SPYBUG - I am writing a book & need some medical expertise contribution.


New Member
Jul 17, 2021
In the story, the subject/victim, has to physically remove a "spybug" which was forcibly inserted into his skull (frontal sinus) at a very young age, by a covert criminal organisation.

(The frontal sinuses are hollow "air pockets" situated just above the eye sockets in the frontal portion of the skull). These hollows are ideal for spybug implants - as they have no known other anatomical/physiological uses - and that is a medical fact.

Decades later he finds out that he was implanted, and must figure out how to remove it, before it mulfunctions and kills him, or they use the covert "spybug" for other nefarious deeds.

How would this be possible to remove, and which tools would be needed to use, if he must do this alone?

[At this point, anyone with any medical knowledge contribution/suggestions would be useful].

i.e accessing through the frontal bone with some kind of drill and/or using a tool through the nasal wall/cavity.

(remember! - he has to do this alone)!

In the book, the covert organisation responsible, has infiltrated the global medical industry, with corruption and crooked medical staff, therefore the victim is unable to do the surgical removal by "trusted professionals" and must figure out how to do it alone.

In the book, it has to be as detailed as possible - to emphasize the intensity of the situation. (and by being as anatomically correct as possible will increase its impact on the reader).

How will he remove the spybug?

Thanks to anyone with any medical expertise in helping with information contributing to my book.
Eek!! I really shouldn't have read that as I'm now feeling distinctly queasy!

Since I come over all faint just at the thought of medical procedures, I can't help you at all with the info you want, but I can move the thread over to our Writing Discussion section where we SFF writers hang out, which I'll now do. Off the top of my head I can't think of anyone who's currently around who is a medic but we do have a couple of vets who might be able to help!!

And before I forget, Welcome to the Chrons!
In the story, the subject/victim, has to physically remove a "spybug" which was forcibly inserted into his skull (frontal sinus) at a very young age, by a covert criminal organisation.

(The frontal sinuses are hollow "air pockets" situated just above the eye sockets in the frontal portion of the skull). These hollows are ideal for spybug implants - as they have no known other anatomical/physiological uses - and that is a medical fact.

Decades later he finds out that he was implanted, and must figure out how to remove it, before it mulfunctions and kills him, or they use the covert "spybug" for other nefarious deeds.

How would this be possible to remove, and which tools would be needed to use, if he must do this alone?

[At this point, anyone with any medical knowledge contribution/suggestions would be useful].

i.e accessing through the frontal bone with some kind of drill and/or using a tool through the nasal wall/cavity.

(remember! - he has to do this alone)!

In the book, the covert organisation responsible, has infiltrated the global medical industry, with corruption and crooked medical staff, therefore the victim is unable to do the surgical removal by "trusted professionals" and must figure out how to do it alone.

In the book, it has to be as detailed as possible - to emphasize the intensity of the situation. (and by being as anatomically correct as possible will increase its impact on the reader).

How will he remove the spybug?

Thanks to anyone with any medical expertise in helping with information contributing to my book.
Sorry I cannot help but sounds like a wonderfully horrific scene to write :LOL:

Also kudos on the profile picture, the helix nebula is my favourite and was my wallpaper on my phone for 3 years (y)
In the story, the subject/victim, has to physically remove a "spybug" which was forcibly inserted into his skull (frontal sinus) at a very young age, by a covert criminal organisation.

(The frontal sinuses are hollow "air pockets" situated just above the eye sockets in the frontal portion of the skull). These hollows are ideal for spybug implants - as they have no known other anatomical/physiological uses - and that is a medical fact.

Decades later he finds out that he was implanted, and must figure out how to remove it, before it mulfunctions and kills him, or they use the covert "spybug" for other nefarious deeds.

How would this be possible to remove, and which tools would be needed to use, if he must do this alone?

[At this point, anyone with any medical knowledge contribution/suggestions would be useful].

i.e accessing through the frontal bone with some kind of drill and/or using a tool through the nasal wall/cavity.

(remember! - he has to do this alone)!

In the book, the covert organisation responsible, has infiltrated the global medical industry, with corruption and crooked medical staff, therefore the victim is unable to do the surgical removal by "trusted professionals" and must figure out how to do it alone.

In the book, it has to be as detailed as possible - to emphasize the intensity of the situation. (and by being as anatomically correct as possible will increase its impact on the reader).

How will he remove the spybug?

Thanks to anyone with any medical expertise in helping with information contributing to my book.
I wrote this scene EXACTLY. The difference is that I didn't use all the "anatomical correctness" because, well, I don't know about it. I detailed the character's feelings instead. And, honestly, I think that's what you should worry about. Medical vocabulary will draw attention and make it confusing, thus making the scene less tense.

What I would do: 1) detail all the risks before the actual surgery, using medical vocabulary. Knowing what could happen to the character (maybe a fate worse than death) would rise the stakes and raise tension in the scene. 2)He eithers performs self-surgery, with improvised tools, or he pays a shady doctor in a dirty, illegal clinic to do it. Hint: without anesthesia would be dope!!! 3)the actual scene, but without fancy words. Focus on the characters feelings, his sweat, his nervousness etc...

If you really want to talk about names of bones and such, there's two things you can do: 1) study by yourself, by videos and articles, or buy a medical book. It will take a lot of your time though. 2) Hire a sensitivity reader (I don't know if I spelled this right) to take a look at your work, preferably a doctor/ med student. It will cost money, but then you could use your energy on something else.

Cybercity Oedo 808 has a scene like that...that goes WRONG! I'll leave it as spoiler because it's disturbing for some people:
Click on the video to start the scene:
There is more than enough information in this presentation:

The trick is transposing this to a DIY procedure under local anaesthetic (presumably) done in a mirror. Might be easier to conjure up a surgical robot.

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