Your 2017 Writing Objectives?

Stuart Suffel

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2016
I'll have to cut n paste a post I put into General Books, but in the meantime, as it says on the tin.
Well Im greatly looking forward to 2017 (assuming Trump hasn't pushed the red button). I had a story accepted for an Anthology (out next May) which I am extremely happy about, as it has vindicated a new approach in my writing - a risky approach, but one I wish to continue with. So now I'll start writing in a way that I want to, and should have, a long time ago. In short, I'm all fired up for 2017, and feel it will be the start of my true writing.
Finish the edit and get a pro editor on board, self publish it then get onto the next one in the pipeline!
To finish my first big story + a bit of self-edit + get some beta-readers. As far as plans go, it's simple and self-contained.
The release for Waters and the Wild in July is shaping up to be my highest profile by a long margin with a lot of local support for it. I also hope to sp a novella and short story collection at the tail end of the year.

On the writing front, I'm funded to write the sister book to Waters and am working away at that. I then plan to work on the sequel to Inish Carraig.

I also have a course starting in writing speculative fiction in Jan, a series of coaching workshops to deliver focusing on using it as a writing development tool and a number of book groups, library visits and various other events lined up.

I'm very lucky that Inspired Quill are helping with the promo coming up and doing the heavy lifting for release or I would be very under pressure as work-work is also busy as is, as ever, my family life :) last year I needed 2 of me, this year 10 would barely make a dent in it all.
I'd like to finally finish and self-publish Eye of the Eagle. I'd like to redraft Gumshoe Paladin, give it a proper name, and submit it somewhere. I'd like to write something original and I think I'd like to maybe get a short story published somewhere.

But having done this topic elsewhere, my real objectives are a lot more process-related than target-related. To paraphrase Jim Telfer, its process that matters. If you put in the process, you'll get what you deserve.

So writing every day is one of my big objectives. Think I'm gonna add editing something every week too. More frequent use of critique resources (maybe I need a writing group).

Not sure how to work on the storytelling process though.
I'm aiming to finish the sequel to The Goddess Project in the next month or two, and then make significant progress on the third book. I'm pretty excited about the ideas I've had for it -- and already pretty annoyed at their inevitable abandonment as the story veers in a wildly different direction.
I hope to get the second novel in my series e-published in the first quarter of 2017. And I want to finish book-3 by the end of the year, including the editing. I have approx. 450 pages written so far.

It just takes time, work, and endless dedication to complete the process.

But it's something we all have: a commitment to improving our writing skills, and a powerful desire to finish our works in progress.

All I can say is, I hope you all reach your goals.
It seems that the novel I wrote for Warhammer 40,000, Straken, will be coming out in paperback in January.

I will be finishing the sixth Space Captain Smith book, The Pincers of Death, and hopefully that will see print in Spring or Summer. I'll also be working on the third volume of the fantasy quartet that I've been writing. I have no idea when, and if, it will see print.
Self-publish Thumar by march.
Get the second book in the series into the editing loop.
Start a new novel, I have several ideas, I need to whittle the list down.
Get some of my short stories published. One has already passed the final edit.
I've given myself 10 months to finish and sub my novel, which is probably a stretch...but I've decided you can't achieve anything without visualising your goals, so that's what I'm going to do. The problem is trying to keep my mind occupied with book 1, without getting carried away and daydreaming about books 2-4! (And I've made a pact with myself to NOT do ANY rewriting at all, because that's my biggest downfall...)
To finish by January:
1) Writing and uploading my Rimworld game spoof. I'm almost done, so this is manageable.
2) Writing three more short stories in my Darfur 3 shared universe
3) Finish the character profiles on my site.
4) Get one of the bonus chapters to Superhumanity loaded on my site.

To finish by February:
1) My first edit run to my Darfur 3 tie-in novel. I'm about 35% through already.
2) Finish the outline to my next Sci-fi action series The 6th Ship
3) Submit one more travel article to Eastasy
4) Get my ad campaign started.
5) Get a cover done for the tie-in novel.

To finish by March.
1) Submit a short story or two to a magazine
2) Make an outline for the next Darfur 3 novel
3) Get the tie-in novel ready for April release.

Hopeful goals for 2017-
1) get a booth at a convention
2) Do an interview
3) Get the people in my writing group to actually post what they write. Seriously, why'd they join the group if they don't write anything?
4) Live-stream a writing session on twitch or something. Will people pay me to watch me write? That'd be...interesting.
Honestly, if I can get this first draft of my WIP finished by the end of the year, I will be happy. I've done quite a bit just poking at it occasionally as of yet, so hopefully I can continue to work toward that vaunted light at the end of the tunnel.
I just want to write and enjoy doing it. I have a few things I want to do, but I am not going to say what in detail, save a few short stories and start a new novel.
To start my new WIP after a few months off. I had run out of steam after finishing my last book and of course the usual run of rejection letters. However, some of the rejection letters were positive with hand written notes of support, so all is not lost just yet. I still have the writing urge and I started the next project last night and it was the relaxing escapism I'm used to. Which means I'll keep going and try again. Progress is being made, but success is still a step away. I have a new job to keep me going so my progress will be slow, but I still enjoy writing so who cares.

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