Book Hauls!


Jun 3, 2004
So which books have you recently spent your hard earned cash or pocket money on :)

What little gems couldnt you resist and ended up on your bookshelf:D

I have to be careful with my pennies these days so the only books that get onto my bookshelves (yep got more than one) now are my favourite authors works.

There was a special offer on (last week) at the book club I am a member of and I've sent for -

Sabriel, Lirael and Abhorsen by Garth Nix
Grass for his Pillow and Brilliance of the Moon by Lian Hearn

Havent' got them yet but eagerly awaiting them :D
Re: Recent Buys

Do books on pre-order count?

If so, I am awaiting the publication of Stephen Donaldson's 'Runes Of The Earth' which is the first of four books in a new Thomas covenant series. I hope it's worth the wait. :)
Re: Recent Buys

The Earthsea Trilogy by Le Guin

The Pacific Islands - Douglas L Oliver

Compass of Sailing in Storm - Gatoloaifaana Peseta S. Sio

Samoan Proverbial Expressions - Dr. E. Schultz.

I'm trying to follow Mr Anderson's advice and strip-mine more exotic cultures.
Re: Recent Buys

I haven't bought any books for ages... the probelm is, there are loads of new ones out I want, but because they're new, they're three times the price!!!:(

Iron Council - Mieville
Doctor Norrel and Jonathan Strange (or whatever the title is, I get confused;))
Alexander: The Virtues of War - Steven Pressfield
Iain M. Banks - The Algebraist
And out soon: The second Prince of Nothing book by R Scott Bakker...

together in hardback would cost over £100:(:(:(
Re: Recent Buys

I bought Martin's "Clash of Kings" and the first book in Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series. The latter really just for writer research on Point of View use. Martin is good for writing research also, but not so much, and I really wanted to know what happens to the characters. :)
Re: Recent Buys

I got an e-mail saying my Donaldson book is on its way (YaY!) :)

I've also taken the plunge. A lot of you guys are always harping on about HP Lovecraft (and I've never really been a follower of the Horror genre) so I've ordered three volumes of his work.

You could say it's Horror For The UnHorrified :D
Re: Recent Buys

My 1st Edition of Gardens of the Moon is in the post:D And Proof Copy of Deadhouse Gates following on monday, if the guy lives up to his promise:D

Re: Recent Buys

I know this doesn't follow suite, but I just ordered Aromatherapy for Dummies. It was recommended by my massage therapist for a beginning book. I've been interested in it ever since she gave me Tea Tree oil to put in my showers. It boosts the immune system. I looked up other essential oils online and being that I've been reading books where healers are the main characters, I was intrigued. The book should be here any day! :D
Re: Recent Buys

Foxbat said:
I got an e-mail saying my Donaldson book is on its way (YaY!) :)

I've also taken the plunge. A lot of you guys are always harping on about HP Lovecraft (and I've never really been a follower of the Horror genre) so I've ordered three volumes of his work.

You could say it's Horror For The UnHorrified :D
Lol! You don't take little steps, do you!
Re: Recent Buys

Brought the Count of Monte Cristo the other day. Is it any good? I'm reading Crime and Punishment at the moment, I think Raskolnikoff is about to admit it- exciting stuff.
Re: Recent Buys

I've never read anything by Chesterton except his Father Brown mysteries (which I love). What sort of stuff did he write about elsewhere?

Foxbat, which Lovecraft anthologies haver you ordered? There are scads of them. A recent edition that is rather good is from Penguin Classics, two volumes whose names I forget just now, with useful notes and introductions by one ST Joshi who seems to be the foremost Lovecraft scholar around. It might seem odd having an anootated edition of pulp horror tales, but they really do add a lot as Lovecraft was a rather erudite sort and there are many references to things he'd read in his work, as well as elements from his own life (he hated seafood, which helps you understand how horrific The Dunwich Horror was to him, for instance).
Re: Recent Buys

My hubby opened his wallet this weekend, i picked up a lot of things i have wanted for ages:). seems scotland had lots of bookshops.
Re: Recent Buys

fantastic encyclopedia of egypt, gorgeous and illustrated, reginold hill, terry prattchet, the george rr martin i was missing. i didin't go to overboard, or no smokes later in the month. but the encyclopedia was a fantastic buy! got it on sale £5 from £20. am pleased as punch.
Re: Recent Buys

"The Man Who Was Thursday" is one of those stories, like "The Most Dangerous Game," and "A Christmas Carol," where the major premise seems to appeal very strongly to screenwriters, who like to borrow it for TV shows and movies.

Like much of Chesterton, it seems to be full of some deep meaning, though what that meaning may be is never quite clear. It lends itself to endless speculation.

I'm trying to make up my mind whether to buy "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell," or Sean Russell's "The Shadow Roads" first. Hardcover books are depressingly expensive.
