'Empires of Bronze: Son of Ishtar' - A new Bronze Age saga

Gordon Doherty

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2015
The past...the dark and distant past.

Four sons. One throne. A world on the precipice...

1315 BC: Tensions soar between the great powers of the Late Bronze Age. The Hittites stand toe-to-toe with Egypt, Assyria and Mycenaean Ahhiyawa, and war seems inevitable. More, the fierce Kaskan tribes – age-old enemies of the Hittites – amass at the northern borders.

When Prince Hattu is born, it should be a rare joyous moment for all the Hittite people. But when the Goddess Ishtar comes to King Mursili in a dream, she warns that the boy is no blessing, telling of a dark future where he will stain Mursili’s throne with blood and bring destruction upon the world.

Thus, Hattu endures a solitary boyhood in the shadow of his siblings, spurned by his father and shunned by the Hittite people. But when the Kaskans invade, Hattu is drawn into the fray. It is a savage journey in which he strives to show his worth and valour. Yet with his every step, the shadow of Ishtar’s prophecy darkens…

Empires of Bronze: Son of Ishtar is available in eBook, paperback and audiobook formats at all good online stores for as little as £2.99/$2.99 (less than the price of a pint!) - see:

If you decide to try, I'd be delighted to hear from you - you can stay in touch by signing up at my website www.gordondoherty.co.uk/contact-me

Happy reading!


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    Empires Of Bronze_au_small.jpg
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It is *so* good to see someone writing about the Bronze Age - and even better that someone's actually writing about the Hittites! (I don't think I've seen any historical fiction based in that civilization so far).

"Ahhiyawa" - looks like you've done you're research, too, as I'm about to study the Mycenaeans and Bronze Age Aegean on my Classical Studies course. :)
It is *so* good to see someone writing about the Bronze Age - and even better that someone's actually writing about the Hittites! (I don't think I've seen any historical fiction based in that civilization so far).

"Ahhiyawa" - looks like you've done you're research, too, as I'm about to study the Mycenaeans and Bronze Age Aegean on my Classical Studies course. :)
It's an awesome era. Just be prepared for some tongue twisters in the history texts - e.g. the chap called Tawagalawa. Don't worry, in my book I do shorten the trickiest names (e.g. Hattusili => Hattu, Muwatalli => Muwa) which I am convinced the people of the time would have done anyway. The 'Sea Peoples' have got to be some of the strangest and scariest looking warriors of the age:
I realise that many people's first reaction to a novel about the Hittites might be 'Er, who were the Hittites?'
So I've put together a blog article to help answer this question:
Congratulations Mr. Doherty on your new release. Have you considered altering the image in your signature here, into images, each linking to the individual webpages of your works?

Congratulations Mr. Doherty on your new release. Have you considered altering the image in your signature here, into images, each linking to the individual webpages of your works?


Great idea! I actually thought I had made the banner of images into a single link to my website www.gordondoherty.co.uk, but it appears not :( Will have to fix that!

Edit: Fixed!
Just picked this up for Audible (I've checked, and Gordon has many books available there, too). Look forward to giving this a listen! Your book covers are great, BTW. Best of luck with this, CC

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