Life on Enceladus


Active Member
Feb 29, 2024
I am not sure if I am on the right forum here but I would like to comment on a recent news item that Enceladus, an ice moon of Saturn, with a hidden ocean, has been found to contain phosphorus, an element considered essential for the formation of life.
I present this as a possible topic for discussion and the exchange of views.
Apparently, there is a possibility of sending some sort of probe that could pierce the surface and investigate the ocean sometime in the future, but I would argue that we should do this as a priority.
The first, purely selfish reason, is that throughout my life, since first reading these lines at the age of fourteen In HG Wells, "War of the Worlds "
" . . . across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us."
I have dreamt of the day when we would find out if there was intelligent life, out there in the universe, but I am getting old now and I need to find out pretty quick!

To discover life, however primitive, in our solar system, would be a game changer. It would make it almost certain that the universe was awash with life, and possibly intelligent life. Saturn and its moons are the same age as Earth and life began here about 3.5. billion years ago in the sea. Why should Enceladus, unlike us, never have advanced beyond single-celled organisms?
Who is to say how complex life may be under the surface of Enceladus?
Creatures as massive as Blue whales, or more intelligent than a Dolphin, Octopus, Orca, or Sea Lion.
Maybe more intelligent than us, but like dolphins inhabiting an environment that supplies all its needs without industry, work, stress, and unhappiness?
It would also instill in us a sense of much needed humility and see the end of a violent social Darwinian evolution, and the survival of those who accumulate the greatest wealth and power at the expense of others. It might also put the end to international squabbles about territory, and if not uniting us in love, uniting us in fear of what may be out there, ready and able to do us harm.
Do not assume that ET is going to be friendly, or that vast technological achievement goes hand in hand with moral maturity.
Stephen Hawking reminded us before his death of the danger of advertising our presence and location in the universe.
It could be the equivalent of going unarmed into the center of a jungle carrying billboards with a map back to camp, and shouting out "Co-ee we are over here! Come and find us!"

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