Rebel Moon - Part 2 - The Scargiver (Netflix) - 2024


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

Balisarius stole Kora from her home planet when she was just a little girl and molded her in his own bloodthirsty image. Years later, Kora is looking for redemption.

Yet, we don’t get the whole story as to why Kora broke away from the Imperium. We know it has to do with the assassination of Motherworld’s royal family, especially the princess she was ordered to protect, but we don’t know the full details. The fact that Kora is the Imperium’s most wanted fugitive suggests Arthelais herself may have had something to do with those deaths…

Whatever happened all those years ago, we’re bound to get a few answers in the upcoming Rebel Moon sequel, titled Part Two: The Scargiver. In fact, Netflix has released a trailer for Part Two that teases a few more flashbacks to come, including a moment fans were left waiting for in the first movie.
As we reported previously, years ago, director Zack Snyder had an idea for an epic Star Wars movie that he pitched to Lucasfilm. That project never panned out for a variety of reasons. But the idea continued to germinate until Netflix got on board. Apart from Star Wars, Snyder has said his influences include the films of Akira Kurosawa, especially Seven Samurai, and The Dirty Dozen. He has set his epic saga in a universe controlled by the ruthless and corrupt government of the Motherworld (the Imperium) with an army led by one Regent Balisarius (Fra Fee). The rebel moon of the title is called Veldt.
Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver continues the epic saga of Kora and the surviving warriors as they prepare to sacrifice everything, fighting alongside the brave people of Veldt, to defend a once peaceful village, a newfound homeland for those who have lost their own in the fight against the Motherworld. On the eve of their battle, the warriors must face the truths of their own pasts, each revealing why they fight. As the full force of the Realm bears down on the burgeoning rebellion, unbreakable bonds are forged, heroes emerge, and legends are made.
I could understand that the first film was slow, with the need for character and plot building, and that now with that out of the way, this second film would be kick-ass action with a brilliant character driven plot. If Pitch Meeting is correct then it's simply more of the same, with additional wheat harvesting. It's not even at the level of The Return of the Magnificent Seven. I might as well skip this, and wait for the third film, where something might actually happen.

Remember that this was already pitched to Disney as a Star Wars series and rejected. That's rejected in favour of Ahsoka and The Book of Boba Fett. So, I'm not sure why I am surprised, but I am disappointed. I'll watch it sometime when I'm particularly bored.
I just saw this and, wow! I don't think i've ever seen anything as bad as this. So cliche'd. It borrowed from everything and gave us nothing. It reminded me a lot of Battle Beyond The Stars in terms of story.

I thought Ed Skrein tried to put in a good turn, and the soundtrack attempted to be pretty cinematic.

The more I read and read about this one , the less appealing it sounds
It is truly diabolical, Baylor. I have no interest in the second part of the story or the directors cut.
It is truly diabolical, Baylor. I have no interest in the second part of the story or the directors cut.

I did find a few clips of the movie on YouTube . it Has shades of Ultraviolet with Mila Jorvovich.
I decided I needed the punishment and so I watched it. The writing is even worse than the last part. I watched this so that you didn't need to, and I made some notes...

"You're afraid of dying. Everyone is!" Well, that's everyone except for the guys with bad haircuts who can plug themselves into that machine, and come back from the dead? They are only worried about receiving circular scars, apparently.

And then there was more corn! Lots of corn! Whole fields of Corn!

They need something that keeps the time on that spaceship. I suggest the invent a clock. Why else do they need to keep asking how many days they are away from the corn planet. It was five days before and x days have past since then. That makes it 5-x days left.

More pictures of fields of corn... I was waiting for Sting to start singing. ...and now lots of grain...

It can't be that difficult to bring in the harvest, because the villagers had time for all that crafting and embroidered tapestries.

Folk singing and dancing, and then... then we must move the grain. Couldn't they have put it in the right place first time?

Now they are training??? They have had months to train and they only start now? Likewise, moving the crashed ship. They've had months to pull it out of the bushes, but only do it with 5-x days left!

After Dinner stories... I don't care enough about what happens to these less-than-magnificent seven. They don't seem sincere. Cora doesn't tell them the truth during this truth-telling session, even though they know her story anyway. Is this really the first time they have told each other these things after being together for months? I did want to know the story about the Big Bird though, but we didn't get that story.

And the android with a conscience and good heart, but who thinks it's a lost cause... He certainly helped with the morale. What is the point of him? He'd be more use as spare parts.

The 5th day has finally arrived...

I must admit, they did dig those tunnels pretty quickly in the 5-x days! And moved all that grain around!

I can see how this was pitched as a Star Wars universe story as some elements of that obviously remain - bionic arm woman from peace-loving people with ancient hokey religion, flaming red and electric blue sword fighting, and has her hand chopped off a second time.

And that is the problem - this is too much of a mash up of other things without bringing along anything original and new itself.

