or suggestions,
I'd like to recommend Tad Williams series of Memory, Sorrow and Thorn. :)
I didn't find these 'complicated' to read.

Still, our friend Monty has nominated Terry Brooks and he too is a very popular author. His first few books of the Shannarah series are really great, so definatle worth a try.:)
jadeaaronr said:
thank you both for the advice. is it necessary to read all of the shanara books to understand the story line, or are certain ones considered "a series?"

I'd recommend the first three, but beyond that you'll have to ask the others, as I have read then only spottily after that.
jadeaaronr said:
Hey everyone, I am currently reading (and almost finished with) a clash of kings (the second book in GRRM's ASoIaF.) I am enjoying the books, but I realize since it is not taking a long time to read them, that I am going to need something else to read before he finishes the series. This is where I need some help. Instead of posting another infinately long reccomendation thread, I will tell you what I am interested in and see if you might can give me some advice on what you would read next. Although I enjoy GRRM, I wouldn't mind reading something a little lighter. I enjoy "complicated," but a different style would be nice for a short while. Also, I wouldn't mind a little more "believable" magic. Here are the list of series that I am interested in:
Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials
Robin Hobb, Farseer Trilogy
L.E. Modestitt, Saga of Recluse
Raymond Feist, the Riftwar Saga
Steven Erickson, the Malazan Empire
Terry Goodkind, the series including Wizards First Rule
Tad Williams, Memory,Sorrow, Thorn
Stephen Donaldson, Thomas Covenant Chronicles
Thank you for any advice or suggestions,
Hi Jade.

I may be able to help here as I've read most of the series listed. I'm heavily into the complicated, EPIC storylines like GRRM so I think I can help seperate this list into the 2 different camps as it were.

Probably not the right word but less complicated perhaps than the second list below this one.. :D

L.E. Modestitt, Saga of Recluse Another series perhaps more YA than adult. Quite good and not super compliacted but can be a little repetitive in later books. From memory a lot of books in this particular series.
Raymond Feist, the Riftwar Saga Read everything by Feist and quite enjoyed the books. One of the authors I read for a "breather" from the more complicated series. Probably YA - Adult. Check out Author forum of this site for more info. Ensure you read Magician his original and arguably still his best book IMO before tackling the other ones.... :cool:
Terry Goodkind, the series including Wizards First Rule. Couldn't get past the first book you mention here of this series not to my liking, so it may be more complicated than I know.... :mad: :mad:
Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials Read this series, enjoyed it although I think it's targeted more towards YA, it is involved in a way but a page turner and I think you might enjoy this one.... :)

"Medium" complicated:

Robin Hobb, Farseer Trilogy Not a huge Robin Hobb fan but plenty of people here are but from what I read appread relatively complex story. Another one on the Author forum of this site.
Tad Williams, Memory,Sorrow, Thorn. TAD's best work IMO, another author I've basically read everything of. This series rates in my top 10 fav fantasy series. Relatively complex but well written IMO. Certainly recommended reading, good stuff! Another one on the Author forum of this site.
Sword Of Shannara Series mentioned by you and other members. Another author like Feist who I've basically read everything of. Another one I read as a "breather" from the more complex series. This could probably go into the "Lighter" category as well and you might enjoy these if you like Toklienesque-like stories. As far as your query on which book to read first you really need to start with his original Sword Of Shannara. After that I've tended to follow the series in the order it appears, so at least for the first 3-4 books stay on track. After that you could possibly jump to diffrent series. The previous Voyage Of The Jerle Shannara trilogy and the current trilogy (book 3 due next month) are directly linked to each other. Basically with Terry you can expect one or two trilogies to be linked in a row then you may get another set of 2 trilogies linked etc.. seems to be the basic pattern. Obviously they all relate to the one main land and in a sense are chronological but nornmally seperated by genrations. Another on the author site. Here's a link to Terry's official website:


"Complex" heavier reads:

Stephen Donaldson, Thomas Covenant Chronicles This one one of my fav series. Check out the authors section of this forum for more info. Very psycholoigcal and not to everyone's cup of tea. Another in my top 10. 2 series of 4 already written with now Book 1 Runes Of The Earth I've read start the final quarter of Thomas Convenant Chronicles. Not your light read!! :D Start at the beginnnig, although Runes Of The Earth has a very helpful "What's gone before" section at start of book.
Steven Erikson, the Malazan Empire series HMM.. let me see where to begin?? :D :D You wouldn't know yet but I'm one of the resident Erikson fans. This author and series is the best fantasy EPIC series in fact fantasy series i've ever read. The most complex series I've come across in terms of world building. GRRM is my No .2 fav fantasy series author behind this guy. Fantastic world building and storyline. Recommended, so check it out BUT not for a break b/w heavier series... :) Another author to check out on on the Author forums.

Hope this helps Jade. Any other questions please feel free to ask... :)
If you are interested in magic... Try:

Mark Anthony - Last Rune Series, deals with different kinds of magic (witches and rune masters)
jadeaaronr said:
Thank you all for taking the time to help me out. Gollum, that was incredible..... Just what I needed- Jade
No problem HMM.... I seem to get that compliment a lot lately HE HE... :D

On a serious note, any other questions feel free to ask away, good thing about this forum is that there's a lot of well-read people to ask, one of the major pluses for me.. :)

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