
320 232 320 260 320 272 320 260 321 217 040 321 200 320 260 320 267 320 275 320 270 321 206 320 260 077 040 101 154 154 040 111 040 153 156 157 167 040 151 163 054 040 164 150 145 040 144 141 155 156 145 144 040 122 165 163 163 151 141 156 163 040 150 141 166 145 040 150 141 143 153 145 144 040 155 171 040 146 151 154 145 040 141 147 141 151 156 041
I thought we were the dream of Brahma? Or was that Vishnu? :)

Oh yeah, Vishnu was that cool social research program. As I remember, it was designed to fix the observer paradox effecting the old 21st century social modelling sims. So, you know, an amnesic researcher just jacked into the program as an avatar to make his observations that way.

Terrible OH&S fallout from that one.
I see people have been taking the red pill again. Will they ever learn?

I always find if you're unsure it's a Sim, it's handy to look out for the programmer's shortcuts. You know "quantum physics", Big Bang, and all those various world building fudges.
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