The way she got on the ship wasn't believable, but the ship is very Steampunk - it's all khaki periscopes, hand-targeted cannons, and the engine room seems to involve shovelling a Coal-like mineral into huge furnaces, and shipboard communications involve a succession of people walking up to one another to tell them, "we have orders to fire on the village!" Go pass it on to the next man! And go quickly, or we'll be here all day!

But what about the Grain Sir!

Flash I love you, but we only have 5-x minutes to save the village!

Electric swords are no match for a good blaster!

Oh! Well! We're gonna use them anyway! We need to keep fighting while the spaceship falls in slow motion down to the planet.

Anyway, this time she needs to chop him up in pieces! I'm not sure that decapitation was really enough? He was clearly much more dead once before.

Stay with me, it's only light-sabre flesh wound. If this was Star Wars you'd be fine!

<cheering> <stirring music> <more cheering>

It's really over! Flash, I love you!

Any word on the Grain, Sir!

"We will remember them, when next we bring in the harvest!"

Gordon The Princess Survives!!!

Mr. Glass-is-half-empty android, suddenly appears, "If I can be of use I do have this" antler horn!

Well, I know where you can stick that!

"To find her and to fight!" To find her and to fight!"

Well, that's another two films at least!
Thank you for your sacrifice, Dave. It is appreciated. :D

After watching the first movie, i just cannot bring myself to watch part II.
Thank you for your sacrifice, Dave. It is appreciated. :D

After watching the first movie, i just cannot bring myself to watch part II.

And next up Rebel Moon The TV series and it will have 20 episodes long seasons.;):D
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I decided I needed the punishment and so I watched it. The writing is even worse than the last part. I watched this so that you didn't need to, and I made some notes...

"You're afraid of dying. Everyone is!" Well, that's everyone except for the guys with bad haircuts who can plug themselves into that machine, and come back from the dead? They are only worried about receiving circular scars, apparently.

And then there was more corn! Lots of corn! Whole fields of Corn!

They need something that keeps the time on that spaceship. I suggest the invent a clock. Why else do they need to keep asking how many days they are away from the corn planet. It was five days before and x days have past since then. That makes it 5-x days left.

More pictures of fields of corn... I was waiting for Sting to start singing. ...and now lots of grain...

It can't be that difficult to bring in the harvest, because the villagers had time for all that crafting and embroidered tapestries.

Folk singing and dancing, and then... then we must move the grain. Couldn't they have put it in the right place first time?

Now they are training??? They have had months to train and they only start now? Likewise, moving the crashed ship. They've had months to pull it out of the bushes, but only do it with 5-x days left!

After Dinner stories... I don't care enough about what happens to these less-than-magnificent seven. They don't seem sincere. Cora doesn't tell them the truth during this truth-telling session, even though they know her story anyway. Is this really the first time they have told each other these things after being together for months? I did want to know the story about the Big Bird though, but we didn't get that story.

And the android with a conscience and good heart, but who thinks it's a lost cause... He certainly helped with the morale. What is the point of him? He'd be more use as spare parts.

The 5th day has finally arrived...

I must admit, they did dig those tunnels pretty quickly in the 5-x days! And moved all that grain around!

I can see how this was pitched as a Star Wars universe story as some elements of that obviously remain - bionic arm woman from peace-loving people with ancient hokey religion, flaming red and electric blue sword fighting, and has her hand chopped off a second time.

And that is the problem - this is too much of a mash up of other things without bringing along anything original and new itself.

The way she got on the ship wasn't believable, but the ship is very Steampunk - it's all khaki periscopes, hand-targeted cannons, and the engine room seems to involve shovelling a Coal-like mineral into huge furnaces, and shipboard communications involve a succession of people walking up to one another to tell them, "we have orders to fire on the village!" Go pass it on to the next man! And go quickly, or we'll be here all day!

But what about the Grain Sir!

Flash I love you, but we only have 5-x minutes to save the village!

Electric swords are no match for a good blaster!

Oh! Well! We're gonna use them anyway! We need to keep fighting while the spaceship falls in slow motion down to the planet.

Anyway, this time she needs to chop him up in pieces! I'm not sure that decapitation was really enough? He was clearly much more dead once before.

Stay with me, it's only light-sabre flesh wound. If this was Star Wars you'd be fine!

<cheering> <stirring music> <more cheering>

It's really over! Flash, I love you!

Any word on the Grain, Sir!

"We will remember them, when next we bring in the harvest!"

Gordon The Princess Survives!!!

Mr. Glass-is-half-empty android, suddenly appears, "If I can be of use I do have this" antler horn!

Well, I know where you can stick that!

"To find her and to fight!" To find her and to fight!"

Well, that's another two films at least!

Almost word for word my inner monologue as I watched it. Gordon Bennet! What a stinker. The only thing I would add is that the weird glowing splatter effect they added on every blaster impact made me think they were firing some kind of sophisticated day-glo splurge guns from Bugsy Malone.

That and butch, androgynous, Priss eye makeup, Furiosa girl was kind of sexy.
They've done a novelization of parts 1 and 2.
Just out of curiousity Baylor, who is the author?

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