Habitat Bennu


200 words a day = 1 novel/year
Mar 27, 2020

This is what science fiction authors have taken to doing to be published: becoming graduate students writing their hard SF in the guise of research papers. <Raises stick over lawn> In my time they would write science fiction stories as rigorously as scientific papers.

The paper does very little actual work while imagining how to create an O'Neill cylinder by spinning up a rubble pile asteroid and then using a mesh bag to capture the rocks flying off. The mesh is hand-waviumed away ("carbon nanofiber should do it") but the real gem is how they propose to spin up the asteroid: using solar powered rubble cannons that fire off rocks tangential to the surface.

I thought the paper a bit of a laugh, scientifically speaking, though they get A+ for imagination. All they need is a bit of character development and they have a good novella there.

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