What Do You think are the Most Overrated TV Shows Past and Present ?

 Seinfeld. Tried it several times, over different seasons, and just could not understand the addoration. I understood that the characters were not supposed to be likeable, but the whole thing did nothing for me.
 Seinfeld. Tried it several times, over different seasons, and just could not understand the addoration. I understood that the characters were not supposed to be likeable, but the whole thing did nothing for me.

It was a show about nothing . The fours main characters were a bunch of not very noice, selfish, thoughtless stuck ups who never learned from their mistakes . :)
Doctor Who (at least for the last decade or two). Every story is fundamentally the same. A creature threatens the World. Everything looks bleak. Then the Doctor spouts some pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo, waves his sonic screwdriver around and reconfigures the TARDIS, and everything is suddenly ok again. Boring.

It's a bit like a crime novel where the writer introduces a new character right at the end. Cheating really.

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