UFOs seem to be everywhere

Robert Zwilling

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2018
I would think some one would be thinking the spate of recent UFO sights going back a year or two are not all of Earthly origin. Ran across an article, that should have legs, but might simply sink out of sight into the data morass commonly called the internet.

These are all quotes from the article that starts out by talking about 3 recent sightings. Eventually it throws in the number 122. They are not talking about weather balloons. Who is the drone master?


They could see No Propulsion Systems on the Aircraft not knowing how it could possibly be staying in the Air,

an area of roiling whitewater on the surface below. Just above the whitewater was a "white Tic Tac looking" object with "no predictable trajectory."

"there's a whole fleet of them." "They're all going against the wind," the first pilot said. "The wind's 120 knots to the west. Look at that thing, dude! It's rotating!"

Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernable means of propulsion.

In a small number of cases, military aircraft systems processed radio frequency (RF) energy associated with UAP sightings."

The 2022 report noted that, among the 171 uncharacterized incidents, "some of these uncharacterized UAP appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis."
I would think some one would be thinking the spate of recent UFO sights going back a year or two are not all of Earthly origin.
I'm withholding judgment until I see the extraordinary proof that extraordinary claims require.

But my gut tells me that they're simply top secret systems developed by the US or its competitors. We know that those programs exist; we don't know that aliens have ever visited Earth.
They've seemingly been happen throughout recored human history.
I think they are largely artifacts of the scanning equipment that they were sighted on, not from actual eyewitnesses who literally saw them.
All these sightings which never are more that that. Unidentifiable, unclear, distant viewings that makes no sense to our eyes or instruments and move in ways that seem to defy physics and often make no common sense as well.
It makes no sense, unless we must conclude aliens are erratic beings who are extremely shy and skittish and, even after decades (if nor ages) of visiting Earth, still are uncertain and undecided whether they should say hello or not.
Natural phenomena or hiccups in our scanners are more likely as an explanation than beings of which we really do not know they actually exist and would have to breach known physics to even get here... just to act erratic.
A little background:

Leading up to the Iraq invasion, the US Navy discovered that its LANTIRN targeting pods were wildly inaccurate for bombing on the F/A-18s they were designed for. So the Navy tried them on the aging f-14s, which had never been used as bombers before. The result was the most accurate Navy attack aircraft to date.

The interesting part is that they couldn't figure out why the LANTIRNs didn't work on the F/A-18s.* My conclusion is that we don't always understand the tech we create - especially when image processing is involved.

*(There was a theory that the F/A-18's dynamic instability and attendant fly by wire control system caused the aircraft to make constant attitude corrections, confusing the aiming module that assumed a more stable platform. The F-14 is dynamically stable.)
It doesn't matter where they come from. But they are shooting the current crop of them down now, that's different, so no more don't have the faintest idea what they are. Unless, none of the remains are found. One problem is that a slow moving craft is needed to observe them in free flight, but to get out there as fast as possible ends being a fast moving jet. Instead of shooting a missile at it, perhaps a a drone could be released first by a jet, which could shoot a bolt through it a few times to bring it down after providing a good look at it. Catching one in flight with a net might make an interesting story.
It doesn't matter where they come from. But they are shooting the current crop of them down now, that's different, so no more don't have the faintest idea what they are. Unless, none of the remains are found. One problem is that a slow moving craft is needed to observe them in free flight, but to get out there as fast as possible ends being a fast moving jet. Instead of shooting a missile at it, perhaps a a drone could be released first by a jet, which could shoot a bolt through it a few times to bring it down after providing a good look at it. Catching one in flight with a net might make an interesting story.
What kind of aircraft can catch falling things with a net?

I don't understand why they shot the big one down with a missile. If they had punctured it with the plane's cannon it would fallen more slowly, leaving more intact wreckage.
There are lots of types of UFO. Some man-made covert technology, some natural phenomenon. I think the reason that there seem to be more now than in the past is because A. We have the technology to spot them and B. Prior to the 19th century there was virtually nothing man-made in the sky.

The percentage chance of them being of alien origin would be miniscule in comparison to that of them being of the Earth.
What kind of aircraft can catch falling things with a net?

I don't understand why they shot the big one down with a missile. If they had punctured it with the plane's cannon it would fallen more slowly, leaving more intact wreckage.

I'm not sure that any order would be given to bring an object down, unless they knew what it was first.
There are lots of types of UFO. Some man-made covert technology, some natural phenomenon. I think the reason that there seem to be more now than in the past is because A. We have the technology to spot them and B. Prior to the 19th century there was virtually nothing man-made in the sky.

The percentage chance of them being of alien origin would be miniscule in comparison to that of them being of the Earth.
I also suspect that some are sensor anomalies. I wonder if that doesn't constitute a significant percentage.

I've also wondered why these appear in atmosphere. Given the monitoring done for high altitude airspace, why aren't there reports of objects entering and leaving the atmosphere? Why aren't objects seen flying across our solar system? And why are they so small? Unless they're like Dr. Who's police box, these seem to be pretty cramped quarters for intergalactic travel.
I also suspect that some are sensor anomalies. I wonder if that doesn't constitute a significant percentage.

I've also wondered why these appear in atmosphere. Given the monitoring done for high altitude airspace, why aren't there reports of objects entering and leaving the atmosphere? Why aren't objects seen flying across our solar system? And why are they so small? Unless they're like Dr. Who's police box, these seem to be pretty cramped quarters for intergalactic travel.

Yes, the more technology moves on, the more we rely on it. In fact when line of sight doesn't come into the equation, it has to be relied upon.

Given the technology needed to travel vast distances across galaxies, it seems almost incomprehensible that something an object couldn't be able to outsmart human inventions.

Given the descriptions of the things some of these UFOs are capable of, and given the inability to of humankind to keep anything secret for any stretch of time, I would be reasonably certain that most of the most of these UFOs are natural phenomenon yet to be discovered.
I also suspect that some are sensor anomalies. I wonder if that doesn't constitute a significant percentage.

I've also wondered why these appear in atmosphere. Given the monitoring done for high altitude airspace, why aren't there reports of objects entering and leaving the atmosphere? Why aren't objects seen flying across our solar system? And why are they so small? Unless they're like Dr. Who's police box, these seem to be pretty cramped quarters for intergalactic travel.
Why are they so small? Perhaps their occupants are the size of our insects, or plankton sized. To them, their spacecraft are enormous.

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